Caption Contest 120: Bat Gat

Your challenge this week is to come up with the best replacement dialog for this comics panel:

The best entry (as judged by yours truly) wins the author’s choice of either any item they like or any portrait to be included in HeroMachine 3′s final release, or a custom black and white “Sketch of the Day” style illustration (you pick the subject, I draw it however I like).

All entries must be left as a comment (or comments) to this post. Keep ‘em clean (appropriate for a late-night broadcast TV show), but most importantly, keep ‘em funny!

No limit to entries, but please, self-edit and only put up ones you genuinely think are good!

(Original panel © DC Comics, Inc.)

Posted in Caption Contests, Contests | 38 Comments

Character Contest 87 Winners

We had a ton of great entries for Character Contest 87. Without further ado, here are the ones I thought had something extra special about them. Ladies and gentlemen, your Finalists!

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Posted in Contest Winners | 15 Comments

It’s the Perv-O-Matic 2000!

(From “Target Comics” number 1, 1940.)

Posted in Daily Random Panel | 7 Comments

Prize updates

As you can tell, I’ve been focused over the last week trying to complete the outstanding prizes for the various contests. According to my list I owe specific prizes to:

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Posted in Contest Prizes | 31 Comments


I’ve just finished Rick’s prize for winning Caption Contest 108, his original character Gunner:

I hope it came out like you wanted, Rick.

Posted in Contest Prizes | 6 Comments

Happy Easter

Today Christians around the world celebrate their holiest day, Easter. Americans celebrate the holiday by decorating eggs, so in that tradition our Pop Quiz for the weekend was to create an Easter egg in HeroMachine. Some folks went for the historic look while others took an approach more out of left field. Where presumably they’re finding hidden eggs. Without further ado, here are all of our entrants!

While I love all the creativity, I am in a traditional mood today and so am going with an entry that took the approach of an actual dyed Easter egg. And that winner is … FRM!

It made me feel happy and peaceful while looking at it. So congratulations to him, a sincere thanks to all of our entrants, and a Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it!

Posted in Contest Winners | 24 Comments

Pop Quiz: Easter egg

Get ready for your pop quiz, kids! In honor of the big Christian holiday tomorrow, your one-day quick-fire challenge is:

Make an awesome Easter egg in HM3!

To make this easier, I’ve just added two new items to Background-Shapes, one a big egg-shaped hole and one an actual egg shape. So you can put together whatever image you like, load the egg-hole on top of it, and Bob’s your uncle!

You only get one entry — that’s right, just one! So make it your best.

Most of the other rules are the same as for a regular contest, but instead of a whole week I’ll announce the winner either tonight or first thing in the morning.

  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see “preview” or “rotate” somewhere in the link you’re probably doing it wrong.

Good luck!

Posted in Contests, Pop Quiz | 34 Comments

Racially offensive AND completely nonsensical all in one!

(From “Target Comics” number 1, 1940.)

Posted in Daily Random Panel | 5 Comments

HM3: Lighthouse

I’ve just uploaded Frankie’s prize for Caption Contest 118 to Background-Standard, a lighthouse and a cliff on which to perch it:

Originally I had them combined, but it was too limiting to try and get good color on both the buildings and in the landscape. But they’re positioned by default to work together, so if you just turn on Multiples you can place the cliffs, then the lighthouse and they ought to fit together.

Posted in Contest Prizes | 12 Comments

Open Critique Day 35

Although my new full-time (non-HeroMachine) job might keep me from actually getting to these before this afternoon, it’s time for another Open Critique Day!

If you have a HeroMachine illustration or another piece of artwork you’ve done that you’d like some help with, post a link to it in comments along with your thoughts on it — what you think is working, what you’re struggling with, etc. I will post my critique of the piece, hopefully giving some tips on how to improve it.

Of course everyone is welcome to post their critiques as well, keeping in mind the following rules:

  • Make sure your criticism is constructive. Just saying “This sucks” is both rude and unhelpful without giving specific reasons why you think it sucks and, ideally, some advice on how to make it better.
  • Each person should only post one illustration for critique to make sure everyone who wants feedback has a chance.
  • I will not critique characters entered in any currently running contest, as that doesn’t seem fair to the other entrants. You can still post it if you like for the other visitors to critique, but I will not do so.

That’s it! Hopefully we can get some good interaction going here and help everyone (me included!) learn a little bit today.

Posted in Open Critique Day | 100 Comments