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Terms & Conditions

  • About Us

    This service is provided by, and all purchases are made from The Irish Times Limited.
    • Registered in Dublin, Ireland No. 2514 VAT Number: IE8/L/40281T
    • Registered Office, 24 – 28 Tara Street, Dublin 2
    • Telephone: 01 675 8894
    • Email: info@newsdelivery.ie
  • Terms and Conditions

    Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using the service. By accessing or using the newsdelivery.ie service, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. The Irish Times may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the modified agreement.
  • Service

    The Irish Times will endeavour to deliver newspaper(s) to your home / office prior to 7.30am.
  • Payment Options

    All payments are made monthly in advance. Payments can be made by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Laser.
  • Cancellations

    Monthly payments - as all payments are paid monthly in advance the cancellation period is determined by the number of paid issues remaining.
  • Holiday Stops / Starts

    We need 2 full working days to process your holiday request. Requests can be made online, by phone or by email.
  • Non Delivery

    If your newspaper is not delivered you must report it to us within 24 hours of delivery date.
  • Non Payment

    If advance monthly payment is declined the following procedures will apply
    1. The Credit Card/Laser request for funds will be resubmitted to the Bank within five working days.
    2. Should this process be unsuccessful you will be contacted via email to arrange immediate payment - should both procedures be unsuccessful supplies will be suspended until payment is made in full.
  • Lost / Stolen / Expired Cards

    Should your card be lost, stolen or expired you must inform us within three working days.

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    Sunday Business Post
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    Irish Daily Star
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    Irish Daily Mail
  • Irish Mail on Sunday
    Irish Mail on Sunday