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(credit: CBS)

Bills Takes Early Lead For GOP Senate Endorsement

Minnesota state Rep. Kurt Bills has jumped to an early lead in the race for U.S. Senate endorsement at the Republican State Convention.

16 mins ago

(credit: CBS)

GOP Gathers In St. Cloud For State Convention

Minneosta Republicans are gathering in St. Cloud this weekend to endorse a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

10 hours ago

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Now-Closed Adult-Themed Store Sues Minn. City

The owners of an adult-themed store that recently closed in East Grand Forks are suing the city in federal court.

18 hours ago

(credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Ron Paul Supporters To Make Mark At St. Cloud GOP Meeting

Texas Congressman Ron Paul is no longer actively campaigning for president, but his supporters are still expected to make some noise this weekend when Minnesota Republicans hold their state convention in St. Cloud.


(credit: CBS)

Fmr. Catholic Priests: Vote ‘No’ On Gay Marriage Amendment

A group representing 80 former Catholic priests from throughout the state of Minnesota gathered at the Lake Harriet band stand this morning to encourage a no vote on the marriage initiative for the Minnesota Constitution.


(credit: Jupiter Images)

Interior Dept. Nullifies Duluth’s Casino Contract

The City of Duluth has lost another fight to get some of the money from the tribal casino in its downtown district.


(credit: CBS)

Dog Owners Concerned Over Traps Even After Legislation Passes

Some Minnesota dog owners asked lawmakers to change how body grip traps, which can kill dogs, are used.
Lawmakers responded, but not in the way some dog owners had hoped.


(credit: CBS)

Reality Check: Minnesota Governors And Their Vetoes

Gov. Mark Dayton’s controversial veto this week of the Republican second tax bill still has some GOP lawmakers fuming. It was the latest in an unusually high number of vetoes. But is Dayton that much different than previous governors? Here’s Pat Kessler’s Reality Check.


(credit: CBS)

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Releases New Book

Just in time for the 2012 election campaign, a political guide from a former Minnesota governor.


(credit: CBS)

Wisconsin Governor Releases Better 2011 Jobs Data

Republican Gov. Scott Walker released better 2011 jobs figures on Wednesday in an attempt to rebuff a central argument of those trying to recall him from office that Wisconsin’s economy has suffered under his leadership.


US Soldier

U.S. Congress Working To Restore Paid Leave For Troops

Some 2,000 Minnesota Red Bulls and more than 45,000 other National Guard troops nationwide are only a single vote away from having a much needed financial benefit restored to their military service package.


(credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images/CBS)

At Session’s End, Was It Really A ‘Do Nothing’ Legislature?

For the first time in many weeks, the Minnesota Vikings stadium is not a story at the Capitol. But that doesn’t mean politicians weren’t busy kicking off the election campaign.


(credit: CBS)

Motorcycles And Taxpayers: The Costs Of Not Wearing A Helmet

To wear a helmet, or not to wear a helmet? That’s a question relevant to both motorcyclists and taxpayers.


(credit: Hannah Foslien/Getty Images)

$628K Sought For MN Redistricting Costs

The Minnesota court panel that settled the latest round of political redistricting is now being asked to cover more than $628,000 in legal bills for the Democrats, Republicans and citizens who joined the lawsuit.


(credit: CBS)

Former Wis. DA Files For Bankruptcy

A former Wisconsin prosecutor accused of sending racy text messages to a domestic abuse victim has filed for bankruptcy.


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(credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Michele Bachmann Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Michele Bachmann is quitting the Republican presidential campaign, saying she’s “decided to stand aside” in the wake of her sixth place finish in the Iowa precinct caucuses.

(credit: CBS)

OccupyMN Protests In Mpls.

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the Government Plaza in downtown Minneapolis Friday morning to show solidarity with the ongoing demonstrations against Wall Street.

(credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

President Obama Visits Cannon Falls

President Obama arrived in Minnesota on Air Force One to start a 3-day bus tour of the Midwest with a visit to Cannon Falls, Minn. for a town hall meeting at Hannah’s Bend Park.

(credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Protests Brew Anew In Wisconsin

Thousands of protesters pushed past security, climbed through windows and flooded the Wisconsin Capitol late Wednesday, March 9 after Senate Republicans pushed through a plan to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights.

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama eats a frog leg during a stop at the Pier 32 restaurant in Hamilton, Indiana, on August 31, 2008 with his running mate Joe Biden. Obama and Biden are on the third day of their "On the Road to Change" tour through battleground states. (credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

Presidential Eats For Obama

From his time in the U.S. Senate to the campaign trail and now in the White House, President Obama has been seen many times enjoying all sorts of food. Check out some of his favorites [...]

First lady Michelle Obama waves as she arrives for a gathering at the Pentagon, Friday, April 9, 2010, where she visited the Pentagon and thanked the military personnel and civilian employees serving at the Defense Department. (Credit: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)

Michelle Obama: The First Lady’s Fashion

The First Lady, Michelle Obama, is known for making fashion statements. Check out some of her most memorable outfits and some of her daily clothes.

Hard rock guitarist Ted Nugent serves on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association, and was rumored to be under consideration by the Illinois Republican Party as its candidate in that state’s 2004 Senate race. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

Celebrities Who Lean To The Right

Celebrities are generally considered to be a liberal and left-leaning community, but these famous faces have taken a public stance to the right.

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