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Arturo Gatti's Last Fight

March 24, 2012 8:15 PM

Dramatic new updates in the investigation into the mysterious death of the world champion boxer. Erin Moriarty reports.

How did boxer Arturo Gatti die?
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by maggie0987654321 April 28, 2012 2:44 PM EDT
I agree . Poor Arturo might of had a good heart , but he seemed to be a lost soul and an easy prey to this evil woman .
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by maggie0987654321 April 28, 2012 2:41 PM EDT
I believe she is guilty and will slowly but surely pay the consequences. Sometimes being "free" is even worst than being behind bars. She has to live with the fact that even if she didn't kill him that night , she most definitely contributed to his death by verbally abusing him ( those text messages were nothing short of abuse ) and physically ( I didnt hit him, but im not going to lie, i threw stuff at him ?!?! ) . I feel so bad for his children , they are the true victims in this case .
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by borrks April 22, 2012 1:38 PM EDT
It is pretty obvious what happened.
She drove him nuts - he got angry when he was drunk - and when the hangover, regret self loating set in in the morning he killed himself. must happen all the time. whenever a rich person suicides some lawyer convinces the family to pursue a case in the hope of recovering some money.
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by MercyNotJustice April 21, 2012 11:56 PM EDT
I'm a writer what do you expect? This is a site to post comments on the story so if you don't care to read it then skip my posting. It's that simple... I suppose you complain a lot in your personal life too when you're required to perform or respond to situations.

You must be Canadian and you gave yourself the name proper justice in order to post your comment. People are so predictable; like sheep lead to the slaughter - The blind leading the blind.

You could have been a little more creative with you screen name; did you really have to follow my lead and call yourself proper justice? Is that really all you've got for a come back?

To answer your question; Yes! I am pumped up about this story and I'm still pissed off about the story on Tausha Fields. I will post my comments on Canadian authorities and their decision when I have the time to review this pitiful story again.

On another note I stand corrected and yes, I can accept it; therefore if you insist here is the revision;

What Brazilian authorities may have done during the investigation is to have contaminated the crime scene or to have irresponsibly moved criminating evidence and articles like the chair that was in a different place. Out of embarrassment they are reluctant to even mention it so they must find Amanda innocent. They also know that if they were to have made a public arrest on a Brazilian citizen for assault on Arturo they would be considered another Aruba.

As you listen to Amanda tell her story a lot of things don't make sense; She said, "In a flash, Arturo took their 10-month-old baby... and took off. "He took the stroller and he went to another direction," she said. "They just left me."

When he returned minutes later to look for his wife, the angry crowd began throwing things at him. Witnesses say he got hit in the head with a rock and even a bicycle. Bleeding from his head and shoulder - and furious - Arturo fought back. People described him as "The Incredible Hulk."

Do you mean to tell me that Arturo returned with his son in a stroller and people mobbed him? What kind of people are these Brazilians to throw objects at man with a child nearby? What happened to Arturo's son while he fought with the Brazilians? Who's the real aggressor in this situation? Why weren't they charged with assault? What a bunch of cowards! I suppose they beat their wives as well!

Now that I've corrected my errors I would like to challenge CBS to conduct a proper investigation and get the story straight. Then they can publicly apologize to Arturo's family for their juvenile behavior and slander.
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by sir1150 April 21, 2012 8:31 AM EDT
too bad he is not around to defend himself...there is always two sides to a story....
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by MercyNotJustice April 21, 2012 5:31 AM EDT
Erin did you read the terms of use?

9. Acceptable Use
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Without limiting any other provision in these Terms, you may not use the Services to do the following or assist others to do the following:
• Threaten, defame, stalk, abuse, or harass other persons or engage in illegal activities;

Why Erin? Would CBS authorize you to make such a personal attack on a dead man that is not present to defend himself?

What kind of cowards are you?

You disregard and break your own rules!

You're all a disgrace to this nation and humanity!

You all need a new Savior because your religion is worthless!
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by MercyNotJustice April 21, 2012 5:09 AM EDT
If you need an explanation for Arturo's actions then I will defend him on behalf of his family and son.

Arturo may have been a great fighter in the ring but like many men he may have lacked knowledge and inner strength. A woman can see this in an instant; she knows when a man lacks the ability to communicate and lacks confidence in relationships. A man's physical strength does not exempt him from deception. If the opportunity presents itself a woman that has no morals can and will manipulate a man and she will do it as long as she can get away with it. Arturo was thinking with his head between his legs and more than likely changed his will to prove his love for Amanda. How she manipulated him to do that is yet to be discovered and told.

A woman that respects herself wants a man that understands her needs and those needs must be fulfilled to satisfy her. Arturo may not have pursued a respectable woman with class because he lacked the confidence and the only place where he felt needed and desired was in a strip bar. These kinds of women made him feel appreciated, respected and desired and their job is to convince him that he is the best thing that ever happened to them. However convincing it may be its all temporary and that is the truth behind it all. This is why a man with an extraordinary beautiful wife will cheat on her with a woman that cannot hold a candle to her. She makes him feel like a king and she does whatever he wants her to do.

This is an ongoing problem for men and women in relationships today; most men regardless of their occupation don't understand what a woman wants and needs; women don't even know what they want and need. Nevertheless I can't help but think that when it came to finding his companion for life Arturo did not put himself in the right market place. On the other hand women that wanted to know him intimately let him down did a poor job of conveying that message.

To the women that wanted a shot at the title to be his wife I say shame on you! You never approached him to tell him how you felt because you were just as insecure as he was. You let an exotic dancer take him from you and the world of boxing?

Come on ladies if you want a man or to find a decent companion you have to make an effort and be a little more aggressive. I'm not saying to throw yourself at a man just be approachable; when you catch him off guard a smile in his direction will make him a little nervous but he will catch on to the fact that you 're interested. Show some interest in other ways; if you're going for lunch and you want him to go along then just invite him. Doing so will make him feel like a champ even if he's not a professional boxer.

Keep in mind that men want the same thing that you do but they are reluctant to approach a woman because women are always looking for a romantic encounter. You have to set standards and expectations beyond reach for most men so you limit your choices and opportunities to meet someone compatible. You don't know what you're missing because some men will evolve and a relationship can grow into the unexpected. He may not be what you imagined in your own mind but you can't imagine what you may be missing.

The best rule for a man or woman is to be approachable to everyone and don't be embarrassed to be seen with people that are not as attractive as you. But be prepared to be bombarded with more offers than you care entertain because your willingness to be with all types of people will send the wrong message. Men like women are competitive and will begin to strut like roosters and compare themselves with the person that you're with. He or she will size them up in their own mind and think to themself. I'm better looking, I dress better, I have a better car and more money. Don't have anything to do with people like this and don't even look their direction because if you do they will approach you because you gave them the confidence.
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by MercyNotJustice April 21, 2012 3:11 AM EDT
Amanda struggles and exaggerates as she tries to define her love for Arturo and said to him "you will always be my champion".

Let me tell you that a woman in love never has to convince a man in any way that she loves, respects, honors, trust, admires and adores him. A man, (like any woman) desires this and knows it by the manner of a spouse's acknowledgement of confidence, actions, words and support. Nothing in Amanda's testimony even slightly resembles this. No indeed, on the contrary her actions and words are completely opposite in every fashion of her behavior.
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by JustCalmDown April 14, 2012 1:20 PM EDT
I don't like her. I even think she married him for the money. But that's her choice. And it was his choice to leave her all his money.

The family wanted to proof that she was a murderer AFTER she let them know she didn't want to split the money. How sad is that? Why doe they think they deserve this money? In my point of view: if he was a real man, he would have left 50% of his money to his son, and 50% to his daughter. Because she seems to be the one that is forgotten...
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by taurahelsel April 13, 2012 4:52 PM EDT
after reviewing the case and watching the pass shows about him and thinking about every possible theory i now belive arturo gatti case should be re opened! i mean at first i was feeling like just maybe she was not involved but think about this was his finger prints found on the purse strap? on top of that she could have strangled him while he was passed out or hit him in the head and set the chair there and purse strap to make it look like a suicide i don't belive that they looked into this case enough she didn't even go on trial because he had thoughts of killing himself in the past made it consistent to the suicide theory i belive this case should be re opened and she should stand trial if i had the money i would pay to have it re-opened its not fair to arturo or his son! i belive she snapped that night because of the fight they had (and money) and seized the opportunity to do it.
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