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  1. @FamousCeleb Although this article is over a year old, thanks for reading!
  2. Are you going to see 21 Jump Street? Read our review!
  3. @lucasachin Thanks for the kind words! Be sure to like us on Facebook for all our zany updates!
  4. Who is the best silent protagonist in all of gaming?
  5. What is the best celebrity cameo to ever grace @SouthPark?
  6. @LucasNaughton Jack is on the second page of our list!
  7. @Violeta_Ramirez Stop you're going to make us cry. :(
  8. @FamousCeleb lolwut?
  9. March Madness is about to begin! Are you joining a NCAA bracket?
  10. What is the most evil regime in pop culture?
  11. @Dorfgonewild Love is in the blue-eye of the beholder.
  12. @Dr_Liara_TSoni That was a play on Joker's not-so-funny joke from Mass Effect 3, we swear!
  13. @ciddish She was definitely at least one of our Shepard's loves, that's for sure.
  14. @AjenoMerveilles We would never suggest such a thing! Blue babies for everybody!
  15. @werdnuh Problem?
  16. @ceresderehka Glad to hear we're not the only ones!
  17. The new episode of @SouthPark is tonight! Are you going to watch the best TV show ever?
  18. What's better, Game of Thrones or Skyrim?
  19. Who are you giving the Zero-G sexy time to in @MassEffect 3?
  20. Who do you love to hate on your favorite reality TV show?