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Death Wish

April 28, 2012 7:45 PM

Did a motivational speaker motivate someone to kill him? Richard Schlesinger reports.

Did Jeffery Locker hire his own killer?
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by essembee April 29, 2012 10:33 AM EDT
He still killed him. How many of you would do what was asked of him? It is unfortunate that he gave in. What was he thinking? I'll tell you, he thought he'd get away with it! Wake up...he shot a man..20 years is better than life..and he'll probably get out in 10.
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by randomcomments April 29, 2012 10:31 AM EDT
some of you peeps are a little warped.. Minor wrong side of the tracks. yes but no excuse to assisted a murder,even if that murder is to oneself.. It is still murder & it's illegal.
Locker is a sad sad sad person his family should all be charged with conspiracy. It is outrageous that they are not being held accountable. I AM OUTRAGED THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHARGED WITH ANYTHING..I TRUST THEY WILL BE. THIS WAS CONSPIRACY! Sorry pity but no sympathy for Minor. He's an in interesting dude who will improve with some time to think about what he did. The first guy did not come back.. Minor was motivated by money..
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by livefree23 April 29, 2012 10:10 AM EDT
I watched this show last night.. i cant not believe they convicted this man to 20 years. I truly feel as though this man is telling the truth! His story gave me the chills, you could tell when he addressed the court it was coming from his heart. He is right this case was doomed from the beginning, it comes down to race unfortunately. I mean come on if my husband,father,friend,uncle,brother was dead and i thought they were murdered i would be in that court room HEllO jury! Just look at the fact the family was not around didn't seem to care, the text messages from the son and randomly a long island man just heads down to the Bronx. I mean the surveillance video alone shows Kenneth causally getting in the car no struggle no gun being pointed at locker it was as if the men were friends. So Casey Anthony walks free and this man is behind bars.. wow what has this world come to.
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by sharlamay April 29, 2012 10:03 AM EDT
If you had a desparate man who said to you "My eyes are going to explode please gorge them out". Not knowing the person or his real circumstance would you preferr to help him by calling somebody more qualified to understand and do what's best by this person or would you gorge his eyes out and steal all his money instead without any moral introspection? Anybody who makes a request to be killed be he not in physical pain, which can be controlled by morphine, is mentally unstable and desparate and needs help to live not to die.
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by roxansami April 29, 2012 9:15 AM EDT
While I believe Miner's story since assisted suicide is also illegal he probably should have been charged with something...but NOT murder. I also think the family knew...which explains their reaction to the news of Locker's death...and therefore they are also guilty...if not in his death then certainly in insurance fraud.
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by CherryCokeNixon April 29, 2012 8:08 AM EDT
There are no victims, only criminals in this case. Locker was a con artist, Minor was a petty criminal, and Locker's family are accomplices. Awful all around. No winners.
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by sharlamay April 29, 2012 8:00 AM EDT
Kevin Minor is not only stupid he is a fantastic liar-
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by ndh72 April 29, 2012 7:15 AM EDT
I have watched nearly every episode on 48Hours online and I have never commented on a story until now. This is bogus as everyone one here can CLEARLY see. I've seen people get off on much less circumstantial evidence than this. Everything that 48Hours found out here collaborates this man's story. By his own admission, he said he deserved some time. Yet, it is clear that he was going to take the fall. The juror admitted that everyone felt sorry for this man, yet their verdict was "guilty". How was it that simple???? 4 hours to convict? Really? The judge in this case floored me with her lack of empathy. They ignored the fact that he was obviously telling the truth. I truly believe that in his own words, he lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Too obvious! I agree with the commentor that we should file a petition. PLEASE let me know and I will sign up. How can anyone watching this story NOT be outraged? Here I am a Registered Nurse, preparing to go back to school for my Masters Degree in Political Science and Law in the Fall, and cases like this gives me pause. I'm concerned that I won't be able to stomach the many injustices I see on a daily basis in the news such as this one. Sad.
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by MythostheWhale April 29, 2012 6:47 AM EDT
the juror was simply irrelevant, talking about sympathy, that Minor was chosen, and that "he stabbed Locker, and that makes it murder". no it doesn't, not according to the statute that the defense lawyer is arguing. that: it does not matter what Minor did.. "if he assists the victim in committing suicide" it is manslaughter. this is what the jury should have talked about and not sympathy! it is weird how you can trust juries of (in this case) ignorant citizens, who do not read the law. if the statute is there as the lawyer claims, Minor would easily win the appeal, by a decent jury this time!
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by 007az April 29, 2012 4:14 AM EDT
This is an injustice - I hope Kevin Minor wins his appeal. It is incredibly obvious that Jeffrey Locker had a plan - one that his family was (sickly) aware of. Kevin Minor should be freed and Jeffrey Locker's family should come clean. How despicable that Mrs. Locker is suing for more money while Kevin sits in jail - absolutely disgusting.
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