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Posts tagged red-5-studios

Firefall video diary talks open-world design, shows pretty vistas

It's March, which means it's high time for another Firefall video dev diary. Today's installment is all about (open) world-building, and unlike many of its shooter contemporaries, Firefall features a sprawling, accessible open-world map. As world-builders Bobby Ross and Nick Keith explain, the ...

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Not So Massively: Diablo III expectations, polishing Torchlight II

This week Diablo III's Bashiok caused a stir over a cheeky forum post asking a fan to lower his expectations of the upcoming title. He continues posting rampantly to the forum this week to defend recent game design decisions. Dota 2 delivered its first test build using its new deployment system, ...

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Not So Massively: MOBAs, shooters, and dungeon crawlers

League of Legends revealed Nautilus this week, continued its world tour with a look at the community in Singapore and Malaysia, and announced impending nerfs to Sona, Soraka and Vladimir. Dota 2 fans faced yet another week without updates as Valve was busy this week installing new servers. ...

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Firefall video contest can get you to PAX East on Red 5's dime

Firefall is looking for a few aspiring video editors to shower with fame and fortune (mostly the fortune). If you have the skills and talent to cut together a captivating trailer for Firefall, you could be on the receiving end of a juiced-up laptop or a posh trip to PAX East. In the Firefall ...

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The Firing Line: Controller wars edition

Welcome back to The Firing Line, shooter fans. Some interesting stuff went down this week, much of it related to DUST 514. Even if you're not partial to what some have dubbed "the controller wars," there's still plenty of online shooter news for you to peruse after the cut. Join me on the ...

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You (yes, you) can expand Firefall's gameworld

Red 5 Studios is making a little marketing push for Firefall, and the first salvo takes the form of a new dev diary video starring CEO Mark Kern. If you're not familiar with the game, this clip is a great place to start. Kern explains how Firefall is really two titles in one, with the first ...

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The Firing Line: Thousand-player dogfights and more PlanetSide 2 conjecture

Welcome back to The Firing Line, boys and girls. Last week I talked at length about PlanetSide 2, and despite the fact that I'm apparently unqualified to do so according to some folks, I'm going to do it again this week. How do ya like them apples? Anyhow, that's not all I'm going to talk ...

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Firefall beta shutting down to protest SOPA

Gamers opposed to the controversial new SOPA legislation are somewhat limited in terms of voicing their displeasure. Game companies have a bit more visibility, and Red 5 Studios is making the most of it. On January 18th, the company will temporarily shut down the beta for its highly anticipated ...

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Not So Massively: Free Steam games and promotional gifts

It's Christmas time, and what better way is there to celebrate than to smash some internet people to bits in your favourite MOBA? League of Legends leads the charge with a gift of 450 RP delivered to every nice player who hasn't been banned in the past two months, and it shows off upcoming ...

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The Firing Line: American aircraft and a real-life shooter

What's happening, shooter fans? Hopefully everyone's getting ready for a long holiday weekend filled with family, food, and gaming (of course). Several interesting online shooter nuggets came across my desk this week, including a deeper look at World of Warplanes, a Firefall beta clarification, ...

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Betawatch: March 3 - 9, 2012

Posted on Mar 9th 2012 8:00PM

Storyboard: Out of the rut

Posted on Mar 9th 2012 7:00PM





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