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Column: Digging the debt hole

A few weeks ago, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner made a statement during a congressional hearing that ought to have made us all a little apprehensive. South Carolina Republican Representative Trey Gowdy had asked Geithner to estimate how much the debt ceiling would be raised if the U.S. government had one last opportunity to do so. Geithner responded that the debt ceiling would need to be raised by “a lot” and that the amount would “make you feel uncomfortable.”

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Recent poll shows tie between Romney, Obama

Mitt Romney, the expected Republican presidential nominee, has closed the gap with President Barack Obama by pulling into a tie with registered voters, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll released Wednesday.

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Ron Paul advocates small government to raucous crowd

Ron Paul advocates small government to raucous crowd

“The revolution is alive and well,” declared Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, upon seeing the more than 2,000 supporters who attended his rally at U. Rhode Island Wednesday night.

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Secretary of Education backs forgiving student loans in 10 years

Secretary of Education backs forgiving student loans in 10 years

Student loan debt would be completely forgiven after 10 years of public service under a proposed plan by a top federal education official, which would also strive to make the United States the number one producer of college graduates within the decade.

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Dartmouth President Jim Yong Kim elected 12th president of the World Bank

Dartmouth President Jim Yong Kim elected 12th president of the World Bank

Dartmouth College President Jim Yong Kim will serve as the World Bank’s 12th president, the World Bank board of directors announced on Monday. Kim was elected over the only other remaining nominee, Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

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Column: Reintegration requires reform

This past weekend, President Barack Obama traveled to Cartagena, Colombia to attend the Summit of the Americas hosted by the Organization of American States. Although the summit made progress in easing inequality and other gaps between the United States, Canada and Latin America, the debate stalled over the issue of whether to reinstate Cuba into the OAS and allow the country to attend future summits.

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Janet Napolitano discusses role of Homeland Security

Janet Napolitano discusses role of Homeland Security

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano delivered a lecture at the UCLA Anderson School of Management on Monday, speaking to about 350 people about the role and responsibilities of the federal Department of Homeland Security.

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Column: Doing no evil

This past winter, hundreds of thousands of people banded together to strike down the Stop Online Piracy Act before it became law. It was beautiful: young people getting involved in politics, if only to protect their God-given right to download the latest episode of “Mad Men” and repost clips of their favorite shows.

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Obama visits Tampa to talk exports

Obama visits Tampa to talk exports

President Barack Obama visited the Port of Tampa on Friday to herald the success of a trade initiative that created a USF department, delivering a small, private press conference in front of shipping containers and industrial cranes.

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Column: Long-term welfare reform

From the Super Committee to the Simpson-Bowles Commission, it seems like every bipartisan effort to avoid a looming debt crisis has ended up in the garbage can.

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