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U.S. disputes Iran claims about crashed drone

This photo released on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, claims to show US RQ-170 Sentinel drone which Tehran says its forces downed earlier this week, as the chief of the aerospace division of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, right, listens to an unidentified colonel, in an undisclosed location, Iran.

This photo released on Dec. 8, 2011, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, claims to show US RQ-170 Sentinel drone, as the chief of the aerospace division of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, right, listens to an unidentified colonel, in an undisclosed location in Iran.

(Credit: AP Photo/Sepahnews)

UPDATED 3:23 p.m. ET

(CBS News) A senior administration official disputes Iran's claims that they have extracted secret intelligence information from an American drone that crashed in December.

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who is chief of the aerospace division of the powerful Revolutionary Guards, was quoted Sunday by the semi-official Mehr news agency as saying that Iran has reverse-engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel.

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Clearance revoked for accused Secret Service agents

Secret Service scandal overshadows Summit of the Americas

Updated 6:20 p.m. ET

CBS News has learned that the Secret Service has revoked the top secret security clearances for all 11 Secret Service agents and officers accused of misconduct last week in Colombia.

"They are 'do no admit' and their equipment has been taken," according to a law enforcement official. They are still on paid administrative leave.

The Secret Service Office of Professional Responsibility is the lead investigator, with the Department of Homeland Security monitoring the situation.

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Afghan violence not likely to slow drawdown plan

Afghan police keep watch as locals inspect the site of a suicide attack in Jalalabad

An Afghan policeman keeps watch as locals inspect the wreckage of a car at the site of a suicide attack in the city of Jalalabad in Nangarhar province, Feb. 27, 2012.

(Credit: Noorullah Shirzada/AFP/Getty Images)
The current violence in Afghanistan, including the death of 4 Americans in the past week, is not likely to slow U.S. plans to continue the steady drawdown of U.S. forces.

"If anything the violence may give impetus to accelerate the transition to putting an Afghan face in charge of security," a senior national security official tells CBS News.

The Obama administration is already working on a plan to methodically draw down American forces after the decade-long war. Currently, there are 90,000 troops in Afghanistan. The plan is to reduce that number to 68,000 by the end of the fighting season this summer. It is expected there will be a further reduction in forces, although a decision on troop levels has not yet been made by President Obama.

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Obama getting a late start on campaign season

Barack Obama

Then Sen. Barack Obama campaigns in this 2008 file photo

(Credit: AP)

President Obama has yet to launch his first official campaign swing, and his advisers say they may wait until later this spring, a move that would mean he will embark on his re-election tour at a later stage than President George W. Bush or President Bill Clinton.

The main reason being that Republicans have yet to decide on a nominee and the Obama team doesn't want to interfere in the bitter Republican family feud.

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Obama to announce revamp of birth control policy

President Barack Obama

(Credit: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

UPDATED 11:41 a.m. ET

President Obama is scheduled to announce Friday afternoon a revamp of his contraception policy requiring religious institutions to fully pay for birth control, changing the onus on who pays for contraception from employers to insurance companies.

Sources tell CBS News the White House will not back off the administration goal to provide increased access to birth control for women, but it will provide religious institutions additional details on how to comply with the law.

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Deal to suspend NK uranium enrichment in jeopardy

In this Oct. 10, 2010 photo, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il applauds following a massive military parade marking the 65th anniversary of the communist nation's ruling Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea.

In this Oct. 10, 2010 photo, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il applauds following a massive military parade marking the 65th anniversary of the communist nation's ruling Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea.

(Credit: File,AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

Updated 1:30 p.m. ET

Following North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's death, which was announced last night, a significant deal with North Korea that could mean the suspension of their uranium enrichment program is now in jeopardy, a senior administration official said this morning.

This week, the Obama administration was poised to announce that the U.S. would make a large donation of food aid, the first important development after months of secretive diplomatic talks. In exchange, the North Koreans were expected to announce they would suspend their controversial uranium enrichment program.

Instability on the Korean peninsula is also a chief concern for the Obama administration. There will be an uncertain period as they work through their succession, the senior official said. Pentagon spokesman George Little said there has been no change to U.S. force levels in South Korea so far. The U.S. has about 28,000 troops in South Korea.

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Democrats open up line of attack on Gingrich

After months of emails and web videos focused almost exclusively on attacking Mitt Romney's record, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is now shifting focus. Early this morning, they released the first web video attacking Newt Gingrich.

The video, posted at 1:41 AM, intersperses clips of Gingrich as Speaker of the House and in Saturday night's Republican presidential debate. The ad accuses him of espousing Tea Party views and being the "original Tea Partier."

(Watch the video above.)

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Obama: Ask bin Laden if I'm an appeaser

Game on.

A feisty and combative President Obama made clear today he will not allow Republican challenges to his foreign policy record to go unanswered.

Yesterday, Mitt Romney at the Republican Jewish Coalition Forum here in Washington lambasted Mr. Obama for adopting a foreign policy of "appeasement" that "betrays a lack of faith in America."

"Obama doesn't understand America," Romney said. "This president appears more generous to our enemies than he is to our friends. Such is the natural tendency of someone who is unsure of America's strength - or of America's rightful place in the world."

To that, Mr. Obama said defiantly, "Ask Osama bin Laden and the 22-out-of-30 top al Qaeda leaders who've been taken off the field whether I engage in appeasement. Or whoever is left out there, ask them about that."

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Obama aides believe Gingrich could win GOP race

(Credit: AP)
President Obama's advisers now believe that there is a "realistic chance" of Newt Gingrich winning the Republican presidential nomination. Democrats have long been convinced that Mitt Romney will be the nominee and they have expended considerable effort trying to label him as a serial flip-flopper.

Some of Mr. Obama's closest advisers are privately surprised by Gingrich's rise in the polls and are beginning to discuss Gingrich as a likely general election opponent.

"Given where Gingrich is in the polls this close to the primaries - and Romney's inability to connect with many Republican voters - yes, we think there is a realistic chance Gingrich will be the nominee," said one adviser.

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Obama campaign makes first, "tiny" ad buy

President Barack Obama speaks to supporters during a campaign fundraiser at Navy Pier April 14, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois.

(Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The Obama campaign has made its first ad buy, albeit a "tiny" one.

A senior Obama 2012 campaign aide says the buy is intended more as a test to see if people will sign up with the campaign than as a full-blown television spot.

Two different ads, part of the same ad buy, will air nationally on satellite.

The ads are after the jump.

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