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Health Statistics > Total Spending on Medicaid (most recent) by state

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Showing latest available data.
Rank   States  Amount 
# 1     New York: $10,861,780.00 
# 2     California: $3,986,042.00 
# 3     Illinois: $3,216,078.00 
# 4     Maryland: $1,018,430.00 
# 5     Pennsylvania: $675,182.00 
# 6     North Carolina: $514,208.00 
# 7     Nebraska: $350,163.00 
# 8     Connecticut: $344,803.00 
# 9     District of Columbia: $245,721.00 
# 10     Michigan: $231,227.00 
# 11     Massachusetts: $214,160.00 
# 12     North Dakota: $199,149.00 
# 13     Florida: $169,565.00 
# 14     Tennessee: $169,348.00 
# 15     New Hampshire: $133,299.00 
# 16     Kentucky: $132,145.00 
# 17     Wisconsin: $124,487.00 
# 18     Texas: $123,186.00 
# 19     Montana: $118,143.00 
# 20     Washington: $103,422.00 
# 21     Rhode Island: $100,717.00 
# 22     Virginia: $98,541.00 
# 23     Minnesota: $88,969.00 
# 24     New Jersey: $76,331.00 
# 25     Kansas: $63,711.00 
# 26     Georgia: $59,471.00 
# 27     Arkansas: $57,700.00 
# 28     Hawaii: $52,712.00 
# 29     Vermont: $38,324.00 
# 30     Iowa: $37,875.00 
# 31     Louisiana: $35,474.00 
# 32     Oregon: $34,594.00 
# 33     West Virginia: $26,319.00 
# 34     Utah: $22,809.00 
# 35     Maine: $16,887.00 
# 36     Oklahoma: $11,316.00 
Weighted average: $659,785.78  

DEFINITION: Medicaid Medically Needy Program Spending (in thousands), 2000. Data not available for those states not listed.

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"Total Spending on Medicaid by state", statehealthfacts.org. Retrieved from http://www.StateMaster.com/graph/hea_tot_spe-health-total-spending-on-medicaid

Change citation style: APA MLA MHRA CSE AMA Chicago Bluebook Bluebook/JOLT


11th March 2011
The way I read this, Oklahoma spends only 11 thousand dollars, not million. Illinois is 3rd with over 3billion. Is this information accurate and up to date? This is really horrible, if it is. I'd sure like to know what these other states are doing that keeps them so low in their medicaid payments.
26th January 2011
This chart is incorrect, at least in the case of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma spends nearly $1 billion on Medicaid (state-only dollars). The chart says it spends $11 million. What's that about?

Even the source for this chart doesn't say what the chart says.

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