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Kingdom Hearts 3D's Soundtrack Perfectly Embodies the Series' Spirit

Three discs of incredible remixes and homages set the tone for a 3DS blockbuster.

By Jeremy Parish 2012-04-13 14:57:52.8

Tags: Nintendo 3DS Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (Nintendo 3DS)

I don't know if you remember when the original Kingdom Hearts was first announced, but it seemed like an impossibly off-the-wall concept: Final Fantasy character designer Tetsuya Nomura, heading up a collaborative action RPG that would smash together Square's tentpole franchise and Walt Disney movies, of all things. The combination worked, although since the first chapter the series has strayed further and further into its own strange territory with the Heartless and the Nobodies and, with the upcoming Dream Drop Distance for 3DS, the Dream Eaters. As we continue to wait for Kingdom Hearts III, the spin-offs grow ever more recursive (not to mention confusing).

Thank goodness for the soundtracks. Headed up by Square Enix veteran (now freelance) Yoko Shimomura, the soundtrack to each and every Kingdom Hearts title is impeccable. And with KH3D, her work offers a concise reminder of what the series has always been about at heart. Namely, flinging together Final Fantasy and Disney concepts and seeing how they all shake out, then bashing your way through the results with a sword shaped like a key.

I'm struck, in listening to the game's soundtrack, by how much various tracks remind me of music from Final Fantasy games, despite the fact that they're not direct references to any particular Square game (and, based on the track listing, look to have more to do with Disney properties -- presumably Pinocchio). "The Fun Fair" has a sound reminiscent of Hitoshi Sakimoto's work for Final Fantasy XII and Tactics, while "Broken Reality" has a staccato xylophone feel that puts me in mind of Final Fantasy IX's "Ice Caverns."

And while the soundtrack includes classical compositions taken directly from the Fantasia soundtrack, the remainder of its compositions are almost entirely original, meant only to evoke the spirit of the various movie worlds feature in the game. The acoustic, European-flavored tunes based around The Hunchback of Notre Dame's world are wildly different from the shimmering electronica featured in game's Tron Legacy-based area -- but despite their diversity, these pieces work both to define their settings and as part of a cohesive whole. The Disney pastiches manage a rare feat of video game composition in that they convey the whimsy and lightheartedness of the source material without becoming grating or childish: Something most RPG composers struggle with.

In a nice bit of fan service, KH3D features a small crossover with The World Ends With You as that game's protagonist Neku appears in the Traverse Town hub. Shimomura and her team have reinterpreted three of the most memorable songs from TWEWY (including "Twister" and "Calling") in the Kingdom Hearts style. The reworked versions are more melodic, richer and brighter, and generally take Takeharu Ishimoto's excellent pop-funk work and elevate them to a new level. Check out this sample and see for yourself:

What's really nice about the KH3D soundtrack is that the improved data density of 3DS cards over DS cartridges means the in-game audio actually sounds like the soundtrack CDs rather than being hissy and compressed the way the dialogue and music in 358/2 Days for DS were. KH3D's soundtrack is out next week in Japan, and Square Enix will be selling it on their U.S. store as well closer to the game's American launch this summer. It's three discs of great music in the classic Square Enix mold. No matter how things change, and no matter how all-over-the-place the Kingdom Hearts series can seem, it's nice to know you can always count on Yoko Shimomura to keep it real.

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Comments (23)

  • kingsharkboi
  • If there's one thing

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  kingsharkboi

    you can count on for a Squareenix game even nowadays its the music being above average to great.

    • D'ark Ouer
    • I agree mostly...

      Posted: 04/15/2012 by  D'ark Ouer

      except, FF XIII's OST, in my opinion, left a lot to be desired... even more so in light of great previous composers used for the series: mainly Nobuo Uematsu, and Hitoshi Sakimoto.


      As for Yoko Shimomura's work, I've yet to hear a OST composed by her in which I don't like at least 80% of the tracks.

    • D'ark Ouer
    • I agree mostly...

      Posted: 04/15/2012 by  D'ark Ouer

      except, FF XIII's OST, in my opinion, left a lot to be desired... even more so in light of great previous composers used for the series: mainly Nobuo Uematsu, and Hitoshi Sakimoto.


      As for Yoko Shimomura's work, I've yet to hear a OST composed by her in which I don't like at least 80% of the tracks.

  • larryface
  • Did not care for that song

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  larryface

    A little too busy for my tastes. My brain already has to work overtime when I'm playing KH in order to sort of comprehend what's going on.

  • DarkHalo003
  • Is it just me...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  DarkHalo003

    ...or is there a lack of the cornerstone piano and violin that the Kingdom Hearts OST has been virtually built around? I feel like its all a bit too techno, but then again I do think it fits the game well considering where they are.

  • cLoUdStRiFe90
  • Yoko Shinomura "reinterpreting" tracks? Umm...no.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  cLoUdStRiFe90

    Yoko Shinomura did not "reinterpret" the TWEWY tracks. Takeharu Ishimoto worked on the soundtrack himself in collaboration with Shinomura. He remixed his own tracks. He also provided tracks for Birth By Sleep including the much praised track, "Enter The Darkness". 

    • jparish
    • Exact quote: "Shimomura and her team"

      Posted: 04/14/2012 by  jparish

      Which included Ishimoto.

  • ExhaledHippo
  • Great Soundtrack

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  ExhaledHippo

    I wish this wasnt on the 3DS!! I love the Kingdom Hearts Series and of course this has to be on that Nintendo waste of money handheld.

    • Goth-Hawk
    • i feel your pain

      Posted: 04/14/2012 by  Goth-Hawk

      maybe a better port wil come to the Vita.

    • nuhash
    • i dont

      Posted: 04/15/2012 by  nuhash

      maybe a better handheld will be made for the game Tongue out

    • JaySolus
    • Yeah

      Posted: 04/29/2012 by  JaySolus

      Vita seems a bit better especially since 3DS lacks a second analog w/o the CPP

  • RPG_Coopy
  • Ah, Yoko...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  RPG_Coopy

    Thank you for bringing us these beautiful melodies time and again... NOW GIVE US KH3 DAMMIT.

  • patossai0
  • a great soundtrack is cool and all...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  patossai0

    but when are getting a release date? i need this game now!

  • kayraiser
  • Missing genes

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  kayraiser

    There must be something missing in my genetic setup, comparing myself against all those ppl going on about game music or cultural trending music in general.

    This particular piece for KH, for example, tells me...absolutely nothing, it doesn´t stir any emotions of any kind. If any, it is kind of melancholic and annoyingly squeaky after couple of seconds, actually. If found that to be true for most of JRPG game music...

    But again - the only music that actually does stir anything in me are things like Rammstein, sometimes some hard upbeat techno...and some classic rock (at least I think it is that?) like "The animals" or even things like Glenn Miller...but I don't understand the fuzz about JRPG music, pop and soft rock and crap like that...

    Is it just me feeling that way? Likely...Sealed

    • sepewrath
    • You've

      Posted: 04/16/2012 by  sepewrath

      never had a unique idea in your life, there's always at least one other person who feels the exact same way. Music is subjective, there are people who don't see the appeal in classic rock and a ton of people who hate techno lol. People like what they like, there some great tracks in Japanese games.

  • xd-birdx
  • Hikaru Utada

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  xd-birdx

    I miss the Hikaru Utada songs.

  • SuperSmashSolidSnake
  • I will be honest

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  SuperSmashSolidSnake

    and say every Dearly Beloved (Title Screen Music) brings a tear to my eye. 

  • Classic_Defender
  • Magic to my ears

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Classic_Defender

    I'd love to see this woman head up a sequal to Legend of Dragoon even though it's a SOny I.P.

    Hopefully Yoko will be incharge of the music for the 3DS remake of Final Fantasy VI. That game is too perfect to allow screw ups, the BEST in the FF series deserves the BEST in the people who work on it.

  • SynergisticSyn
  • Throw in some Chrono Crossover

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  SynergisticSyn

    You have dream eaters, not that far from the Dream Devourer at the end of the DS version of Chrono Trigger.

  • AkaiNeko4
  • That....

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  AkaiNeko4

    ....didn't sound as good as teh original "Calling". Maybe I just have crappy speakers....? I'll fish out my headphones and try again later.

  • dalas
  • o easy wanna be crazy.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  dalas

    Single mom make $120 in a day. Extra money by (http://lazycash23)

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