
LCBS Spotlight: The Million Year Picnic

Massachusetts is famous for many things, but one of the top things we have going for us here is our education system. Specifically, we have some of the top post-high…

LCBS Spotlight: Comicazi

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I recently made a list of comic stores that I’ve been to that I never reviewed, so look for more…

LCBS Spotlight: Laughing Ogre Comics

Located in Lansdowne, Virginia (not quite Ashburn yet not quite Leesburg), Laughing Ogre Comics is in an excellent spot to do business. Located right off of the ever-busy Route 7,…

LCBS Spotlight: Bosco’s Comics (Spenard)

This is likely to be the one and only time I will put together and LCBS Spotlight, but I’d told Matt I would do it and do it I will….

LCBS Spotlight: Amazing Fantasy Comics

If you’re ever in the Newport News area and need to keep up with your weekly comics, look no further than Amazing Fantasy Comics. Open since 1992, both of Amazing…

LCBS Spotlight: Hub Comics

This starts with a funny story: this weekend my friend came over to go to a comic book store and partake in the sales. I decided that, since I live…

LCBS Spotlight: Midtown Comics

The triumphant return of the LCBS Spotlight! Now that we’ve had a break from the intrepid treks around all of MA (with a few more stores pending), it’s time to…

LCBS Spotlight: The Outer Limits

As I wrap up my tout of Massachusetts before LCBS Spotlight begins to branch out to other states (remember: if you have something to say about your LCBS, please e-mail…

LCBS Spotlight: Bedrock Comics

We’re coming close to the end of MA reign of LCBS spotlights. While there are several stores I’ve been too that are worth mentioning, I don’t visit them enough in…

LCBS Spotlight: Newbury Comics

I’ve just about run out of comic book stores in MA to discuss, and in the next few weeks I’ll be moving into stores in other states. Exciting! However, before…

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