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El Salvador night club owner denies USSS report

Owner of El Salvador night club, Dan Ertel, downplays reports of riotous behavior by U.S. government agents.

(Credit: CBS News)

(CBS News) EL SALVADOR - The brewing Secret Service scandal that has touched this small Central American country centers around "Lips," a strip club owned by an American that caters to VIP, military and government personnel.

Earlier this week, citing an unnamed Salvadoran sub-contractor and other sources, CBS Seattle affiliate KIRO reported in the week prior to President Obama's visit to El Salvador in March 2011, "vanloads" of Secret Service agents "descended on the club," drank heavily over the course of two or three days, paid for "sexual favors" from the dancers, and at least two agents openly offered money to have some strippers return to their hotel rooms for "special favors."

As part of his story, KIRO investigator reporter Chris Halsne said he spoke at length to "Lips" owner Dan (DJ) Ertel. There, Halsne said, Ertel confirmed a large number of Secret Service agents had "descended on his club," claiming the agents were there at least three nights and it was "no surprise to me." In addition, Halsne cited "guards, managers and other employees" at the club that backed up the story.

On Friday, in an interview with CBS News Chief Investigative Correspondent Armen Keteyian outside a downtown hotel in San Salvador, Ertel described Halsne's account of their on-the-record conversation as "totally inaccurate."

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Gov't response to record requests: Blank pages

FOIA documents

CBS News' Freedom of Information requests related to Fast and Furious.

(Credit: CBS)

For more than a year, CBS News has been investigating the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms' "Fast and Furious" operation and related cases that also employed the controversial tactic of "gunwalking." With Justice Department officials refusing all interview requests to date, CBS News requested numerous public documents through the Freedom of Information Act.

So far, all of the requests that have been answered have been denied in part or in full.

This week, we received a partial response to a request made more than a year ago. It asked for communications involving "Project Gunrunner," the umbrella program for Fast and Furious, from 2010 through April 2011. Specifically, it sought any communications to which any of the following top Justice officials were a party: Attorney General Eric Holder; Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division; Kevin Carwile, chief of the Capital Case Unit; and Deputy Assistant Attorney Generals Bruce Schwarz and Kenneth Blanco.

The response includes mostly-blank pages.

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New ATF grenade case documents given to Congress

New evidence photos recently turned over to Congress show a stash of grenade parts, fuse assemblies and more than 2,000 rounds of ammunition.

Evidence photos just turned over to Congress under subpoena show a frightening stash of grenade parts, fuse assemblies and more than 2,000 rounds of ammunition. It was all hidden in a spare tire of an SUV crossing from the US to Mexico in 2010. The accused smuggler, an alleged drug cartel arms dealer named Jean Baptise Kingery, was questioned by agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) but released.

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Companies to pay $14.8M in FEMA trailer settlement

FEMA travel trailers at a staging area, Selma, Alabama, 2005/10/11

(Credit: AP)

(CBS News) - Companies that manufactured trailers provided to victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have agreed to pay $14.8 million to settle claims that the trailers exposed occupants to potentially hazardous formaldehyde fumes.

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Unions say foreign workers taking stimulus jobs

(CBS News) Michigan once had the worst unemployment rate in the U.S. So when stimulus tax dollars poured into the state's electric car industry, residents had reason to celebrate. But what happened next has angered some of President Obama's most ardent supporters.

In 2010, Obama and Vice President Biden personally appeared to break ground at two Michigan plants. The plants were getting a combined $300 million under the stimulus program to build electric car batteries.

But as it turns out the companies getting all those American tax dollars are largely owned by Koreans. They bought a lot of Korean equipment and supplies. And they filled some of those sought-after jobs with Korean workers. That drew anger from local labor unions. They say pictures, taken inside the plants show Korean nationals doing hands-on work that should be done by Americans.

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Fake cancer drug surfaces again from overseas

CBS News' Armen Keteyian looks into the distribution of counterfeit Altuzan from U.K. distributors to the U.S.

(Credit: CBS News)
(CBS News) It is just about the worst kind of fraud you can imagine -- fake cancer drugs, not much more than a vial of water with a drug label on it. CBS News previously reported on this, but it's happened again: A number of clinics received counterfeit vials of cancer drugs. CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian has traced the source overseas.

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FTC Moves to Stop Online Payday Lender

(Credit: level5motorsports.com)

The Federal Trade Commission filed an injunction today in a federal court to halt the practices of a payday lending operation it describes as deceiving borrowers out of millions of dollars and threatening consumers.

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"Storm Chasers" convicted in insurance scam

Image from undercover video provided by the National Insurance Crime Bureau shows a contractor claiming to inspect a house who's really inflicting damage he would say was caused by hail, to try to collect insurance money for fixing it.

Image from undercover video provided by National Insurance Crime Bureau shows contractor claiming to inspect a house who's really inflicting damage he would later say was caused by hail, to try to collect insurance money for fixing it.

(Credit: National Insurance Crime Bureau/CBS)

A Pennsylvania man and a construction company today pleaded guilty in an insurance fraud scheme exposed in a CBS News investigation last December. New Jersey's Attorney General says Dominik Sadowski and Precision Builders pleaded guilty and have been ordered to pay more than $68,000 in restitution. Precision Builders will also pay a $250,000 criminal fine.

Sandowski admitted that between Jan. 19 and April 25, 2011 he caused fraudulent property damage insurance claims to be submitted by Precision Builders to Traveler's Insurance Company. As reported by CBS News, representatives from Precision Builders would canvass neighborhoods after hail storms, convince residents their homes had been damaged by hail, and then offer them new siding and roofing at no cost to them. The cost of the makeovers were then covered by the residents' homeowner's insurance policies. Several homeowners said they were not aware they had any hail damage before they were solicited by Precision Builders.

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Court: FDA must address antibiotics in livestock

(Credit: CBS)

A federal court has ruled the FDA must address antibiotic overuse in animal feed. That decision came last night in a lawsuit filed by public interest groups including Public Citizen. "It is unfortunate that FDA has dragged its feet for so long on this issue, but we are pleased that the Court has ordered FDA finally to do its job," said Michael Kirkpatrick, a Public Citizen attorney.

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Following the trail of fake Avastin

A vial of fake Avastin is seen. A CBS News investigation tracked counterfeit vials of the cancer drug from Turkey and Egypt through several European countries to U.S. shelves.

A CBS News investigation tracked counterfeit vials of the cancer drug Avastin from Turkey and Egypt through several European countries to U.S. shelves.

(Credit: CBS News)

In February, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Americans that counterfeit versions of the life-saving Cancer drug Avastin made their way into as many as 19 medical practices in this country.

Fake Avastin tied to small Montana distributor

CBS News launched an investigation to find out how this could have happened, where the drugs came from, and who was responsible.

CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian first followed the zigzagging path of the counterfeit drugs into the U.S. through as many as six countries as far away as Egypt and Turkey.

Part one: How fake Avastin from overseas ends up in the U.S.
Part two: Fake Avastin importer claims he broke no laws
Part three: Fake Avastin shipper tied to Canadadrugs.com

Keteyian and the CBS News investigative unit then traveled to the Caribbean nation of Barbados where they tracked down the man responsible for bringing the fake Avastin into the United States, Tom Haughton

In a report Thursday on "CBS This Morning," CBS revealed how one of Canada's largest internet pharmacies, Canadadrugs.com, is shipping unapproved drugs into the United States and the company's connection to the man responsible for shipping counterfeit Avastin into the US.

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