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April 13, 2012 5:48 GMT

A group of 100 of the world's most endangered cat, the Iberian lynx, has been released back into the wild in Spain.


April 13, 2012 6:27 GMT

The President of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, Abdirahman Farole, says that Islamist Al Shabab militants have moved north into his territory after being pushed out...

April 13, 2012 6:08 GMT

Two members of the US Coast Guard have been shot to death at a communications station on Alaska's Kodiak Island, prompting an investigation by the FBI and a lockdown of...

April 13, 2012 5:11 GMT

Two Swedish researchers have completed a study into some of the world's most famous disasters and concluded that the 'women and children first' rule is a myth....

April 13, 2012 4:41 GMT

Soldiers in Guinea-Bissau have attacked the home of the Prime Minister and election front-runner Carlos Gomes Junior in what appears to be an attempted coup.


April 13, 2012 3:33 GMT

A fragile cease-fire in Syria appeared to be holding as a US-drafted resolution circulated in the UN Security Council to authorize an unarmed observer team to enter the...

April 13, 2012 0:11 GMT

Mel Gibson said John Lennon deserved to die, and that he wanted to stab his former girlfriend to death while having intercourse, according to a Hollywood screenwriter....

April 13, 2012 0:00 GMT

China's economy grew at the slowest pace in three years during the first quarter, according to the latest data from the Chinese...

April 12, 2012 23:41 GMT

The Greek jobless rate rose to 21.8 percent in January according to government statistics released Thursday, with over 1 in 5 Greeks now out of work.


April 12, 2012 22:41 GMT

Qantas, the Australian airline widely considered to be the world's safest, has flown a jet partly fueled by modified cooking oil.

The 300-seat Airbus A330 that...

April 12, 2012 20:01 GMT

A controversial new study in the journal Health Affairs...

April 12, 2012 21:00 GMT

The World Financial Center was evacuated Thursday after a security guard spotted a suspicious package found to contain a toy grenade,...

April 12, 2012 20:08 GMT

North Korea launched its much-touted rocket on Thursday at approximately 7:39 a.m. It reportedly failed to launch,...

April 12, 2012 19:08 GMT

At 7:39 am Korean time, North Korea launched a rocket it said would place a satellite in orbit,...

April 12, 2012 17:36 GMT

An Australia woman who sexually abused her two children and broadcast the sex acts on the Internet has been sentenced to a minimum of 13 years in jail.


April 12, 2012 16:54 GMT

Researchers said they discovered ancient bacteria resistant to both natural and synthetic antibiotics while investigating a 4-million-year-old cave in New Mexico.


April 12, 2012 17:02 GMT

The board of embattled retailer Best Buy is investigating claims that its former chief executive Brian Dunn,...

April 12, 2012 16:59 GMT

Police in Serbia say they have recovered a Cézanne valued at more than $100 million that was stolen in Switzerland,...

April 12, 2012 16:14 GMT

A review by British scientists of common insect bite remedies, like antihistamines, steroid creams and antiseptics,...

April 12, 2012 16:22 GMT

Oxford's Bodleian Libraries and the Vatican's Biblioteca Apostolica plan to digitize 1.5 million pages of ancient texts to make them available online.


April 12, 2012 16:08 GMT

Russia will spend $1 billion this year alone to build a new space launch pad and cosmodrome, part of a long-term space program strategy that ...

April 12, 2012 15:24 GMT

Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen apologized on Thursday afternoon for her "poorly chosen" words concerning Ann Romney, Republican presidential candidate Mitt...

April 12, 2012 16:16 GMT

Clayton F Osbon, the JetBlue pilot whose March 27 mid-air meltdown caused him to rant about Jesus and al-Qaeda during a flight from New York City to Las Vegas, has been...

April 12, 2012 15:59 GMT

Vladimir Putin has vowed to raise $500 billion in investment for Russian offshore oil and gas field development, using foreign expertise to help tap the country's full...

April 12, 2012 15:37 GMT

Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin's mother,...

April 12, 2012 14:36 GMT

Chinese authorities have purged the internet of over 200,000 posts and 40 websites that reference disgraced Communist Party leader Bo Xilai and his wife, who have been...

April 12, 2012 13:59 GMT

The 10-mile oil sheen spotted in the Gulf of Mexico did not originate from Royal Dutch Shell's operations in the area, said the company in a statement on Thursday,...

April 12, 2012 14:47 GMT

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in Florida on Feb. 26...

April 12, 2012 10:26 GMT

Richard Branson's latest crusade is reforming the university system around the world.

The Virgin CEO, who...

April 12, 2012 12:41 GMT

JOHANNESBURG — Swaziland police cracked down on pro-democracy protests Thursday, arresting union leaders and...

April 12, 2012 12:26 GMT

The future of mobile advertising is display. To clarify: I'm not referring to iAds or other software from OS makers and carriers. Like yours, my fingertips are normal-...

April 12, 2012 13:32 GMT

Amazon will cut its e-book prices from $14.99 to $9.99 or less, following the Department of Justice's announcement of its antitrust lawsuit against Apple and five major...

April 12, 2012 13:29 GMT

NEW YORK - Oh, well. That was fun while it lasted.

The so-called Fox Mole — the pseudonymous tattletale writing angry missives from within Fox News Channel...

April 12, 2012 13:00 GMT

The National Rifle Association is behind a controversial stand your ground law in Wisconsin,...

April 12, 2012 12:43 GMT

The collection of images of the late Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman that have flooded the mainstream media in recent weeks had a recent addition yesterday: a mugshot of...

April 12, 2012 12:47 GMT

It’s the six-year anniversary of Massachusetts' healthcare reform law, and President Barack Obama’s reelection team doesn’t want the nation to forget it...

April 12, 2012 12:03 GMT

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich lambasted Fox News during a private meeting on Wednesday,...

April 12, 2012 11:01 GMT

The Food and Drug Administration is taking new steps to tighten rules on antibiotics in animal feed, but some say that the rules don't go far enough.

The agency...

April 12, 2012 11:47 GMT

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, said today that he is considering stepping down a year early so the country can focus on making sure the withdrawal of foreign troops from...

April 12, 2012 11:09 GMT

Anderson Cooper, CNN’s most dapper news anchor, apologized for his uncontrollable giggle fit and ill-timed comment during a RidicuList...

April 12, 2012 11:02 GMT

An incestuous couple in Germany did not have their privacy violated by a German court, the European Court of Human Rights ruled today,...

April 12, 2012 10:49 GMT

Ann Romney is fighting back after a Democratic consultant suggested the wife of wealthy Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney shouldn't be talking about women and...

April 12, 2012 10:14 GMT

Prosecutors in the Trayvon Martin case face steep hurdles to win a second-degree murder conviction against...

April 12, 2012 6:30 GMT

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Widespread shelling in Syria ceased today following the final deadline for implementation of a cease-fire to end violence in a conflict that has...

April 12, 2012 6:05 GMT

President Nicolas Sarkozy's government has introduced an antiterrorism bill that he proposed after series of attacks in the France and as a presidential election looms....

April 12, 2012 5:32 GMT

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has returned home after a third round of radiotherapy in Cuba, insisting that he is "doing well".


April 12, 2012 4:12 GMT

Sudanese warplanes launched their first attack on a major South Sudanese town, amid fears the two sides are sliding closer to a full-blown war.


April 12, 2012 1:41 GMT

China's economic growth will slow to a 13-year low in 2012, according to...

April 11, 2012 20:16 GMT

Rep. Allen West tried to clarify his controversial remarks which he made late Tuesday night when he said up to 80 House Democrats were members of the Communist Party.

April 11, 2012 21:23 GMT

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, an outspoken critic of the government's mining tax, reportedly has not paid tax for his private company for three years.
