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The Boy Next Door

March 10, 2012 8:00 PM

Three murders from Chicago to Los Angeles. Who's killing beautiful young women? "48 Hours Mystery" helps solve a 20-year-old cold case. Maureen Maher has the dramatic developments.

Michael Gargiulo: The serial killer next door?
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by taurahelsel April 14, 2012 11:16 AM EDT
@AllisonHunt come on now... be real hes not crazy out of his mind he is a serial killer he knew what he was doing and he needs to be put to death.. this is really sad for the the girls that lost there lifes and the familys involved...
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by athena8 April 9, 2012 3:10 PM EDT
He committed the first crime in Illinois in the early 1990's. This was the early days of DNA and forensic science. In hindsight the scene should have been more carefully handled and the U.S. Marshal Service should have been dispatched for this guy when he left the state to avoid charges. What is it about Illinois? The mentality is so slow and apathetic there. This guy displayed all the signs that something was not right. The parents of his first victim had him sitting at their dinner table! He bought them gifts of atonement! And he would have confessed to the girl's father if his family hadn't plucked him out of there. His family probably knew he did it too. He probabaly started out torturing and killing strays or even the family pets. They knew he killed her and just sent him away to kill more. He was a repair man which is always the easiest cover for serial killers to get close and look like they're doing a service removing screen windows. Pure psychopath with a grandiose sense of self. Who knows how many other similar crimes were committed. I hope the boy never committed these crimes in Texas because this kinda of crime only leads to Huntsville's death row.
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by Auprey April 4, 2012 11:36 AM EDT
@AlisonHunt: OUT OF HIS MIND ALISON?????? please he obv. killed these women, and even though they couldn't use thw DNA it was there, so really let's think about it, his DNA found at the scene, was seen outside looking in the direction of one of the victims house! Really you think he's out of his mind? I think he's a narcissistic S.O.B. that was trying to manipulate and lie his way out of this, but guess what??? GUILTY that's right I said it GUILTY!!! AND I HOPE HE GETS THE DEATH PENALTY!!!! Really guys? Ask yourself this?, What if that was my child? I'm Just Saying!!!!!
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by Auprey April 4, 2012 11:31 AM EDT
@leveti: as soon as it starts if you pause it and wait a few minutes, you will see it start to buffer. I use to have the same problem, but this is the fix k. i hope I was helpful! :)
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by leveti March 31, 2012 7:12 PM EDT
I would just like to know if there is some special trick to playing this show. I have reset my browser about a dozen times and cleared my cache each time and I still haven't got past the 10 minute mark
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by Clevercate March 20, 2012 1:25 AM EDT
There is never a reason for murder for a sociopath. They kill for the God like feeling when they drain the life out of someone. They look at a person who has everything going for them and make a decision to off them. It's just that simple. There is never a why usually only an opportunity to kill that they take. Sociopaths have shark like eyes without anything behind them. They are shallow/hollow people that do not have the ability to empathize with a living thing and it's suffering. They don't care because they can't. It will never be their fault and the only time they feel anything is for themselves.
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by jojo1017 March 16, 2012 7:36 PM EDT
Why is he still alive WRONG I was wondering how the other woman is doing she is a hero to all what a fighter and thank God she did fight so they could get that blood sample of his. He doesn't deserve to be breathing he doesn't deserve to be sent to trail what waste of the taxpayers money. It is the same old crap now he waits trail and then he waits to get death how long do we keep feeding him. God Bless the families and all the Detectives who never gave up and 48 hours awesome! Now the girls can rest in peace.
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by The_IcebergModel March 15, 2012 5:14 AM EDT
Why should he be tried twice? How can they kill him in two different places? Half of him in Illinois the other half in Calif. or what?
This seems to me just as thick as his actions.
The only important is to keep him out from society so he can not harm anyone else anymore.
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by archangel1943 March 12, 2012 8:01 PM EDT
The suggestion above from rmm2012 about putting the photo on Facebook of the so far unknown young woman, sounds very wise to me. Like all those ads for dating sites, the photo could be placed somewhere on the right hand side. After all, many people do not watch 'true crime' shows of the "48 Hours" variety, and that would be a way to get everyone, or anyway everyone who has access to Facebook, to look. Finally, my profound sympathy to the families of all the unfortunate victims, known, and those unknown so far.
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by AllisonHunt March 12, 2012 2:52 AM EDT
None of you people are thinking with your heads. There is virtually no motive for these murders... nothing sexual and they are not robberies. The killer had no relationship with the victims. The detective even stated that he never saw anyone like him. I do understand your outrage but how can you be angry toward someone who is, literally, out of their mind? If you're angery at someone who is completely crazy, you're also crazy.
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