How to Grow Your Own Salad in a Box

One of the easiest things to grow for the beginning gardener, according to author and urban gardener Maria Finn, is a salad box, as it won’t need much maintenance and grows back quickly. Plus, eating homegrown salad greens is quite satisfying.

CHOW Tips are the shared wisdom of our community. If you’ve figured out some piece of food, drink, or cooking wisdom that you’d like to share on video (and you can be in San Francisco), email Blake Smith and tell us what you’ve got in mind.

This video was originally published in April 2010.

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  • roomate's step-sister brought in $13097 the prior month. she gets paid on the laptop and got a $443300 house. All she did was get blessed and work up the information laid out on this website Nuttyrichd0tcom

  • Love the tips, but wish there was a way of sending the ones you want w/o the 1st one popping up.

  • Agreed - no how-to information offered at all. A waste of time.

  • no useful information in that blurb.

  • agreed. not helpful at all!

  • the video title is "How to", not "What to"? There is zero info on creating a growing box: I am sad and disappointed.