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by slatep April 27, 2012 2:38 PM EDT
I wouldn't care if Obama was as dull as mud if he had actually accomplished something other than trying to bring the US to it's knees.

COOL does not = a good President.

If cool and sexy were two requirements for President, Brad Pitt or some other actor would be in the White House.

If you want to become President of my United States you need to show me your plans for solving all the crises we now face.

So far; COOL has accomplished nothing.!!
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by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:45 PM EDT
Come now, every intelligent American knows that it was the bush/cheney regime that allowed the financial sector to implode due to lack of regulation, lack of oversight, and lack of accountability, that brought America to its knees when the housing boom completely burst!
by Cru09 April 27, 2012 7:58 PM EDT
if he had actually accomplished something other than trying to bring the US to it's knees.
Gee, I wish you and every other republican would be honest for a change.
by Souptwins April 28, 2012 7:13 PM EDT
Cru09-- You are falling into the popular trap of confusing a difference of opinion with lying. They are very different and someone not agreeing with you does not make them a liar.
by AOCGUY April 27, 2012 2:38 PM EDT
Haven't we already had enough sex in Washington?
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by TimeToEvolve April 27, 2012 2:37 PM EDT
Some people have already forgotten the nightmare war and terror of the last Republicon presidential disaster. We are still digging our way out. But hey you can make up for it by voting for Thurston Howell (Robmee).

Seriously we need MASSIVE voter turnout so the Republicons can't cheat us out of any elections. If enough people voted, there would not be even one Republicon in office since they only work for the the Top 1%.
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by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:37 PM EDT
Bulldozer-Shaz: "I learned it from you troll."


You're the biggest troll here, and get booted almost daily for it!
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by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 3:00 PM EDT
I get booted out Cause of you thin skin Obama clones,who have difficulty handling the truth about their beloved corrupt Obama/Bush clone...
by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:19 PM EDT
Obama failed America and the American people...

Voting for Obama is a real time insanity...
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by TimeToEvolve April 27, 2012 2:39 PM EDT
Can you just imagine if someone got in office in 2008 or in 2012 that will continue the failed Republicon disaster? Can you imagine?
by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:48 PM EDT
And since we already know that the vast majority of willard robmee's foreign policy advisers are PNAC bush NEOCONS, and his economic advisers are insisting on MORE OF THE SAME failed GOP economic policies of the bush/cheney regime like "supply side economic insanity," we know we will return to tougher times under the republican reign of terror by robmee!
by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:18 PM EDT
16 million homeless children still sleeping on the American streets,and the economy is getting better...


Tales of current day corrupt rotten to the core America...
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by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:13 PM EDT
mountainstates1: "You know what's sexy? The fact that the economy is continually improving, the fact that Obamacare is giving millions of insured people a rebate this month, the fact that Chrysler made a 300% profit over last year and is now actually hiring, the fact that housing prices are starting to rise in many areas of the country. That's what's hot. And we can thank President Obama for those things, not the Republicans. And we're about to come up to the 1 year anniversary of President Obama and the Navy Seals taking out Osama Bin Laden. That's sexy."

Yes.....all TRUE and all very SEXY and very COOL!

Finally, the PPACA has forced the for-profit insurance companies to use at least 80-85% of their premiums on actual health care, and will be returning $1.3 Billion back to customers that were overcharged!


Health Insurers Set To Pay $1.3 Billion In Rebates
April 26, 2012

If you buy your own health insurance, there's nearly a 1 in 3 chance that come this summer you'll get a nice little surprise in the mail: money back from your health insurance company.

The checks are rebates. And they're the result of a provision of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

It's called the "medical loss ratio." In English, that means health insurers have to spend either 80 or 85 cents of each dollar they collect in premiums on actual medical care. That leaves, at most, 15 or 20 cents for administrative costs, marketing and profit.

Plans that fail to meet that standard have to return the excess to policyholders by August of the following year. The MLR rules first went into effect for calendar 2011, so the first rebates are due this summer.

When the Department of Health and Human Services issued rules for all this last November, it predicted that rebates would amount to as much as $1.4 billion. Not a bad estimate.

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by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:15 PM EDT
Corrupt is only cool in the Obama camp of dark skinned people...
by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:17 PM EDT
WWRD -- "what would robmee do"?

He would "repeal" the PPACA that's just like his romneycare, so that Americans can go back to getting screwed by their for-profit insurance company, and let them only spend 50% on actual health care, so they have more MONEY for CEO pay and bonuses, new monstrous buildings for administration, more company vacations, and much higher profits!

Way to go willard robmee!
by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:13 PM EDT
Under corrupt Obama administration no one has been arrested or prosecuted for 2008 financial crisis...
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by suesbees April 27, 2012 3:27 PM EDT
You are a buffoon. Barack Obama just took office in 2009, dummy. Klu Klux Klan person, you need to get on your knees and ask God for forgiveness for all of that hatred toward the president. You are the corrupt one and even if the president took action against the dummies who caused the financial downfall, you would still blame him for something else. You need Jesus!!!
by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:09 PM EDT
Inside Job finds Obama to be in the pockets of his banker thug buddies...

Voting for Obama is real time insanity...
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by Bulldozer-Shaz April 27, 2012 2:03 PM EDT
Romney is the man and Obama is a Zion scam...
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by occupy_cbs April 27, 2012 2:18 PM EDT
GEEZ, now the cannuck is supporting robmee instead of ron paul!

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