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Syria: Israel A "Major Obstacle" To Peace

(AP Photo/Eric Feferberg)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday championed the right of resistance to get back occupied lands, branding the "extreme" Israeli government as a "major obstacle" to peacemaking in the Middle East.

"The failure of the peace process so far has clearly shown that Israel is the major obstacle to peace. How can a state that was founded on illegal occupation and continues to murder the original inhabitants work toward peace?" Assad wondered in an opening address to a ministerial meeting of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference in Damascus.

"How can a country that has chosen the most extreme government in its history be a partner for peace?" he added, referring to the Israeli government of right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which took office two months ago.

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Syria, Jordan Comment On U.S. Mideast Plan

Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad and Jordan's King Abdullah II On Monday praised U.S. efforts for maintaining lasting settlement in the Middle East, as Washington was promoting a peace plan involving a 57-state solution in which the entire Muslim world would recognize Israel.

But both leaders underlined after a lengthy set of talks in the Syrian capital the "U.S. calls for achieving durable and comprehensive peace should be on the basis of the Madrid formula and the land-for-peace principle which maintains security and stability for the people of the region," according to a statement.

King Abdullah arrived earlier in the day in a previously unannounced trip and immediately headed for the People's Palace to brief Assad on the outcome of his April 21 meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, said the statement, which was carried on the state-run news agency.

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U.S. Talks In Syria Intensify

Two U.S. high-level envoys arrived in Damascus on Thursday for the second time in less than two months for talks with Syrian officials on how to seal best the Syrian border with Iraq and fuel the stalling Syrian-Israeli negotiations.

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman and National Security Council Middle East affairs Senior Advisor Daniel Shapiro flew in and they were expected to meet with Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallem in a few hours.

The Syrian chief of diplomacy is currently seeing his Finnish and Estonian counterparts who just met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

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Syrian Leader Defends Alliance With Iran

(AP/S. Safari, Mehr News Agency)
President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday defended his alliance with Iran as "strategic," only a couple of days ahead of a visit by two high-level U.S. officials to Damascus in their bids to weaken the long-time bond.

The Syrian leader told reporters following his talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that both countries' vision over the past years was "correct."

"This is apparent in two points. The first is that the relation is strategic — and that is evident through the visit of Mr. Ahmadinejad today—and the second point is related to the persistent Arab common work to achieve a stable and independent region whose destiny is linked to the decision of its people," Assad said.

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U.S. Delegation Headed Back To Syria

This story was filed by CBS News' George Baghdadi, reporting from Damascus.
A high-level U.S. delegation will visit Syria this week — for the second time in just two months — to discuss how best to seal the Mideast state's border with Iraq, and how to stoke faltering peace talks between Syria and Israel.

(AP Photo/Bassem Tellawi)
Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman (right) and White House Middle East envoy Daniel Shapiro (left) will fly to the Syrian capital on Thursday, according to Arab diplomats who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity.

The Obama administration's continuing outreach to Damascus comes just a few days after the release in Beirut of four Lebanese generals detained in connection with the 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The release, ordered by a United Nations court, was welcomed with joy and celebration by militant group Hezbollah and Syria's political allies inside Lebanon.

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Syria Chides Israel's "Contradicting" Signals

Syria's top diplomat on Sunday accused his Israeli counterpart of sending "contradicting" messages on the Middle East peace process, expressing Damascus' frustration with what Syria considers a lack of willingness on the part of Israel's new government to make peace.

(AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill)
"I don't want to comment on what Lieberman is saying, as his (statements) contradict each other," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said of Avigdor Lieberman (at left) – the most conservative and polarizing member of Israel's new, right-leaning government.

Lieberman told Israel's Army Radio on Sunday that he would "be glad to negotiate with Syria this evening, but without preconditions."

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Syria Praises Obama's Mideast Approach

Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Moallem on Tuesday praised President Obama's pledge to pursue a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians as "positive," but warned the real test for the new American leader's approach in the Middle East was yet to come.

In an encompassing address to the Turkish parliament Monday — aimed squarely at the Muslim world — Mr. Obama reiterated his call for a negotiated solution to the decades-old conflict in Israel, saying it must result in the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Mr. Obama also called on Turkey to help broker successful talks between Syria and Israel.

First Lebanese Embassy Opens In Syria

(AP Photo/Bassem Tellawi)
A Lebanese flag flew over Beirut Monday, hoisted atop the first-ever Lebanese Embassy in Damascus.

There were no festivities to accompany the final, long-awaited step in the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the two countries for the first time in their 60 year history.

Charge d'affaires Rami Mourtadaha drew back a curtain to reveal the plaque: "The Embassy of the Lebanese Republic." The building sits near the U.S. Embassy on the Syrian capital's upscale Abu Rummaneh street.

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EU Delegation Pushes For Normal Relations With Hamas

Members of a high-profile European parliamentary delegation are urging their governments to engage in direct talks with Hamas and end the Islamic movement's international isolation. The push comes after a marathon meeting Saturday between the delegation and Hamas's political leader Khaled Mashaal, who is in exile in Damascus.

(AP Photo/Bassem Tellawi)
Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal

The six-member delegation, which includes lawmakers from Britain, Scotland and Ireland, said its first public move would be to encourage more Europeans to recognize Hamas as a legitimate movement that was democratically elected in January, 2006.

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High-Level Talks Another Step For U.S.-Syria Diplomacy

Although Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has not met with two senior U.S. envoys, Damascus and Washington sounded upbeat on Saturday that their first high-level talks in the Syrian capital in four years would result in better ties between the two countries after years of tension.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem sat with Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs Jeffrey Feltman and Daniel Shapiro, a senior staffer on the National Security Council, for four hours as both sides tested the waters to see what concrete offers will emerge as the countries seek a closer rapprochement.

(AP Photo/Bassem Tellawi)
Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem is seen in a March, 2008 file photo. Muallem met with two top U.S. envoys March 7, 2009 as Syria and the U.S. seek renewed diplomatic relations.

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