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WLBT 3 - Jackson, MS: Money

How the 1 percent lives: Yes, the rich take more candy from kids, study finds

A Berkeley study tested the ethical behaviors of different economic classes. It finds that the rich are more likely to cut somebody off in traffic and lie to get ahead. More>>

How to appeal a property tax assessment

One of the small comforts for homeowners whose property values have fallen is that property taxes usually go down as well. But you may have to appeal your assessment first. More>>

How the credit CARD Act does not protect you

What to know about credit card debt protection policies -- and how to keep yourself safe. More>>

Tax Tip: 10 key points about Mortgage Debt Forgiveness

Canceled debt is normally taxable, but there are exceptions, one of which is available to homeowners whose mortgage debt was partly or entirely forgiven from 2007-2012. More>>

How to make people believe in you

You're a start-up and you haven't done anything yet, so why should anyone believe in you? Classic research suggests how to convince them. More>>

Oscars 2012: The real winners and losers

What does it mean that a tiny film made by French producers won the biggest film award of the year? It's a good thing for independent film. More>>

Credit cards for kids

Giving your child a credit card can be an important lesson in money management.


$4-a-gallon gas? Californians are already feeling the squeeze

Gas prices that have already surged beyond $4 a gallon are forcing California consumers and business-owners to cut back and try to make do with less. More>>

Space elevator could be ready by 2050, ride takes a week

While Richard Branson tinkers with his Virgin Galactic space craft in the hope of getting the space tourism industry off the ground, a Japanese construction company has said it is looking at the viability of building an elevator into space. More>>

Beware of IRS’ “dirty dozen” tax scams

The IRS has issued its latest "dirty dozen" list of tax scams, including schemes involving return preparer fraud, hiding income offshore and phishing. More>>

IKEA furniture assembly vlog proves its instructions are totally indecipherable

Don't know how to put together IKEA furnitures? You're not alone, and new IKEA instructional videos are here to help... aren't they? More>>

Airbag backpack saves skier’s life in deadly avalanche

Pro-skier Elyse Saugstad had to react quickly when she found herself caught in an avalanche at the weekend. She was saved by activating her special airbag backpack which helped to keep her close to the surface of the tumbling snow. Unfortunately her three friends were not so lucky. More>>

Should you roll over your 401(k)?

Before moving your retirement funds into another account, consider your options. More>>

8 financial questions to ask before you say ‘I do'

Before you embark on a new relationship, or if you are seeking to make your partnership stronger, consider these eight questions couples should ask about love and debt. More>>

The brands American men and women desire most

Men and women don't often see eye to eye, except for this: What brand do they mutually desire most? Southwest Airlines. More>>

A better way to treat your employees

These aren't worker bees. They are whole individuals with human needs and desires. Appreciate those and you can make your company stronger. More>>

In the future, electromagnetic roads may charge your cars while you drive

Stanford University researchers have created a wireless way to charge your electric vehicles as you drive so EVs will never run out of juice halfway through a road trip. More>>

Mattel plans to make Back to the Future hover boards

With the popularity of the Back to the Future franchise spawning new products, Mattel is the latest company to jump in the Delorean and race up to 88 miles per hour. More>>

Five leadership mistakes of the Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire in Star Wars is a quintessential example of how not to effectively run an organization. Let's take a look at five of the Empire's biggest mistakes. More>>

Best shopping apps

Whether you're hunting for the best price or looking for something at a nearby store, we've selected our favorite shopping apps to help you get the job done. More>>

Florida man injured by exploding electronic cigarette (it was in his mouth at the time)

A Florida man got the shock of his life on Wednesday when an electronic cigarette he was using exploded in his mouth. More>>

8 inventions that made our lives easier

These inventions in the fields of finance, healthcare, technology, food and energy have greatly improved our standard of living. More>>

10 steps to getting out of debt

Is your New Year's resolution to get out of debt already falling by the wayside? If so, try this 10-step process to resolve your money woes. More>>

When you should plan for a tax refund

Getting a tax refund seems like a once-a-year bonus, but it might be better to track your taxes so you don't pay more than you owe in the first place. More>>

Best iPhone apps

We round up the best iPhone apps available today, from time-saving productivity tools to games you won't be able to put down. More>>

Will the $26B mortgage settlement help you?

Will you qualify for a piece of the $26 billion settlement to resolve claims against the nation's five largest mortgage lenders? Here are some of the details. More>>

Valentine's Day and 5 other great Google doodles

The Valentine's Day Google doodle animation is sure to melt anyone's "Cold, Cold Heart." But is this Valentine's Day doodle the best Google doodle video? Here are five of our past favorites. More>>

Spoil your grandkids, cut your tax bill

Helping your grandchildren save for college is a way to spoil them and reap some benefits yourself. More>>

Top Business News

Feel cheated? Small claims court brings big wins

If you feel cheated by a big company and complaining gets you nowhere, what can you do? A handful of recent cases suggest that consumers can, if they're motivated enough, win against big companies in small claims courts. More>>

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