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Christians of the Holy Land

April 22, 2012 4:00 PM

The exodus from the Holy Land of Palestinian Christians could eventually leave holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem without a local Christian population. Bob Simon reports.

Christians of the Holy Land

60 Minutes OverTimeThe last Christian village in the Holy Land

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by eileenfleming April 28, 2012 8:55 PM EDT
So far, 30,515 have THANKED Bob Simon and 60 Minutes, for the story on the Palestinian Christian exodus from Israel-controlled territory. If you believe "Journalists who tell the painfully honest truth about Palestinian life under occupation deserve our thanks, not political attacks" PLEASE sign the petition by Jewish Voice for Peace @
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by EmmaWren April 28, 2012 7:50 PM EDT
Thank you Bob for revealing the reality of Palestine.
http://ifamericansknew.org/ has the rest of the story.
The comments of the ambassador and pro-Israelis on this page are constructed to mislead and keep Americans confused or in the dark.
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by Anthony5423 April 28, 2012 7:38 PM EDT
Truth is christians are caught in the tensions between Isreal and islamic extremists. The policies set forth by israel to protect its people and to continue with its goal of occupying the entire region and drive out arabs does not take religion into account. I'm sure they are not targeting christians specifically but targeting arabs in general...they don't discrimate against that. Israel wants all arabs out and islamic extremists also want christians out....so chrisitan arabs are getting it from BOTH sides and that's why they are getting out of there. So who can you blame?? Can you blame Israel for inflicting policies that make life for arabs in genral living in the region horrible and not makling specific exemptions for Christians? If your not doing anything to help and only to hurt...doesn't that make you partially responsible? Or do you blame non-tolerant islamic extremists....it's combination of both that's driving them out.
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by PastorSinnott April 28, 2012 6:01 PM EDT
Many thanks for your recent segment on Christians in the Holy Land. Having been there many times, I affirm the accuracy of your work, and applaud your courage to tell "the truth in love," as Jesus said.
God's blessings, Pastor Paul D. Sinnott
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by realtolerance April 28, 2012 4:14 PM EDT
Kudos to Bob Simon, for his brave reporting. It's sad and outrageous to see the pathetic attempt by Israeli ambassador Oren to censor dialogue and stifle the Fourth Estate... and suppress the truth about the situation endured by Christians and others in the place that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls the "occupied territories". Check out this UN report on Palestinian women giving birth at Israeli checkpoints because they're movement to hospitals is blocked:
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by dontbeliveuantmore April 28, 2012 3:15 PM EDT
Unfortunately but not surprisingly, this article is fall of misleading stories. It's very easy to blame the Israelis but when the camera is off the sounds of the Christians citizens in the west bank is different. Ever since Hamas took over the control in the west bank the number of Christians decreased dramatically. The shrinking of the Palestinian Christian community in the Holy Land came as a direct result of the Muslim pressure.
It seems very awkward that the reporter chose to interview a family that still leave under the threat of Hamas and its Muslim neighbor. Those people willing to take over the income of Christian tourist. For his reporter integrity and as part of a correct research I would aspect the reporter to pay attention to the facts and not be held by provocations. this article raise more question than answers such as- How come you didn't interview a family that chose to leave in the last few years?

Don't believe everything you watch on the TV.

Frankly, today I lost my faith in your show!
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by EducatedGirl April 28, 2012 3:09 PM EDT
You can't even argue with someone as stupid as Bob Simon.
Israel is the only state in the Middle East where Christians are guaranteed religious freedom, and the only place where they serve in parliament and on the Supreme Court.
Are you really proud of yourself, Bob? You've ignored all the real problems in the world to waste an entire segment ranting about nothing.
What about the Saudi Arabian human rights activist given 4 years in jail. His charges include forming a human rights association, tarnishing Saudi Arabia's reputation in the media, questioning the independence of the judiciary, encouraging political detainees' relatives to demonstrate, and owning illegal books.
Or In Saudi Arabia a Sri Lankan women faces decapitation for "casting a spell" on a 13 year old girl in a shopping mall.
What about the real problems of the world?
I hope you're fired. This twisted story should never have been aired. Absolutely disgusting. Don't you have any moral standards or has your overwhelming antisemitism just made it impossible for you to think clearly?
And for the record, I'd rather have my windows face a wall then die at the hands of a suicide bomber.I don't care if my commute is inconvenient, if it means that I don't have to worry about someone murdering my children. I value life over convenience. Your story seems to have avoided mentioning the dangers that the Israeli security measures are preventing.
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by romeojoe April 28, 2012 3:06 PM EDT
thank you CBS for showing the truth my friends had to leave bethlehem and taybeh because the israeli's would let them go mo where and spit on them and make fun of Jesus and the cross life became miserable and they had to come to usa and they couldnt believe no body knew what was going on >>>> then they find out american taxpayers and christan evangicals send israel money to build the wall and make bethlehem into a ghetto
prision with barb wire!!! ISRAEL+ZIONISM+NAZISM
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by alexanderazar April 28, 2012 1:54 PM EDT
Jesus said: But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Judge not, and you shall not be judged: condemn not, and you shall not be condemned: forgive, and you shall be forgiven. I don't understand what kind of people you are when you chose to free Barabbas (The killer) and to crucify Jesus to death (The son of God) even though he had forgiven you when he still was on the Cross. I'll tell you keep hating and persecuting the Christians in the holy land then you shall not find one stone upon another in all Israel.
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by dbjones1948 April 28, 2012 1:06 PM EDT
Thank you so much for your piece on Christians in the Holy Land. However, I think it is imperative to correct one major misstatement. You said terrorist attacks were down in Israel since 2005 because of the separation wall. Terrorist attacks are down, but it may have nothing to with the separation wall. I was in the West Bank in 2008 and 2009 and the wall was only 75% complete. I walked from the Palestinian side of the yet to be constructed wall to the Israel side to plant olive trees on the land of a Palestinian farmer. Any person or terrorist could easily walk into Israel from the West Bank until recently because the wall was not complete. Yet there were no terrorist attacks in Israel. Many people watching this 60 Minutes segment may believe the wall is justified because you said the wall had reduced terrorist attacks. I think CBS should fact check how much of the separation wall was complete in years 2005-2012. You will find there were no terrorist attacks in years when the wall did not yet exist and in years it was only partially built. It appears that whatever organization was responsible for the terrorist attacks decided they were counter-productive and stopped doing them way before the wall was complete.
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