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Drupal, Joomla, WordPress smack down!

The three big three contenders in the open source CMS world are Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress. The folks at Devious Media boiled each of their advantages/disadvantages down to a simple comparison and Joomla comes off looking pretty sweet.

In Network World,  we use Drupal and as I deal with it everyday, I can testify I have a love/hate relationship with it. It’s powerful but complicated. Drupal takes a big hit with this comparison, but the latest upgrade, Drupal 7, released earlier this year, hopes to address some of the management issues with the CMS. Meanwhile, Joomla has come a long way. It has been pushing itself beyond content management and recasting itself as a full-on Web development platform. Indeed, that’s why eBay chose Joomla as the basis of a massive intranet-based community project it began building out in the fall. Yet, Joomla has its detractors, too, who prefer Drupal’s robustness.

For its part, WordPress hasn’t got the street cred the other two have. It’s still seen as a good platform for the SMB market, though it has grabbed some big users, too. WordPress.com suffered a red face in the spring when a pair of DDoS attacks brought down its free blog hosting site two days in a row. To its credit, WordPress quickly put the kibosh on the second attack and these outages don’t reflect the code base of the CMS itself, but the infrastructure that supports its blog site.

By the way, another Open Source Subnet blogger, Alan Shimel, likes DotNetNuke as an open source CMS for companies developing on .Net. So there are open source options for Microsoft-centric shops, too. DotNetNuke just announced a major new release, too.

And there are other open source CMS out there to consider, too, like Alfresco, Concrete5 and Umbraco.

Here’s how Devious Media sees the Big 3 contenders. Do you agree?

11 Comments + Add Comment

  • great! thanks U

  • Number of Joomla’s theme: Unknown
    It’s matter :)
    I think Joomla’s templates reached a number as WordPress’s, but they’re almost for business, not free.

  • I like joomla. But Drupal or WordPress are great.
    Thanks for good article.

  • I prefer WordPress. But i like joomla too.
    nice article.

  • Number of Joomla’s theme ;)

  • East or West…Joomla is the Best …!!!

  • Interesting topic! Definitely, those three CMS platforms are the most popular nowadays. I started with Joomla several years ago but this year started to learn more about WordPress and Drupal. The learning curve of these CMS are great! I already started to develop WordPress themes. Needed less time to learn WordPress than to learn Joomla!

  • This is good comparison but i believe that Joomla got everything you need. A great support on the forum, very stable and easy to use. Drupal it’s ok to but is hard to understand and the support is not so wheel. The WordPres is the most easy to use of all of it, but has his limitation when we talk bout complex site. In the end is matter that what you like but all of them are the great last invention from the last years in meter of web design and web solution!

  • i agree with “aeros77″ , i have been working on wordpress for last 2 years, but now i feel that Joomla got everything you need… Now i am planning to shift to joomla

  • I prefer WordPress. But i like joomla too. i have used it in one of website.

    joomla 8/10
    wordpress 9/10

  • I still think everyone has it’s own benefits, Joomla for business sites without blogs, imo. :P

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