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Education Statistics > Assessments > % of Students Above Proficient > Grade 8 Writing (most recent) by state

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Showing latest available data.
Rank   States  Amount 
# 1     Connecticut: 45% 
# 2     Massachusetts: 42% 
# 3     Vermont: 41% 
# 4     Ohio: 38% 
# 5     Maine: 36% 
= 6     Delaware: 35% 
= 6     Maryland: 35% 
= 8     North Carolina: 34% 
= 8     Washington: 34% 
# 10     Oregon: 33% 
= 11     Nebraska: 32% 
= 11     Florida: 32% 
= 11     Kansas: 32% 
= 11     Pennsylvania: 32% 
= 11     Virginia: 32% 
# 16     Texas: 31% 
# 17     New York: 30% 
= 18     Montana: 29% 
= 18     Idaho: 29% 
= 18     Rhode Island: 29% 
# 21     Wyoming: 28% 
= 22     Missouri: 27% 
= 22     Oklahoma: 27% 
# 24     Indiana: 26% 
= 25     Georgia: 25% 
= 25     Kentucky: 25% 
= 27     Michigan: 24% 
= 27     North Dakota: 24% 
= 27     Tennessee: 24% 
= 30     California: 23% 
= 30     Utah: 23% 
# 32     West Virginia: 21% 
= 33     Arizona: 20% 
= 33     South Carolina: 20% 
= 33     Alabama: 20% 
# 36     Arkansas: 19% 
= 37     New Mexico: 18% 
= 37     Louisiana: 18% 
= 37     Hawaii: 18% 
# 40     Nevada: 16% 
# 41     Mississippi: 13% 
# 42     District of Columbia: 10% 
Weighted average: 27.4%  

DEFINITION: The percentage of students that achieved a scale score in the subject of Writing at or above the level of Proficient.

Proficient implies solid academic performance for each grade assessed. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject-matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter.

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"Assessments > % of Students Above Proficient > Grade 8 Writing by state", National Center for Educational Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.StateMaster.com/graph/edu_ass_of_stu_abo_pro_gra_8_wri-above-proficient-grade-8-writing

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