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  1. We got this awesome #MTVnow pic from @CHOSEN_323 on Twitter! Tweet us a pic of what you're doing right now for a chance to be RT'd by @MTV, get your pic on air, or win more sweet stuff:
  2. You guys really earned this one! As promised, here's the first 10 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf, season 2!
  3. Nicki and Nas —it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Watch Nicki's 'Right by My Side' video here:
  4. More details on the tragic passing of Donna Summer:
  5. He's ba-aack. The godfather of Punk'd is returning just for the Movie Awards on June 3. Famous people, you've been warned:
    Who's got two thumbs and is hosting a special episode of Punk'd before the MTV Movie Awards on June 3? This guy. More:

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