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Flush tax increase exemptions

Should Marylanders who live outside of the Chesapeake Bay watershed be exempt from the flush tax increase?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure
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The Baltimore Sun welcomes submissions of op-ed articles of 650 to 750 words. Local topics and authors are preferred. Please send your submission to op-ed page editor Mike Cross-Barnet at commentary@baltsun.com or by clicking here.

Gov. O'Malley on same-sex marriage

Gov. Martin O'Malley answers questions from The Sun's Andrew Green about same-se...

Gov. Martin O'Malley answers questions from The Sun's Andrew Green about same-sex marrriage and civil unions during the Newsmaker Forum on Feb. 15, 2012.

Readers Respond
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Readers respond

Masters reveals Augusta's shame

The Masters golf tournament, held annually at the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia, is on a collision course with reality.

Ehrlich misleads on health insurance coverage

Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s recent column on health care shows a talent for bending facts to fit ideology ("A blow to employer-based coverage," April 1). He quotes a 2011 analysis by McKinsey & Company that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) would decrease the number of employers who offer...

Gas tax must have restrictions

With regard to Maryland's gas tax or any sales tax increase devoted to the same purpose, we don't trust Gov.Martin O'Malley, his successor or subsequent successors ("O'Malley looks at sales tax increase for roads," April 4).

Gloves or no gloves? The archivist's dilemma

I would like to thank letter writer Charles Herr for exhibiting concern about the treatment of historic items within the community ("Laying bare hands on historic bible is an archival sin," April 4). Like him, I believe that the greatest care should be used when handling objects that are important...

Wind power: Renewable, job-creating, less polluting

Many recent op-eds in The Sun have discussed Gov.Martin O'Malley's wind bill. To those concerned about the cost of wind energy, I would observe that doing nothing might prove even more expensive in the long run. While installing the wind turbines may raise residential electricity rates by as much as...

Rodricks is spot on about 'spot on'

Thanks to Dan Rodricks for shining the spotlight on that annoying expression, "spot on" ("Razing the JFX, lowering O's expectations," April 2). It is a British way of thinking that something can be perfectly correct, while in America we know that...

Unemployment is worse than Obama administration claims

The Obama administration and the liberal news media continues to keeps up their line that the unemployment rate is between 8 percent 9 percent. Don't believe it, as nothing could be further from the truth. The real unemployment rate ranges close to 15 percent or 16 percent because of the Obama's...

How were police unaware of videotaped beating?

I work at Courthouse East, where the assault that has now been widely viewed on the Internet took place. The article in the April 5 Sun ("Viewers of shock video shed light on Baltimore assault") states that "While police were troubled by the video, they said this week that they were not aware of the...

U.S. drilling is the safest bet

There is no reason that the U.S. shouldn't be energy independent in 10 years. Yes, we would have to drill some more, but as Peter Morici points out ("Obama's bad bet," April 3), we would manage the environmental issues much better than others. The geopolitical and economic upside would be enormous.

Real March Madness: Pretending players are students

While the phenomenon of March Madness college basketball seems to grow each passing year, I need to vent about what has transpired this past season.

Obama energy strategy is sound

Peter Morici attacks President Barack Obama for pursuing an energy policy which seeks to develop alternative energy sources ("Obama's bad bet," April 3). He brings up the Solyndra debacle, begun under theGeorge W. Bush administration, as evidence that we should just "drill, baby, drill" and deal...

Rodricks flirts with fairness — then loses it

Now your opinion writers are masking their invective. I thought it was a new and fair Dan Rodricks in the first two paragraphs of his recent column ("Razing the JFX, lowering O's expectations," April 3) that reflected the headline. But the remainder...

Want cheaper power in Md.? Leave energy market alone

Gov.Martin O'Malley's offshore wind bill seems to be much ado about nothing ("A better wind bill," April 2). Offshore wind energy is so prohibitively expensive that it is not well positioned to gain major traction in the coming years. According to the Energy Information Administration's cost...

Recalling Camden Yards' biggest star

I've read the sports pages and seen the articles about the greatest games and most exciting sports moments at Camden Yards, and they bring back memories.

T. Rowe Price needs a few good women

The Board of Directors ofT. Rowe Price Group, Inc, a company worth over $16 billion, have given us investors the opportunity to vote for or against only one woman to join their Board of Directors at their annual meeting on April 17.

Maryland: A 1 percenter's view

I was born in Baltimore County, raised in Prince George's County, attended public schools in Prince George's, matriculated from the University of Maryland College Park, and received an MBA from Mount Saint Mary's College. I have worked my entire career, approaching 30 years, within the state,...

U.S. health care system makes us uncompetitive

It certainly is a hardship for American employers to provide health insurance to their employees. But what Columnist Robert Ehrlich ("A death-knell for employer-funded insurance," April 1) seems not to realize is that the cost of insurance makes American products far less competitive on the world...

Why so little attention to the Black Panther bounty on Zimmerman?

While the entire George Zimmerman/Tryavon Martin issue is a tragedy on many fronts, I am outraged by the lack of action from the mainstream media and law enforcement concerning the bounty on Mr. Zimmerman offered by the Black Panthers. I am not a legal expert, but this should be a crime.

Romney: Not the best candidate but the best we've got

Unfortunately there are better candidates than Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination, but they all appear to be waiting for 2016 when they will not have to run against an incumbent president while hoping for a repeat of the 2000 election when George Bush won. The GOP should be happy, and I am glad...

O'Malley's sales tax for transportation idea: Only in Maryland

Some people may object to Gov.Martin O'Malley's proposal to raise the sales tax to "pay for highway and transit projects" ("O'Malley looks at sales tax increase for roads," April 4). Well, why not? It seems perfectly logical, since we are using gas tax proceeds to pay for windmills and lottery...

Obamacare: High court is just doing its job

Both Eileen Ambrose ("Oppose health care act at your own risk," April 1) and Dan Rodricks ("Razing the JFX, lowering O's expectations," April 3) miss the issue before the Supreme Court. The issue...

Got a better plan for reducing Medicare costs?

In their recent op-ed ("The wrong fix for Medicare," April 3), Doctors Gary Pushkin and Anuradha Reddy, past presidents of the Baltimore County and Baltimore City medical societies, respectively, advocate abolishing, with no alternative proposal, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)...

Wind bill potentially more costly than reported

Have any of your reporters or editorial writers actually read the offshore wind bill ("A better wind bill," April 2)? I don't think so, or perhaps they simply don't understand it.

Rodricks suffers selective judicial memory

In his recent column ("Razing the JFX, lowering O's expectations," April 3), Dan Rodricks continues his attacks on the Supreme Court for asking the tough questions of the lawyers presenting the Obama administration's case for the Patient Protection...

Answer to high gas prices? Smarter drivers

Never have I agreed more with Susan Reimer than I did with her column on gas prices ("Driving force behind high gas prices: me," April 2).

Laying bare hands on historic bible is an archival sin

I was astonished to see bare hands on the pages of a 400-year-old King James Bible in a photograph on The Sun's front page ("Stevenson to house first edition of King James Bible," April 3). I was then stunned by the photo on the inside page of this article showing that the bare hands flipping...

Annapolis liberals think they're smarter than the rest of us

Recently there have been several newspaper articles about the (Democratic) governor and the (Democrat-controlled) legislature shifting fiscal responsibilities on to local jurisdictions and dictating local spending levels for numerous programs.

Obama needs to stop telling the Supreme Court how to do its job

Apparently President Barack Obama is now telling the justices of the Supreme Court how they can vote. He made a statement at a White House meeting on Monday, with the Canadian prime minister and the Mexican president, that they need to find Obamacare constitutional just because it is. And if they...

Ehrlich unwittingly shows the need for health care reform

Thanks to Bob Ehrlich for the long article in Sunday's paper that makes plain, without actually stating it, the big difference between Republicans and Democrats on health care ("A death-knell for employer-funded insurance," April 1). Republicans find the pre-reform status quo acceptable, in which...

O'Malley wind bill: More from the big government nanny state

Gov.Martin O'Malley's wind power bill is the economic hocus pocus play that you guys back up for whatever reason ("A better wind bill," April 2). You start by portraying the finances as positive — "wind will remain free" and "cost overruns will be borne by the developers not the ratepayers."...

The Orioles' blasphemous home opener

I am disappointed to see that the Orioles have selected April 6th as the opening for their home season. The revelry and celebration that accompanies the home opener contrasts to the solemn nature of Good Friday and the reflection of Passover, which begins that evening. The Orioles have unfortunately...

How smart meters are like Obamacare

A letter published in Monday's Sun "Smart meters are safe" (April 2) reminded me that I had planned to send you a note regarding BGE's plans for installation of those devices.

The GOP's stealth tax increase on the poor

The conservatives in Congress are taking advantage of a semantic convenience when they insist on "no new taxes for anyone." It is based on the fact that the poorest Americans are excused from paying federal income tax in the first place, due to their small paychecks and/or disproportionately large...

City elections should coincide with state's

Election officials predict a record low turnout for the Maryland presidential primary election ("Key races, little interest in primary," April 2). Meanwhile, the state legislature just passed a law that would move the election of Baltimore's mayor to coincide with presidential elections on the...

Arrest George Zimmerman and let a jury decide

Trayvon Martin was shot to death for walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie on. The white man who shot him claimed it was self-defense even though the boy was not armed and not even within arms distance of the man. George Zimmerman should be arrested for taking another man's life. He...

Where were the parents before their children were arrested?

In response to the article about the parents protesting the arrest and handcuffing of their children ("Four children arrested, handcuffed after playground fight," March 30), I think that the parents should worry more about the seriousness of what those "children" did. They held one child's head...

Trayvon Martin coverage: Don't assume 'liberal' bias

In response to the letter written by David Holstein of Parkville ("Trayvon Martin coverage shows liberal bias," March 29), I would like to respectfully disagree with his perspective.

Where's the criticism of the Supreme Court's liberals?

The press complains that five conservative justices on the Supreme Court walk in lockstep to promote their agenda. And that may very well be the case. But in the interest of journalistic fairness, should it not be pointed out that the four liberal justices stick together all the time as well? If a...

The danger of inflation is real

We have been hearing claims by our federal government that there is low to no inflation in this economy. The Federal Reserve continues an "easy money" policy, cranking up the printing presses at the U.S. Mint when the government needs more money to operate than it collects in taxes. And long term...

Hey, Justice Scalia: Mandate prevents freeloading

In the arguments before the Supreme Court on the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act, Justice Antonin Scalia likened it to a slippery slope that could lead to the federal government forcing citizens to buy broccoli. In response, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. could have...

Plain dumb not to like smart meters

Letter writer Bob Bruninga is right ("Smart meters are safe," April 2), smart meters are safe and can save us money, if we choose to save money — which most Americans don't chose to do. Finally, the U.S. is getting smart about saving energy.

The Red Line cure for gas price blues

As Baltimoreans watch gas prices soar above $4, it's worth asking: why don't we have a better public transportation system? Do we lack the imagination?

Since when is Keith Olbermann is mainstream?

I was stunned by The Sun's description of Keith Olbermann's firing from Current TV as, "A mainstream media figure washes out at Current." You had me for a minute, then I realized the headline appeared onApril Fool's Day.

Archdiocese: Merzbacher deserves to spend his life in prison

The recent rulings by theU.S. Supreme Courtregarding habeas corpus relief for certain inmates have caused grave concerns and anxiety for the courageous survivors of John Merzbacher, as indicated by the many victims who have contacted us over the past several days.

Mike Mussina doesn't belong in the O's Hall of Fame

Mike Mussina in the Orioles Hall of Fame? ("When Mussina, Dauer return, Hall doors to open," March 29).

Michael Phelps: A real class act

We really enjoyed Jean Marbella's article aboutMichael Phelps ("In his 'last year,' Phelps thoughtful," March 29).

'Obamacare' is illegal and will be overturned by the courts

How can you support Obamacare? ("The case for Obamacare," March 29). Oh that's right, The Sun supports everything liberal and Democratic.

Even when illegal immigrants pay taxes, they're committing a crime

Dan Rodricks' column on what a boon to society illegal immigrants are noted the billions of dollars illegal immigrants pay into Social Security ("Welcome to Baltimore, no questions asked, March 27).

Ron Paul: The only man who can save America

Commentator Arick Stall is correct in saying that GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul would take on taxes, spending and regulations, and that "we need a president who is not afraid to make the tough decisions necessary to guarantee future prosperity" ("Primed for the primary," March 30).

Leopold: The story behind police unions 'no confidence' votes

In The Sun's news accounts of Police chief James E. Teare Sr. and the votes of "no confidence" by county police unions, a salient fact has been omitted. The first union vote of "no confidence" in mid-February was an expression of resentment regarding tight county budgets and the partial repeal of...

Senate raids Md. land conservation fund

Unless the House of Delegates reverses a Senate decision, Maryland's legislature will undermine the widely popular effort to create new places for outdoor recreation, as well as efforts to protect Maryland's best farmlands and forests. This decision would impact Maryland's residents and visitors...

Sun disrespects Republican candidates

I have a question for The Sun: Why are there caricatures of the four Republican candidates for president on the op-ed page instead of their pictures? The accompanying commentaries were sensitive, heartfelt, real sentiments written by supporters of those candidates and deserved more respect than...

Plan to sell Baltimore landmarks is a good start

It's a start. Baltimore City's decision to consider selling or otherwise turning over 15 city-owned historic landmarks to new ownership or management is a step in the right direction. But is it well thought out and does it go far enough?

City must not let erroneous water bills lead to tax sales

Whether estimated, misread, misrecorded, or just plain mistaken, no erroneous water bill should send any properties to tax sale ("Tax sale timeout," March 25). In its City Council testimony of March 21, the Public Works and Finance departments pledged to investigate all 2,300 pending tax sales...

Referendum petitions are an affront to republican form of government

We in Maryland have petitions to override laws the legislature enacted and to approve amendments to the Maryland Constitution. Other States have similar laws. California also allows petitions to enact new laws. Sounds very democratic, in a political structure sense, not a partisan sense.

Obama, NAACP, Sharpton wrong to stoke passions in Trayvon Martin case

First and most important, it is a tragedy when any young person dies before his or her time. What is rather disheartening is that politicians like the president and members of Congress, groups like the NAACP and TV personalities like Al Sharpton are stoking the fires for a very dangerous response...

Freedom of speech goes for abortion protesters, too

I want to thank The Sun for running on page one last Sunday the story about the abortion protesters' arrest in Harford County in 2008 ("State trooper wanted protesters to 'rot,'" March 24).

Conservatives and science: Education is no match for willful ignorance

The article "Conservatives confidence in science declines" (March 30) describes how better educated conservatives' confidence in science and in the reality of climate change has declined precipitously in recent years. This confirms what I have long maintained, that education by itself is no...

'Necessary and proper' doesn't give Congress a free pass on Obamacare

The argument that Leslie Meltzer Henry and Maxwell L. Stearns make in a recent op-ed piece in support of the Affordable Care Act ("Individual mandate is constitutional," March 22) is based on the Constitution's "necessary and proper" clause, which they claim, gives the government the right to pass...

A Baltimore jury duty Catch-22

This is a comment on problems with a city bureaucracy other than faulty water bills.

Speed up the ICC, slow down I-97

All speed limits need periodic review ("State studies raising ICC speed limit," March 23). A rise from 55 to 60 mph on the uncontested, largely merge-free Inter-County Connector is certainly sensible.

Gas prices: Obama is still clueless

President Barack Obama deserves a hearty "Thank You" from the millions of Americans who are alarmed by historically high gasoline prices for unveiling his sure-fire fix of the problem: tune-ups, algae, windmills, proper tire inflation, the Chevy Volt and a pipeline to nowhere ("Facing heat over...

The Sun's bias toward incumbents is obvious

Your article about the references to race and religion in state Sen. C Anthony Muse's campaign materials as he seeks to unseat U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin in the April 3 Democratic primary says more than it seems to ("Muse flyer questioned over religious message," March 28).

Health care lawsuit: Constitution's framers didn't have a crystal ball

In 1776, there were an estimated 2.5 million folks living in the New Colonies. Today, there are 311 million individuals who must be included when we consider their needs and make laws.

Needed: A truly bipartisan approach to health care reform

President Obama was correct when he opined that every citizen should have health care coverage and pay for it through insurance premiums. But the very partisan law that was rammed through by the Democratic-controlled Congress without the support of the voters was in direct conflict with his campaign...

Sgt. Bales: Don't judge him until you've walked a mile in his shoes

I find it very hard to believe the hatred of Sgt. Robert Bales in William Smith's recent letter ("Don't pity Sgt. Bales," March 29).

How will Leopold spin the charges against him?

It never ceases to amaze me how when certain people are put in positions of power they shred, flaunt and abuse the privileges of their office.

Keep free tutoring programs in Baltimore City schools

I am very upset with what I read in your newspaper about the threat to the supplemental educational services tutoring program ("Fund classrooms, not corporations," March 27).

Susan Reimer's sympathy for Sgt. Bales is misguided

Susan Reimer seems extremely misguided; her sympathy for Sgt. Robert Bales, who massacred men, women and children, is an enigma to me ("War makes you crazy, both there and here," March 26).

BCCC handled finances properly

The March 22 Sun article "State audit questions $200,000 payment to BCCC" cites an assertion by Department of Legislative Services (DLS) auditors that the college received a "potentially questionable" payment from a company that was leasing space to the BCCC Life Sciences Institute at the University...

We need more politicians like Milad Pooran

How refreshing to read that there still are some people willing to dip into the cesspool of politics and try to do the right thing for a change. I only wish Milad Pooran lived in Baltimore County so I could vote for him, as he sounds like a true progressive hero who actually cares about people other...

Jet Blue pilot breakdown: What if there had been a gun in the cockpit?

This week's apparent mental breakdown by a Jet Blue pilot could have had a very different ending. Imagine that the ill pilot had pulled the gun that many pilots now carry and started a gunfight in the cockpit.

Texas lawmaker: Rodricks wrong on illegal immigrants

In his recent op-ed, "Sanctuary Baltimore, no questions asked" (March 26) Dan Rodricks wrongfully assumes that welcoming illegal immigrants will help increase Baltimore's tax base. But there is a consensus among nonpartisan economists that illegal...

A prayer for a better federal budget

It is imperative that people of faith speak up in support of a federal budget process that is true to the best moral traditions of our country. The federal budget is a document that reflects the values that we hold to be most important. Continuation of funding for programs that strengthen and enrich...

Smart meter opponents are dangerous

Printing Kate Kheel's letter "Smart meters are dangerous" (March 24) piece shows it's not the meters but the people who fear them that are dangerous.


Slots brinkmanship

There's no question that the National Harbor development in Prince George's Countyhas the potential to be an extremely successful casino site. It already has an upscale mix of restaurants and hotels,...

The GOP came to Maryland

Maryland's historically low turnout in Tuesday's presidential primaries is largely being blamed on the lack of a contest on the Democratic side. After all, the drawn-out fight between Mitt Romney,...

O'Malley should call a gas tax special session

Imagine that next week the price of a gallon of gasoline in Maryland went up a nickel or so. This shouldn't be too difficult a stretch the way gasoline prices have been rising in recent months. It may...

A fight in the 6th

Things haven't gone quite according to plan in the newly redrawn 6th Congressional District. Maryland's leading Democrats figured they had drawn new boundaries that would allow a rising star in the...

Annapolis to-do list

The General Assembly adjourns Monday at midnight, but that deadline tends to focus minds in Annapolis, and much can still be accomplished in the hours that remain. The biggest debate of 2012 ¿ same-...

Obama and judicial review

Conservatives took great relish this week in attacking President Barack Obama for some ill-considered observations regarding the Supreme Court and its role in reviewing the administration's health...