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SNOPA legislation would bar employers from social network passwords

By | April 27, 2012, 1:33pm PDT

Summary: The proposed Social Networking Online Protection Act is designed to shield the social networking passwords of job applicants and students.

New York congressman Eliot Engel Friday introduced SNOPA, legislation to protect users of social networking from having to grant employers or schools access to their personal sites.

The Social Networking Online Protection Act would restrict current or potential employers “from requiring a username, password or other access to online content.”

The legislation would prevent employers from seeking access to social networking sites “to discipline, discriminate or deny employment to individuals, nor punish them for refusing to volunteer the information.”

SNOPA would extend to colleges, universities and K-12 schools.

Engel’s legislation has yet to be assigned to a committee, according to his press secretary Joe O’Brien.

“Social media sites have become a widespread communications tool - both personally and professionally - all across the world.  However, a person’s so-called ‘digital footprint’ is largely unprotected,” Rep. Engel (D-N.Y) said in a statement.  “Passwords are the gateway to many avenues containing personal and sensitive content - including email accounts, bank accounts and other information,” said Engel.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is co-sponsoring SNOPA with Engel.

Over the past months, there have been numerous incidents of employers and school officials demanding Facebook credentials either as part of a job interview or as part of disciplining a student.

A wave a debate has swept through social sites and news outlets across the Internet. In late March, Republicans in the House blocked a measure seeking to allow the Federal Communications Commission to prevent employers from forcing workers to reveal Facebook passwords.

Earlier this month, Maryland became the first state to enact legislation preventing employers from demanding applicants hand over social networking log-in credentials. At least seven others states are considering similar legislation and the American Civil Liberties Union is monitoring the situation.

The legislation could not only protect the privacy of citizens, but it has been suggested that companies would also benefit.

One company department head blogged that knowing personal details about an applicant could possibly lead to discrimination charges if the applicant believed they were not hired based on information gleaned from their social site such as sexual orientation.

Engel,  a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said “we need a federal statute to protect all Americans across the country. This is a matter of personal privacy and makes sense in our digital world.”

Engel posted the announcement on the legislation on his Facebook page. As of Friday afternoon, he had two “Likes.”

Engel has spent much of his time in Congress championing energy issues, affordable housing, healthcare reform and education. Engel recently introduced The Cell Phone Theft Protection Act, which would create a centralized list of stolen wireless phones and force providers to turn off service to those devices.

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More from “Identity Matters”

John Fontana is a journalist focusing in identity, privacy and security issues. Currently, he is the Identity Evangelist for cloud identity security vendor Ping Identity, where he blogs about relevant issues related to digital identity.


John Fontana

First and foremost, John is employed as an Identity Evangelist by Ping Identity, which provides cloud identity security software to enterprises and cloud service providers. In his role, he tracks the identity industry and relevant issues. He does not have financial interests in any companies he covers, and opinions expressed are his own.


John Fontana

John Fontana is a journalist focusing in identity, privacy and security issues. Currently, he is the Identity Evangelist for cloud identity security vendor Ping Identity, where he blogs about relevant issues related to digital identity. Prior to Ping, John spent 15 years as a senior reporter for a variety of publications, including Communications Week, Internet Week and Network World, where he focused on enterprise topics including collaboration, directories, network infrastructure, databases, open source, ERP and security. He covered IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Red Hat, Google among other enterprise vendors. His work has also appeared in the New York Times, CNN, CIO and Mashable.

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Must See!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Alissa242 1 day ago
what Jason answered I'm stunned that a single mom can profit $4394 in one month on the internet. did you see this website http://tomakeusd.blogspot.in/
1 Vote
+ -
About time
Lerianis10 1 day ago
It's about time that they did this, but they should also drop CISPA which is a non-needed law that is only there for abuse by various organizations.
-1 Votes
+ -
Full body cavity search
Robert Hahn 1 day ago
But you don't get that choice. Once you sign up to have the government protect you from every little thing, you've also signed up to have the government in your shorts. The idea that you can have the benevolence without them grabbing your junk is a sham.
-4 Votes
+ -
what Jason answered I'm stunned that a single mom can profit $4394 in one month on the internet. did you see this website http://tomakeusd.blogspot.in/

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