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by agentzer007 April 26, 2012 6:00 PM EDT
People don't vote for people they don't like. Unfortunately this works in Obama's favor. he is an embarrassment with no leadership ability.
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by Obama4more April 26, 2012 6:00 PM EDT
Voters tend to vote for the candidate they like. Kind of funny that way...?
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by Ourdoc1 April 26, 2012 6:00 PM EDT
Once again the idiots on the right are so out of touch they are clueless.

Look at Mitt talk, you can see he looks he gets on his face once in a while that looks just like a mean abuser, and his job history shows just that. I'd die before I'd vote for that pig.
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by dadirt April 26, 2012 5:36 PM EDT
Of course kit does, as does his ability to lie to the public, and to give money we don't Have to the parasites. More free money than his likeability. Give them money and they will follow you to the grave.
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by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:39 PM EDT
Gotta give the conservitards credit, since they remain on message that they are the only ones that work, the only ones that pay taxes and the only ones that don't have their hands out!

Too bad they're just totally delusional and divorced from reality!
by USSAmerikan April 26, 2012 5:29 PM EDT
Cool and likable has 23 million Americans unemployed and underemployed. This is the very best president for the rich and educated, since only the rich are able to afford filling up their tank at $4.25/gallon. Everyone else has seen their job go away and their income get diluted in the last four years of cool!!! So, let's have four more years of Cool!!!
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by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:35 PM EDT
Give us a break, and tell the truth for once, since GASoline was higher in mid-2008 under the bush/cheney regime, than it is now!

How many of those millions lost their jobs during bushworld, since the construction/housing industry tanked first while boosh was still in the White House, and it was boosh's lack of oversight that allowed the financial sector to implode!
by involved_indi April 26, 2012 5:28 PM EDT
It will matter in the general election with certain democraphics. Lots of voters under 30 haven't a clue about the economy and couldn't care less about political philosophy. They will vote based on who they think is the "coolest". Serious voters, deeply concerned about the declining state of the country over the past 4 years will vote on political philosophy and leadership.
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by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:15 PM EDT
bmallen3: "Eisenhower was the Allied Commander in WWII and actually accomplished something positive."

Yes, and he was the LAST republican president that balanced the federal budget too, whereas Bill Clinton was the last Dem President to balance the federal budget!

Now, we hear from 'lyin' ryan' that it will take the republicans 28 years to balance the budget after the bush/cheney regime tanked our economy -- yet the conservitards are upset that President Obama didn't fix ALL bush's terrible mistakes including the economy and bush's two WARS of choice, in 3 short years!
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by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:17 PM EDT
Of course all the republicans are still trying to bring back the ghost of saint ronnie -- the president that gave us our first and only illegal alien amnesty and TRIPLED the national debt in 8 short years!
by andrewjsacks April 26, 2012 5:07 PM EDT
There is a problem with being likeable when you're also smart and capable? OBAMA 2012!
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by michaelm07 April 26, 2012 5:20 PM EDT
Which Obama are you referring to?
by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:00 PM EDT
"The president's likability factor could be a problem for Romney and the Republican party if voters like him enough to look past their disappointments in his performance. A series of focus groups conducted by the Republican polling firm Resurgent Republic illustrated that issue."

GEE schmitty, seems you're so worried about the results from this republican polling firm, all you can do is 'try' to bring out U.C. Berkeley papers from 2007, and expect us to swallow that whole!

Try reading from conservative republican economists like Stockman and Bartlett that have worked for past republican presidents, to see what they think about "supply side economic insanity" today!
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by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:05 PM EDT
Hey -- try reading this which is much more relevant today:

Supply-Side Economics, R.I.P.

During the George W. Bush years, however, I think SSE became distorted into something that is, frankly, nuts--the ideas that there is no economic problem that cannot be cured with more and bigger tax cuts, that all tax cuts are equally beneficial, and that all tax cuts raise revenue.

by Hoax-and-Chains April 26, 2012 4:56 PM EDT
Ha Ha Ha......New report just out by the CIA that shows there was no gutsy call by the POTUS on Bin Laden. The mission was controlled by an admiral. Obama did nothing. LOL
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by Hoax-and-Chains April 26, 2012 4:57 PM EDT
When people say well he got Bin Laden.........well they can't even say that now!!!!
by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:07 PM EDT
LOL!....the conservitards will never give President Obama credit for anything -- especially for anything that bush screwed up like the economy or the search for bin Ladin!

by USSAmerikan April 26, 2012 5:25 PM EDT
Finding Bin Laden took a lot of courage from folks who were demonized by being mean to the poor Muslim boys in Gitmo who were just at the wrong place and wrong time (with an AK-47 and an RPG). Obama fought the tougher questioning techniques tooth and nail, although without them we would have never heard about Obama's courier, who led us to his spider hole.
by occupy_cbs April 26, 2012 5:31 PM EDT
Just face facts conservitards -- President Obama kept us from the bush/cheney Great Depression and also was the one that got bin Ladin after 8 years of boosh running around in circles looking for fantasy WMD!

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