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Photography Glossary

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  10. I
  11. J
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  20. S
  21. T
  22. U
  23. V
  24. W
  25. X
  26. Y
  27. Z
Optical Low-Pass Filter
A filter fitted in front of the image sensor to reduce moiré by filtering ultraviolet and infrared light.
Optical Viewfinder
The window in which the photographer frames the subject and checks focus. Find out more.
The result of the film or image sensor receiving too much light.
Orthochromatic Filter
A green or yellow-green filter used with black-and-white film, it compensates for the difference between the color sensitivity of film and the relative luminous efficiency of the human eye for more natural-looking pictures.
Open Flash
Refers to firing a flash unit with the shutter open. In long time exposures (at Bulb or Time setting), repeatedly firing a the flash creates a multiple-exposure, stroboscopic effect.
Optical Storage
See storage device
Optical VR
See VR
Overlap Servo
An autofocus method that provides continuous focus detection and calculation as the lens is being driven, allowing you to perform faster, more precise autofocusing, especially with moving subjects.