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FACTOID # 27: If you're itching to live in a trailer park, hitch up your home and head to South Carolina, where a whopping 18% of residences are mobile homes.
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Energy Statistics > Oil Consumption (most recent) by state

VIEW DATA:   Totals   Per capita   Per $ GDP  
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Showing latest available data.
Rank   States  Amount 
# 1     Texas: 1,129,174,000 
# 2     California: 656,863,000 
# 3     Florida: 358,559,000 
# 4     New York: 308,658,000 
# 5     Louisiana: 288,775,000 
# 6     Pennsylvania: 263,233,000 
# 7     Illinois: 242,768,000 
# 8     Ohio: 239,603,000 
# 9     New Jersey: 225,683,000 
# 10     Michigan: 198,641,000 
# 11     North Carolina: 178,544,000 
# 12     Virginia: 167,126,000 
# 13     Indiana: 153,631,000 
# 14     Washington: 152,846,000 
# 15     Massachusetts: 137,854,000 
# 16     Missouri: 135,381,000 
# 17     Kentucky: 130,888,000 
# 18     Tennessee: 129,979,000 
# 19     Wisconsin: 124,783,000 
# 20     Minnesota: 124,687,000 
# 21     Oklahoma: 106,891,000 
# 22     Maryland: 103,914,000 
# 23     Alabama: 100,835,000 
# 24     Arizona: 96,789,000 
# 25     Mississippi: 89,145,000 
# 26     Colorado: 86,814,000 
# 27     Iowa: 78,715,000 
# 28     Kansas: 73,906,000 
# 29     Arkansas: 71,038,000 
# 30     Oregon: 67,081,000 
# 31     Alaska: 51,098,000 
# 32     Utah: 47,939,000 
# 33     New Mexico: 47,125,000 
# 34     Nevada: 45,866,000 
# 35     West Virginia: 39,424,000 
# 36     New Hampshire: 33,295,000 
# 37     Montana: 30,276,000 
# 38     Idaho: 28,576,000 
# 39     Wyoming: 28,063,000 
# 40     North Dakota: 26,444,000 
# 41     Delaware: 26,155,000 
# 42     South Dakota: 20,935,000 
# 43     Georgia: 19,168,000 
# 44     Rhode Island: 18,275,000 
# 45     Vermont: 16,984,000 
# 46     South Carolina: 8,715,000 
# 47     District of Columbia: 6,134,000 
# 48     Maine: 4,174,000 
# 49     Hawaii: 4,148,000 
# 50     Nebraska: 4,081,000 
# 51     Connecticut: 795,000 
Total: 6,730,474,000  
Weighted average: 131,970,078.4  

DEFINITION: Petroleum Consumption (Barrels). This indicates how many barrels of petroleum were consumed in a given state in a given year.

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"Oil Consumption by state", National Priorities Project Database, 2001. Retrieved from http://www.StateMaster.com/graph/ene_pet_con-energy-oil-consumption

Change citation style: APA MLA MHRA CSE AMA Chicago Bluebook Bluebook/JOLT


Fred Duennebier
21st November 2011
Your Hawaii total consumption of 4,148,000 barrels per year is low by an order of magnitude. See
24th May 2011
Is this barrels during an entire year? And which year?

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