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Jewish: Quiz


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  • athlete Gretel Bergmann left Germany for America because she was discriminated against for being Jewish, and that she refused to return to attend festivities when the Berlin-Wilmersdorf sports complex was named in her honour?
  • Penitents Compete is a Turkish reality television series in which a Jewish rabbi, a Buddhist monk, a Greek Orthodox priest, and a Muslim imam try to convert atheists?
  • Wilshire Boulevard Temple, with its landmark Byzantine dome (pictured), is the oldest Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles?
  • in 1991, Victor Erlich, the grandson of Henryk Ehrlich, was informed that his father, a Jewish Bund leader who had been executed on Stalin’s orders, had been "rehabilitated"?
  • the Kultur Lige was a socialist Jewish organization associated with the Jewish Labour Bund, established in Kiev in 1918, whose aim was to promote Yiddish language literature, theater and culture?
  • the film version of the play Norman, Is That You? substitutes an African-American family for a Jewish family?
  • the Wissenschaft des Judentums or "the scientific investigation of Judaism", was a 19th century movement by Jewish philosophers in Berlin premised on using scientific methods to analyze the origins of Jewish traditions?
  • the Washington Hebrew Congregation is a Reform Jewish congregation in the District of Columbia that has operated continuously since its formation on April 25, 1852, by twenty-one members?
  • Sylvan Friedman, a member of both houses of the Louisiana State Legislature from 1944 to 1972, was part of a small but influential Jewish community in Natchitoches Parish?
  • Oriental metal is a kind of death metal music that originated in Israel which has traditional Jewish and "Oriental" influences?
  • Rabbi Judith Hauptman has written extensively on the treatment of women in her scholarly articles on the Jewish Talmud?
  • Estonian-Jewish chemist Moses Wolf Goldberg earned the Habilitation degree in 1935 despite increasing xenophobia at ETH Zurich?
  • Cincinnati, Ohio, architect Rudolph Tietig designed a Jewish country club and two synagogues, including Temple K.K. Bene Israel for one of the oldest congregations west of the Allegheny Mountains?
  • Gideon Brecher (1797 - 1873) was a Jewish Austrian physician and writer who wrote what is most likely the first scholarly article on circumcision, Die Beschneidung der Israeliten, etc., in 1845?
  • Isaac Albalag was a Jewish philosopher whose liberal interpretations of the Biblical account of the Creation, in accordance with the Aristotelian theory of the eternity of the world, stamped him in the eyes of many as a heretic?
  • John Duncan, a Scottish Presbyterian theologian and missionary, was affectionately known as "Rabbi", due to his knowledge of Hebrew and his passion for the Jewish people?
  • James A. Kowalski, dean of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York, had a Roman Catholic father and a Jewish mother, but they joined the Episcopal Church when they started a family?
  • British Pre-Raphaelite painter Solomon Joseph Solomon (artist of the picture) was one of the few Jewish painters of his time to become a member of the Royal Academy?
  • ">
    Question 1: What does the following picture show?

      Jews in Minsk, 1941. Before World War II some 40% of the population was Jewish. By the time the Red Army retook the city on 3 July 1944, there were only a few Jewish survivors.
      Jewish refugees in China in the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II. Shanghai offered unconditional asylum for tens of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe escaping the Holocaust.[136]
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"

    Question 2: What does the following picture show?

      Ashkenazi Jews of late 19th century Eastern Europe portrayed in Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur (1878), by Maurycy Gottlieb.
      WW I poster shows a soldier cutting the bonds from a Jewish man, who says, "...now let me help you set others free!".
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"

    Question 3: What does the following picture show?

      WW I poster shows a soldier cutting the bonds from a Jewish man, who says, "...now let me help you set others free!".
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"

    Question 4: What does the following picture show?

      David Ben Gurion (First Prime Minister of Israel) publicly pronouncing the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948.
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"
      Ashkenazi Jews of late 19th century Eastern Europe portrayed in Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur (1878), by Maurycy Gottlieb.
      Jewish refugees in China in the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II. Shanghai offered unconditional asylum for tens of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe escaping the Holocaust.[136]

    Question 5: What does the following picture show?

      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"
      David Ben Gurion (First Prime Minister of Israel) publicly pronouncing the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948.

    Question 6: What does the following picture show?

      Jews (identifiable by the distinctive hats that they were required to wear) being killed by Christian knights. French Bible illustration from 1255.
      Jewish refugees in China in the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II. Shanghai offered unconditional asylum for tens of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe escaping the Holocaust.[136]
      Ashkenazi Jews of late 19th century Eastern Europe portrayed in Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur (1878), by Maurycy Gottlieb.
      Ashkenazi Jews of late 19th century Eastern Europe portrayed in Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur (1878), by Maurycy Gottlieb.

    Question 7: What does the following picture show?

      WW I poster shows a soldier cutting the bonds from a Jewish man, who says, "...now let me help you set others free!".
      Jews in Minsk, 1941. Before World War II some 40% of the population was Jewish. By the time the Red Army retook the city on 3 July 1944, there were only a few Jewish survivors.
      In this Rosh Hashana greeting card from the early 1900s, Russian Jews, packs in hand, gaze at the American relatives beckoning them to the United States. Over two million Jews would flee the pogroms of the Russian Empire to the safety of the US from 1881–1924.[95]

    Question 8: What does the following picture show?

      Jewish refugees in China in the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II. Shanghai offered unconditional asylum for tens of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe escaping the Holocaust.[136]
      Etching of the expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt on August 23, 1614. The text says: "1380 persons old and young were counted at the exit of the gate"
      In this Rosh Hashana greeting card from the early 1900s, Russian Jews, packs in hand, gaze at the American relatives beckoning them to the United States. Over two million Jews would flee the pogroms of the Russian Empire to the safety of the US from 1881–1924.[95]
      Jewish refugees in China in the Shanghai Ghetto during World War II. Shanghai offered unconditional asylum for tens of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe escaping the Holocaust.[136]

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