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The Jobs Czar: General Electric's Jeffrey Immelt

October 9, 2011 12:15 PM

Can General Electric Chairman Jeffrey Immelt, whose company has been racking up big profits overseas, help create jobs in America? Lesley Stahl interviews the man President Obama chose to lead the crucial quest for more American jobs.

The jobs czar: GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt

60 Minutes OverTimeGE's Jeff Immelt: The controversy over U.S. jobs

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by EAtasi January 3, 2012 7:32 AM EST
Mr. Immelt wants Americans to love GE just like the Germans and Japanese love their GE compatible companies. First German companies have great apprenticeship programs where they train there unskilled workers to do the job and be creative and that is the big German secret on keeping jobs in their country. I think the Japanese companies are also the same, but they have a great corporate culture to take care of their employees. Mr. Immelt want to spend the money on retraining Americans, so he is taking the responsibilities from corporations particularly GE's and its interest on saving cost in training employees and passing it on to the government. wow he thinks that we do not get his big corporate scheme on passing on responsibility on the american government just like the Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions schemes on deregulation and bullying the government to bail them out of their troubles. Let us not forget about the college loans bubles too. I wonder how much can a system like this lasts. I doubt into the comming half century.
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by AnonymousRefugee December 9, 2011 7:49 AM EST
This guy need be at the top of the list when the people demand RESOLUTION!!
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by venusvegasvada December 5, 2011 2:18 AM EST
General Electric, King of not paying their US taxes and off-shoring jobs.

The Govt has decided to put this guy in charge of US jobs?

Are you kidding me?
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by netjunkie1 November 15, 2011 1:03 AM EST
I am so disappointed with our job czar.....traitor...and President Obama's biggest mistake...
I feel Robert Reich is the man for the job.
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by billster68 November 5, 2011 1:42 PM EDT
Guess those jobs were not as "shovel ready" as we thought - - ha,ha,ha.
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by griff16 October 20, 2011 12:09 PM EDT
I am British working in Norway for GE Oil and Gas . My department covers The North Sea , Russia and the Caspian Sea area for sub sea drilling and production equipment.There are many nationalities working on our site and I find GE very Global in their outlook.

It makes sense to be based in Norway to cover the region in which we work in.I find some of the comments above quite bizarre , Americans should be proud of having such a global company supplying complicated equipment to companies like , Chevron , Exxon Shell and BP.

Some of the above people may not realise that BP employs more people in The US than the UK , it is the way of the world.GE in our sector is actively recruiting at the moment , just log onto their website and if you are qualified I am sure you have the possibility to work for them.Remember global companies will employ people if they have an education.
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by Intrepid_Iconoclast October 19, 2011 3:59 PM EDT
A few years ago, during the height of the stimulus debate, 60 minutes ran a story about the potential of a "buy American" provision being inserted into the stimulus bill. Leslie interviewed the CEOs of Nucor Steel, a guy who was for the provision (and who thought "free trade" was a fallacy), and the CEO of Caterpillar, who was against the "buy American" provision (and who didn't want the govt to start a trade war).

What struck me was how the Nucor guy makes a simple, easily counterfeit-able product - a piece of steel. Contrast that to Caterpillar, who makes an incredibly complex product from millions of parts, and who, with the benefit of 50 years of production experience, has an 'end result product' is NOT easily counterfeit-able in a global economy. Chinese steel can be found everywhere, the Chinese equivalent to Caterpillar cannot be found everywhere.

GE may hate Caterpillar as a competitor, but they are both in the same boat, globally. They both benefit in a global world because they build complex products that cannot be easily counterfeited by other emerging countries within the global economy. GE has basically spun off the divisions that make less complex products, and has 'doubled down' and invested in the areas of its business portfolio that build complex products that will do well, globally, because they are hard to counterfeit.

The problem we face in this country is we have essentially turned the policy of "whats good for the US economy" over to a small handful of multinationals that build complex products that are hard to counterfeit in a global marketplace. meanwhile, nobody is addressing the job losses among the creators of less complex products, companies like the Nucor Steel's of this country. And to think that before border-less trade came along, the steel industry and its offshoots, automotive and appliances, was actually what built the middle class of this country. Prior to these f'ed up global trade deals, we didn't need an industrial base centered around complex products to build a middle class.

So Immelt is just like his competitor, the Caterpillar CEO in that other story, embracing global trade because it is harder for emerging countries to build knock-off copies of their respective products. And to hell with the rest of the economy.
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by outofworkmba October 17, 2011 2:22 AM EDT
I can't believe I' the only one with this username. I know dozens of out of work MBA's.

Coming from a guy with years of business experience, an understanding of free market principles, and a penchant for business, we're screwed. Jeff's going to do what's in the best interest of his company no matter what. Karl Marx was wrong about Communism and right about Capitalism. It's not going to stop until the 1% have everything and the 99% have nothing. Think collective bargaining was hard in the first go around, try organizing the under-educated workers of 30 different countries all at once. Globalization works out great for the GE's of the world and their CEOs. But the majority of us...the 99%, get totally screwed. Remember the riots in Seattle at the WTO meetings? Too bad most of us took the corporate paid politicians' word for it that it would be good. Ya $25 disposable microwaves from China were nice...when we all had $25. Now we think we're lucky if Jeff offers us a job for $10 an hour.

Jeff aint gonna do Jack. He can't and he won't...less he loose his job. That sociopath that describes the behavior of all U.S. corporations can't tolerate frivolous ideals like benevolence or patriotism. This isn't going to end until 1.5 billion Chinese, 1 billion Indians and 309 million Americans all have the same standard of living. That while several thousand CEO's and Politicians continue to convince us they're going to make a difference for which they have no incentive.
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by uncdav October 15, 2011 1:37 PM EDT
It doesn't take an ivy league education for folks like Jeff Immelt and big business CEO's to come to the relization that aquiring American companies and moving the jobs overseas will result in the situation that the US economy is in now. You must use what Jeff preaches so dear to his heart. Let the free market decide. So when making your next purchase. Do the research. When you see the GE logo. Move on.
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by mamidtres October 14, 2011 3:21 AM EDT
All I have to say is this when the next dictator/fascist decides to invade or block oil trade I hope the world calls in the Brazilians and the Chinese to do the fighting.....if just bothers me that for GE to survive, for all of its investors to make a buck they need a stable world and open markets something they can count on thanks to American tax dollars and lives. Yet when asked to help with the bill of the nice stable world, they move to Ireland, Brazil, Mexico and China. After seeing this we should stop living a lied and start making changes that reflect our reality...first change the name of our capital instead of Washington DC it should be Washington Inc. Benjamin Franklin was right our national bird should the Turkey..we keep voting in the same kind of people expecting different results.
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