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Lunch Box

Lunch Box

Got any lunch-hour tips, recipe suggestions, deals to share or questions? Write to Judy Hevrdejs at jhevrdejs@tribune.com, or drop us a line at TribU@tribune.com.

Give boring lunch a flavor blast

December 12, 2011

Lunch Box

Give boring lunch a flavor blast

I'm a fan of those soups in microwaveable containers. The price is usually right. Some can sit in your desk drawer for months (years?). There's a good variety to choose from. And when the weather's blustery, they solve the lunch problem for desktop diners.

Barbarians at the buffet

November 28, 2011

Lunch Box

Barbarians at the buffet

Tis the season for office lunches, those collegial, food-focused gatherings of your cubicle cohorts. Sometimes the boss shows up. Sometimes there's booze.

Lunch-bunch pet peeves and how to avoid them

October 17, 2011

Lunch Hour

Lunch-bunch pet peeves and how to avoid them

You love to go out to lunch with your co-workers. It's a great break in the day, gives you time to dish about the Bears, celebrities, TV reality shows or all three. And it's always fun.

What's for lunch? Brain food

October 3, 2011

Lunch Box

What's for lunch? Brain food

Now that you've made it through the annual August-September drumbeat of back-to-school madness, pause a moment and think about your own education. Maybe you should use your lunch break and treat yourself to some "brain food."

Desks: Dirtier than toilet seats

September 5, 2011

Lunch Box

Desks: Dirtier than toilet seats

The last time you wiped down your desk and shook crumbs from your keyboard was — yep, a year ago, when you knocked over a latte while munching a turkey croissant sandwich. Or was it after crunching through that bag of Cheetos? That's not good news if you're one of the 83 percent of Americans who eat at their desks, according to a recent survey.

Market-fresh lunch hours

September 19, 2011

Lunch Box

Market-fresh lunch hours

Maybe you've been a farmers market regular all summer, stopping en route to work to pick up some beautiful fruit to go with your lunchtime yogurt—or stopping by at lunch for some terrific bread to go with the peanut butter you keep tucked in a desk drawer. Or maybe not. You figured: "What am I going to do with a dozen farm-fresh eggs all day while I pound away on my computer?"

What's your lunch style?

June 27, 2011

Lunch Box

What's your lunch style?

What's your lunching style? Do you check out new eateries every day or tote something from home?

What not to eat at a work lunch

July 11, 2011

Lunch Box

What not to eat at a work lunch

When good lunches go bad, it's a sordid tale. But it has nothing to do with spoiled food.

Join the club

May 16, 2011

Lunch Box

Join the club

Good weather's begging you to lunch outdoors and ditch desktop dining. Great! So grab a sandwich and plop down on a sun-drenched bench or patch of grass.

Reuse that picnic feast

May 30, 2011

Lunch Box

Reuse that picnic feast

The outdoor grilling/picnic season is in full swing. If you covet your free time (and I do), you cook enough for 10 when only eight are coming to dinner. You're counting on leftovers.

When are salads less healthy?

May 2, 2011

Lunch Box

When are salads less healthy?

A fellow perpetual dieter confessed recently that, on doctor's orders to lose some pounds, she'd been digging into salads at lunch, dousing the lettuce leaves with bottled "low fat" or "low calorie" dressings.

Lunch beyond the brown bag

March 21, 2011

Lunch Hour

Lunch beyond the brown bag

Stopped taking your lunch to work, right? Was it because you (a) loathe boring food containers, (b) hate eating soggy sandwiches, (c) don't have a refrigerator at work, (d) despise lugging home bulky empty containers, or (e) all of the above?

A healthy lunch on the go

February 21, 2011

Lunch Hour

A healthy lunch on the go

You know veggies are good for you. You know fast-food calorie bombs lurk at every turn. But when your lunch hour's crunched, your stomach growls and you're deep into a due-right-now report for the boss, you do not have time to calculate calories, fat, protein, sodium — let alone a nice balance of color and textures. It's a miracle you're stepping away from your desk!

Lunch tip: Improve a classic

February 7, 2011

Lunch tip: Improve a classic

While rolling past the frozen food section of your supermarket, you spot a sale announcing a pretty good deal on low-cal frozen entrees (even those luscious sounding macaroni & cheese dishes) that you love to have on hand as a quick grab-and-go option for a workday lunch. You toss a few into your cart, feeling a little righteous for going the low-cal route and saving money. So what are you getting for your money?

Lunch tip: Order before you go

April 18, 2011

Lunch tip: Order before you go

It's 11 a.m. and you've got a taste for pizza — maybe it's Giordano's Super Veggie deep dish. Or maybe you're thinking of that wonderful, garlicky-delicious chicken Vesuvio at The Village on West Monroe. Or maybe it's the juicy Angus beef burger at Naha on Clark.

How long is your lunch safe?

March 7, 2011

How long is your lunch safe?

You've forgotten meetings and computer passwords. Join the club. Occasionally, you've even forgotten until 2 in the afternoon that your lunch has been sitting on your desk since 8:30 a.m.

Lunch tip: Put a steak in it

January 31, 2011

Lunch tip: Put a steak in it

Mention leftovers and you find two camps, "lovers" and "haters."

Do you leave for lunch?

January 17, 2011

Do you leave for lunch?

Welcome to Lunch Hour, a column dedicated to that wonderful break in the workday when you track down great restaurant deals with friends, work out in the gym, enjoy a second helping of some great veggie lasagna …

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