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  1. Pres Obama will make an important announcement on Iraq and troop levels at 12:45pm from the White House. Tune in to @CBSNews special report
  2. Qaddafi reportedly dead: what does this mean for Libya, US & international community. @CBSNews' Bob Orr & my analysis:
  3. News broke today Libyan dictator Qaddafi had reportedly been killed. Joined @EricaRHill & @jeffglor on @theearlyshow:
  4. Libyan officials say Qaddafi has been killed. I've been on @theearlyshow discussing this morning. See @CBSNews' report:
  5. More from "Flash Points": violence & econ trouble in Syria, uneasy transition in Egypt, drug cartels in Central America
  6. US deployed armed trainers to Africa to combat Lord's Resistance Army. Analysis with @CBSNews' Bob Orr in Flash Points:
  7. Just how bold was Iran's attempt to assassinate Saudi ambassador to US? @CBSNews' Bob Orr and I discuss: (Video)
  8. Latest "Flash Points" with Bob Orr: troop levels in Iraq, legality of US terrorist kills & diplomacy in Burma: (Video)
  9. Burma has been a "sticky point" for US, but new leadership signalling willing to have peace talks with guerrilla groups & west (cc @kengude)
  10. What makes this assassination plot on Ambassador so significant is that Iran was willing to launch in US, confront both Saudi Arabia & US
  11. Taping my @CBSNews series "Flash Points" with Bob Orr. Topics: assassination plot from Iran in US, troops in Iraq and Burma diplomacy
  12. Thanks @rickozzienelson!
  13. Does US face increased threat after Awlaki's death? Latest edition of @CBSNews series "Flash Points" with Bob Orr:
  14. @n_bakos Thanks for the Flash Points suggestions! Hope all is well too
  15. Taping my series "Flash Points" with @CBSNews' Bob Orr this Thursday-- what international stories do you want to hear more about this week?