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The Walking Dead shambles into certification this week

Posted Mar 12th 2012 8:30PM by Jessica Conditt

The Walking Dead is getting closer -- grab the shotgun! -- and is expected to be submitted for certification on XBLA and PSN this week, with a release soon after, Telltale CEO Dan Connors told Digital Trend at GDC. Connors expects the certification process to take about six weeks, with the launch soon after, placing it in late April or May. He didn't specify the launch process for other platforms, including PC.

Telltale wants to capitalize on the "popularity" of the TV show, whose second season ends March 18, Digital Trend wrote. "Popularity" is of course a loaded term, but personally we've come to enjoy the show with a drinking game -- take a drink every time Lori is mad for a ridiculous reason; take two drinks every time an awkward silence lasts longer than four seconds; finish your drink every time someone shoots more bullets than their gun actually holds.

That said, we're looking forward to Telltale's adaptation; either we'll finally get to enjoy the comic in a new form, or we'll have to buy some more beer.

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Reader Comments (47)

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:35PM subby socks said

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Is this going to be like Telltale's Heavy Rain-esque Jurassic Park game where it's basically just a bunch of QTE's?

If so count me out.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 10:34PM Gibbeynator said

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@subby socks

Good news, the guys at Telltale confirmed that the endless QTEs are officially out. No idea what they're being replaced with, mind you, but the QTEs are definitely out.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:48AM whylekat said

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@subby socks

Shenmu called Tell-Tale and wanted his game mechanic back.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:40PM Farseye said

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Is this going to be anything like Jurassic Park? =/

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:45PM Trollmatic said

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Something tells me this will be less a serious zombie game and more Bordlands-Dr. Ned esque.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:48PM (Unverified) said

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@Trollmatic I think that's just the art style your noticing. Which is extremely Borderlandsy in that picture.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:43PM The Blank Mage Returns said

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@(Unverified) And not at ALL fitting with the show's gritty realism.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 10:12PM Rakajin said

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@The Blank Mage Returns It actually matches the style of the comics more.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:51PM Liquidfingers said

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i used to be onboard the hate the Walking Dead TV show bandwagon (that "Vatos" episode still sucks balls), but i gotta say the last few episodes were awesome. not going to ruin anything for those who haven't seen it, but i will say that it's starting to show signs of what fans of the graphic novels expect a Walking Dead show to be about.

hell, when all things are said and done, i'm just glad that there IS a Walking Dead show out there...Lori may always be a whiny bitch (which she actually is in the comics in case you forgot, Ms. Conditt) and it may never be as good or as brutal as the comics, but it's still a Walking Dead TV show. that's some kind of greatness in and of itself...

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:33PM LeonX84 said

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The game is based on the comic book and doesn't follow along the TV series.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:36PM (Unverified) said

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@Liquidfingers The TV Show has a lot of quirks that annoy me. Having never read the comic I can't compare the two, but even standing alone I enjoy the show. Lori is annoying and never seems to keep and eye on her kid, sometimes the people do things that seem stupid, and I wish there was more head shots than drama. But it's still one of the most enjoyable TV shows on right now. And the only one I care enough about to actually go to a friend's house (I lack cable) to watch rather than just waiting for Netflix to get it.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 8:08AM HandsomeBoyGraduate said

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I have come to terms with accepting that the TV show will NEVER, EVER be as good as the comic.

Having accepted that... it's a pretty good show. In my top 5 current right now. It does have its major flaws and wasted minutes of nothing, but its not horrible either.

Now... those of you who never read the comic... let me just say... whatever you saw in the last 3 episodes or so... imagine those kind of things but **way more** twisted and f**** up. The comic is awesome... and that's not me being a fanboy. I understand and am ok with having changes for TV/Movies.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 11:56AM DaDiddles said

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I can't disagree more. Maybe it's because I started with the show and then looked into the comic, but I feel the show is far, far superior.

Given, I've only read the first hardcover book, but the whole thing felt so flat and uninteresting. The comic went from place to place to place too rapidly, and failed to set up any suspense before something bad happened. The show realizes that it's not zombies eating people that's the scary part, it's the constant, looming threat of death in the background while you just try to survive and live. The comic also felt a bit too predictable. When whats-her-name said "Oh, life is going to be so wonderful here!" I thought, yep, she's getting her face bitten off next. Sure enough, turn to the next page...

The show may meander a little too far into melodrama for my tastes, but at least there's enough characterization for me to care when someone dies. I also much prefer the show's gritty realism, rather than the comic's rather cartoony artstyle.

There's just no contest. The show sucks me in and keeps me watching, even through Lorie's incessant whining. But the comic just fell flat, so much so that I'm not even sure I want to keep reading it.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:53PM CoconutSkittle said

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I like The Walking Dead, but those jabs do have a lot of humorous truth behind them.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 8:53PM JonahStein said

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Maybe it'll be more like Home Alone... where one kid gets left behind by his group, and he has to improvise various homemade traps. Hilarious shenanigans ensue! After a few days of bonking zombie heads with paint cans on ropes, you come to realize the importance of family and not being a selfish little shit.
This scenario would ultimately be best as a point-and-click adventure with puzzles and exploration, complete with cheesy FMV sequences for exposition.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:03PM Syphon583 said

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Personally, after the crap that the Jurassic Park game turned out to be, I'll be avoiding this at all costs. On another note, you guys there at Joystiq sure know how to find ANYTHING to ruin a show. None of what you said has been that blatant enough to warrant not liking the show. Seriously, after this last half of the season, you have nothing to complain about.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:03PM Roto13 said

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Nobody gets to talk smack about that show after last night's big scene.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:07PM Roto13 said

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@Roto13 Lori needs to shut up, though. "You're saving my son's life but you're not a DOCTOR, you're a VET? HOW DARE YOU NOT BE A DOCTOR! TURN INTO A HUMAN DOCTOR RIGHT NOW!"

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:33PM (Unverified) said

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@Roto13 As she lets the damn kid wonder everywhere. I'm on board with Penny-Arcade saying they'd lock their damn kids in a van.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:18AM 8bitartist said

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@Roto13 the show last night had a ridiculous amount of inconsistencies

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:04PM Syphon583 said

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Personally, after the crap that the Jurassic Park game turned out to be, I'll be avoiding this at all costs. On another note, you guys there at Joystiq sure know how to find ANYTHING to ruin a show. None of what you said has been that blatant enough to warrant not liking the show. Seriously, after this last half of the season, you have nothing to complain about.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:05PM Syphon583 said

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Personally, after the crap that the Jurassic Park game turned out to be, I'll be avoiding this at all costs. On another note, you guys there at Joystiq sure know how to find ANYTHING to ruin a show. None of what you said has been that blatant enough to warrant not liking the show. Seriously, after this last half of the season, you have nothing to complain about.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:19PM (Unverified) said

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@Syphon583 I think we get it, thanks!

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:19PM (Unverified) said

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Outside of the oddball projects like Puzzle Agent, I'm all Telltaled out. The formula hasn't evolved at all, and even with the episodic concept taken into account and understood, I never feel like I'm playing a truly complete game when I play these. Too much compromise.

Never mind the atrocity that was Jurassic Park. If the Walking Dead is anything remotely like that disaster, my heart goes out to you TWD who have to suffer through it.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 9:30PM bvnskfd9 said

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Posted: Mar 12th 2012 10:23PM Anarqi said

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Tell Tale games haven't brent cup of green tea.

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 11:32PM TylerDurden1027 said

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Wow this idea of a game based on The Walking Dead sounds great, then I see who it is being made by.....

Posted: Mar 12th 2012 11:59PM Ryuk said

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If the last 3 episodes of the Walking Dead haven't sold you on the new writers potential, AND you're a reader of the comics, then I'm sorry for you =/

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:09AM TylerDurden1027 said

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@Ryuk 3 episodes out of a 13 episode season doesn't mean a lot to me and I love the graphic novels.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:14AM Ryuk said

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still, the season as a whole was good. You have to remember the comics themselves aren't always as hardcore and action packed as people seem to think they are. They are also slowly paced, leading up to big jaw dropping moments. They really try to go in depth and explore the interactions between people and how things would play out between human to human, not human to zombie.

Kirkman himself has said multiple times the zombies are just a backdrop to the real character study that The Walking Dead is. That being said, the show doesn't do an amazing job at character portrayal, they seem to be very two dimensional, except Rick and Shane maybe but even that can be broken down into a Good Guy - Bad Guy thing. I don't really think it's going to lend well to a video game medium, it's more story telling focused, which is what Telltale tried to do with their Jurassic Park game and that didn't turn out too well...

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 8:14AM HandsomeBoyGraduate said

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Well, first problem is comparing to the comic. If all I did was compare the show to the comic, then the show IS a disappointment. I enjoy the show by accepting it for what it is and forgetting the comic.

The comic isn't an action fest, but its very LOGICAL and methodical. There's a ton of bad logic, hypocritical moments and things done for the sake of doing them for TV, in the show.

And last... lot of people watching the show never read the comic, so you can't tell these people, "Well, don't forget the comic is....". They don't care. Its better that they never read it in all honesty. Its interesting to see how those viewers actually fall into the 3 categories of "Love it", "Hate it", or "like it, but a lot this stuff is inconsistent".

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 11:24PM gevenstaines said

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those three episodes, they does not mean a lot to you? that are a shame.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:31AM JManND said

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1. The Walking Dead comics franchise is superb, and is easily one of my favorite series ever.

2. The only people that I know that actually like the piss poor excuse for a tv show, are people who have never read the comics. Do yourself a favor and read them because then you'll understand why people like me hate the show.

3. Telltale is shitty developper with an awful track record and this game will probably suck.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:52AM whylekat said

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Everything they made before the Back to the Future series isn't too terrible. Although BTTF did get pretty dumb and uninteresting way before the final episode's credits rolled...

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 5:31AM Haunted CoinOp said

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Jesus Christ, really? You're one of those guys who is gonna get pissed when Bane doesn't break Batman's back in Dark Knight Rises aren't you? The show is much better for being stand-alone than a scene by scene reenactment like Watchmen.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:44AM milespieri said

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The TV show is terrible. Poorly acted, dreadful writing and some of the most hilarious and inconsistent character motivations I think I've ever seen in a scripted drama. It's one of those shows I have to check in with now and again to see what ridiculous, completely nonsensical, situations the 'survivors' are getting into this week. Will they lower someone down a well to kill a zombie for no good reason? Will that wretched mother take off into town after her hubby for reasons known only to her subconscious and the writing staff? Where will her ten-year-old boy wander off to this week, I wonder?
I'm convinced people only watch it because OMG zombies on TV!!!!!

Want to watch a really brilliant zombie TV show, check out Dead Set.

(Oh, the comic is rubbish too... the art and pacing are nice but Kirkman's characters make the TV ones look like their dialog was lovingly scripted by Aaron Sorkin.)

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:51AM KungFuChaosNinja said

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Telltale has done a fantastic job with Monkey Island and Sam & Max.

All the haters just over Jurassic Park and possibly Back to the Future, come the heck on.

Telltale is NOT a bad developer at all.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 2:09AM kentuckyfried said

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I was thinking about this game, after finishing the comics late into the night yesterday.

If there can be a game like Dead Island, sans some of the broken parts of that game, it'd be great. Just...a little bit more free-roaming, doesn't necessarily have a plot leading to an ultimate conclusion, and the zombie placement is completely different with each new game that is started. The game ends when everybody in the party perishes, and the player can switch between party members that are left if the one they're using dies. I dunno, just throwing out some ideas.

Anyhow, I recommend the comic, which I finally got to read over my vacation. The characters are a bit less black and white, and certainly, the plot moves along much faster than in the t.v. series, which seems to be perpetually stuck in one setting location at the moment. It's also much darker.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 2:11AM alpha defekt said

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1: I love people who hate the show for the drama of people dealing with the end of their world. Only waiting for "BOOM, HEADSHOT!" ....sarcasm.

2: 2 I've read the all the comics thus far and love them dearly, but I also love the TV show for it's fresh take on "what if / alternate universe" approach. I don't want to be sitting there turning the pages of the comic and viewing my tv knowing the exact moment of characters deaths. Where is the fun in that? Marvel can have alternate universes but TWD can't? One of them even having ZOMBIES?!

3: I will download the XBLA trial and make my own judgement on this title.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 5:36AM Haunted CoinOp said

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@alpha defekt

Thank God, someone gets it. No one was bitching when X-Men 1 and 2 came out except for the most elitist comic book fans, yet everyone seems to think TWD should follow the comic exactly, when the show does character development so much better (yes, guys, humans can be very confusing... that does not equal bad character development).

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:49PM DaDiddles said

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@alpha defekt

The people who complain that The Walking Dead show is not the same exact thing as the comic are the same people who signed the "No organic webshooters" petition when the first Spiderman movie came out. It's ludicrous.

Given, when there are two different stories in different mediums, I tend to love one and find the other to be "good, but not great." I think that's what's happening with me and TWD, as I love the show, but after reading the first hardcover comic I felt rather unimpressed.

Even still, I'd much rather have different stories than see people taking "The Watchmen" approach, which is following the original as closely as possible. After seeing the movie, I checked out the graphic novel only to discover they are pretty much one and the same. Why bother reading the graphic novel then?

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 2:21AM lessthankris said

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I do have to say I have read the comics and I like the show more.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 5:42AM Haunted CoinOp said

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I want to know if there is anything Jessica actually likes, besides whatever Vice is into this month. She's like those two guys in the Hullabalooza episode of the Simpsons

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 12:52PM EvilSlacker said

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Glad to hear it is based on the comic and not the TV show. I had a vision of a game with 5 minutes of zombie fighting followed by 45 minutes of whiny ass conversation choices with the mass effect wheel as the pacing for the story. Thankfully, I can now remove that vision and allow this game to suck on its own merits.

Posted: Mar 13th 2012 1:20PM JakeAuditore said

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