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The Stranger Beside Me

April 14, 2012 12:30 PM

A young woman, conned by her boyfriend, disappears. What happened to Jamie Laiaddee? Erin Moriarty investigates.

What happened to Jamie Laiaddee?
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by nmgirl4 April 28, 2012 3:36 AM EDT
Well the crazy thing is...he might be telling the truth. Would that not be something??
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by nmgirl4 April 28, 2012 3:34 AM EDT
Well the crazy thing is...he might be telling the truth. Would that not be something??
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by MercyNotJustice April 27, 2012 2:00 AM EDT
Erin Moriraity did nothing to compliment the investigators in this episode but she did manage to humiliate herself.

To make an issue out of Bryn Stewart using an aka is ridiculous; he was caught and convicted and she expounded too much on that issue. Celebrity's do it and they are not badgered over the use of an aka; follow this link

http://www.celebrityalmanac.com/realnames.html to see whom celebrities really are in the real world.

Bryan was looking for his moment in the spot light and Erin gave it to him on a silver platter. Did you read this comment posted earlier?

by rwsmith29456 April 15, 2012 10:53 PM EDT
How about the story? The first page was full of crud about loving football; I didn't waste time reading more.

rwsmith makes a very good point and I would like to add a question to that in the same mind set.

Why is it that when Erin brings in the family, friends and neighbors that they make the story about them? Why do we have to hear about how good of a father, mother or friend that they were to the victim? All we want to know is the facts and meaning of story. The truth (not suspicion or hearsay) about the crime or something that's more reverent in the case.

We don't care to hear your idiotic questions Erin like when you said:

"Isn't it possible that Jamie's doing the same thing that Bryan did? Just vanished the same way and no one's been able to track her down?" Moriarty asked Det. Moffat.

Det. Moffat looked you with disgust and disbelief then answered;

"Are you asking me today if I believe that's possible? Absolutely not," he said. "I wholeheartedly believe...Bryan Stewart, Rick Valentini...whoever you wanna call him, murdered Jamie Laiaddee on the night of March 17th."

What in the Hell are you thinking by asking that question? After all the work that he has done are you trying to trip him up in his words so that you can give Bryan the benefit of the doubt? Are you trying to intervene and ruin results the investigation and place doubt?

It would have been interesting to watch Erin had managed to coerce
Bryan to tell us where Jamie is. He said; "we did not think that it would go this far". Who is he referring to Jamie or someone else?

I noticed that Erin seems to have a formula that she uses when she interviews people. She always asks the same obvious questions, she will say things like "You tell a lotta stories though...don't you?" or "You lied." It appears that if Erin can catch someone in a lie then she is like a blood hound and that becomes her only focus. She then labels that person as a liar, they are now guilty or a story teller in her opinion.

Erin tied (and failed) to give Bryan a stern burning look in the eye as if she is the ultimate authority; she did not even faze him and fell short of her goal to intimidate him.

Some correspondents seem to think that they are asking the tough questions and let their ego interfere with their performance. Are they really more intimidating in an interview than standing before a judge, jury and attorneys?

Erin... Please come up with a new method of reporting and use more facts than fiction or hearsay. You are an attorney and you should know that a lot of your discoveries will not hold up in court but they do qualify as gossip!
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by AmyM233 April 26, 2012 8:31 PM EDT
I dont buy his story at all. If your about to go to prision wouldnt you plead to Jamie to come forward to clear your..umm..double name? He is alittle too confident and arrogant that the public and courts would believe his story so much in fact that he takes the stand and his testamony sounded to me alittle too rehersed, and his body mannerisms too direct towards the public and not the person asking the question...not that means anything but using someones credit card claiming they gave you permission because they are going to go on and assume a different idenity and they dont want to be found...thats just stupid folks! If your so intelligent you wouldnt your name to be linked to someone who just falls off the face of the earth, who doesnt want to be found...even if that was the whole 100% truth of what happened you still wouldnt want to be linked to that person. Because to her family, her friends she is missing, to them Jamie wouldnt just go missing...but to him someone she dated for 3 years give or take thats what she wanted. I dont buy it, that she wanted to go missing, that she wanted him to use her credit cards, that she wanted him to drive around in her suv, that she wanted him to move to Denver...I think she found out what a dog he is and decided to drop him but he found a way to despose of her. His demeaner/attitude reminds me of someone who is self centered and likes to be always right, if he has to lie to appear more important then he is he does it without blinking a eye.
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by lilg1746 April 25, 2012 1:07 PM EDT
Two things can be checked on, the supposed $100,000 transaction he claims she made out of her fathers bank account and the emails and phone records he claims they had since she "disappeared".
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by ChinnyMcChipstah April 23, 2012 4:59 PM EDT
Rick aka Bryan: Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.

A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:
React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
Have excessive feelings of self-importance
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Need constant attention and admiration
Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy
Have obsessive self-interest
Pursue mainly selfish goals
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by JLVWALSH April 23, 2012 2:07 AM EDT
This guy did it. A sociopath thinks they're smarter than anyone else. What woman instructs a new boyfriend to use your credit cards to sign up on dating sights. He nailed his coffin with his testimony. Thank God this person thinks he's smarter than everyone else. It's like the dumbest idiot sociopath on the planet. These woman with no self esteem meet these dirt bags and allow them in their lives.
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by heloris April 22, 2012 7:33 PM EDT
this bum's meal ticket was leaving him
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by fayettaj April 22, 2012 12:17 AM EDT
I belirve he is guilty . To bad a smart girl could not figure out how to get a way from this sicko .If only she would have been closer to her family . To bad she hooked up with loser .
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by dullcomet314 April 22, 2012 12:15 AM EDT
I think he's innocent because they haven't found a body. Plus I think he is not smart enough to do it.
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