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WLBT 3 - Jackson, MS: Pets

Create a trust fund for your pet

Find out how to protect and provide for your pet after you pass away. More>>

Away from home: Dog bathroom options

What is a road warrior to do when it comes to bathroom options for your dog when away from home? Using these time-tested traveler tips, your dog will be handling the pit stops of life's highways and byways with ease. More>>

Lower your stress… with a cat?

I've heard that cats can reduce the stress levels of their owners. Is this true? More>>

Should you clothe your cat?

Dressing up your cat in a cute sweater or shirt may be fun for you, but most cats dislike the feeling of something on their fur. But there are exceptions.

New health trend: Dog fitness centers

Increasingly, dog owners understand that their pets need regular exercise and preventative efforts to maintain good health. They're finding that the sorts of therapies we humans enjoy, such as aromatherapy and massage, also serve their dogs well. More>>

Emergency medical cat care at your fingertips

We've all been there: It's midnight, and your cat is acting sick. Fortunately, the Internet can provide you with assistance and possibly save you from several hundred dollars in emergency vet bills.

The benefits of joining a dog social group

Across the country, dog social groups are enabling dog owners and their pets to find common ground. More>>

Caring for your arthritic cat

Being the elusive and secretive beings that they are, cats often show very subtle signs of arthritis that may go unnoticed unless the owner is looking for them. More>>

How to choose the best doggie day care

Similar to selecting a day care for a child, choosing a doggie day care center is a process that takes some time and consideration. More>>

Like babies, dogs pick up on people's intent

Man's beloved four-legged friends not only respond to the words and ministrations of humans, dogs can understand and anticipate the intentions of their people, researchers are reporting. More>>

Rabies on the rise

How should owners protect themselves and their dogs from the disease? More>>

How to toilet train a kitten

It is easier to first have a kitten use a regular litter box before graduating to a human toilet. More>>

Foster a dog

Fostering a dog for a temporary period of time will increase the likelihood that the dog will find a forever home. More>>

Cat food: Then and now

So what were cat owners feeding their pets way back when? How did packaged cat food emerge and evolve? More>>

Shop for your dog at your local thrift store

Pinched pocketbooks have spelled success for thrift stores, and today there's a bigger selection of shops than ever. More>>

Are cats and dogs that different?

Who says dogs have all the fun? Cats can be just as smart, fun and full of personality. More>>

eSleeper makes use of old eMac as a high-tech cat bed

DIY designer Samuel Cox combines an eMac shell, Arduino, and Twitter for a high-tech bed for his feline friend. More>>

Prepare your dog for holiday boarding

Planning a winter holiday vacation? These problem prevention tips will help you prepare your pup for boarding. More>>

Help your cat with separation anxiety

Your cat acts out not to spite you, but because you have changed its routine. Here's how to help them stay calm when you leave the house. More>>

How to bathe your cat

You shouldn't frequently bathe your cat, since it can deplete your cat's fur of natural oils and leave the skin vulnerable to problems. However, there are times when it's necessary so read these tips.

Letting your dog sleep on the bed

The doggy bed on the floor -- no matter how big and fancy -- could never hold the same appeal as the bed you sleep on. Here are some tips on sharing your bed.

Train your dog for holiday gatherings

If you typically go everywhere with your dog, it's no wonder you want to bring your best pal with you on holiday visits. More>>

Top 5 ways to improve life for your senior cat

If your senior cat is starting to slow down, there are extra steps you can take to ensure that it is healthy, comfortable and content. More>>

Preparing for a new puppy

There's no question that puppies are cute, but all that awesomeness can distract from the fact that getting a puppy is also a serious matter. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your new addition.

Social media boosts cat adoption efforts

Social media is gradually transforming the process of rescuing and adopting animals. With pictures and bios, shelter cats become more than just an idea; they're personalized, with faces and stories to tell. More>>

Is your dog suffering from fall allergies?

In the autumn, falling leaves and dried-out weeds release clouds of irritating particulate matter into the air, right where your dog is waiting to inhale them. Here are some symptoms to help you determine if your pooch is suffering.

Even homes without pets have pet allergens

SUNDAY, Nov. 6 (HealthDay News) --By taking steps to reduce pet allergens in their homes, pet owners can reduce the spread of pet allergens to people who may be allergic, experts say. More>>

How to break your dog’s bad habits today

Many dogs are counter-surfers, so you're not alone with this problem. The habit might seem fun to your dog, but can drive you to distraction. Here are some tips to break your dog of the counter-surfing habit. More>>

Exercises for your overweight cat

It's no wonder many of our cats are overweight these days. Cats tend to be bored most of the day, sitting around your home with easy access to food. Here are some ways to ensure they stay healthy and trim. More>>

Back-to-school shopping for your dog

While parents spend about $600 a year per child in back-to-school purchases, pet parents will find it far less expensive to outfit their pooch for training classes or doggie day care. But as with any kind of shopping, it pays to research and compare before making your purchasing decisions.

Allergies: Caring for your cat this fall

It's easy to forget that our pets are just as susceptible to allergies as we are. Even indoor-only cats are not immune to allergic disease. More>>

QR codes are being used to locate lost pets and luggage

With the QR code rapidly catching on as a fast method of conveying information about any topic, the ability to keep track of lost animals is another practical application of the technology that's gaining popularity. More>>

Keep yourself and your dog safe in the car

A recent survey conducted by the AAA and Kurgo, a pet travel products company, shows just how risky the behavior of dog-owning drivers can be. More>>

Homemade cat toys

Short on cash, but still want to entertain your cat? Here are some ideas on some fun and cheap homemade toys. More>>

Dog-friendly games for the whole family

A yard, your family and friends, plus at least one dog equal a recipe for ultimate fun. More>>

Help your dog transition from summer

The change from a full house during the summer to spending the day alone can lead to troublesome -- and even dangerous -- behavior for some dogs. This can mean anxious pacing, inappropriate elimination, chewing or even escape attempts. Here's how to alleviate stress. More>>

Why do cats meow and stare into space?

Meowing in the quirky way you describe can be explained in many different ways. Here are some reasons why this may happen. More>>

Top 10 $1,000 dog health insurance claims

A recent survey from Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) identified the top 10 most common claims that cost $1,000 or more. Read here for the list and how to prevent expensive vet bills. More>>

Do cats sing?

Many species in the animal kingdom sing to themselves or each other. Where do cats fall? More>>

Why do cats fear dogs?

We don't often think about it, but the pets we keep are either natural-born predators or prey. More>>

Health tip: Protect kids and pets from rabies

Rabies is a potentially fatal virus that can be transmitted from an infected animal to people. But parents can take steps to help keep kids and pets safe. More>>

Health tip: Coping with a pet allergy

Just because you or your child has a pet allergy doesn't mean Fido or Fifi has to move out, the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology says. More>>

How to exercise with your dog

Here are some helpful tips on how to best jog with your dog. More>>

Best cat breeds for kids

Not all cats and cat breeds are alike. You may want to take the opportunity to look for a few select personality traits that make some cats better matches for families with kids. Here are a few of the best cat breeds for children. More>>

Best dog breeds for kids

Are you at last ready to get your children that puppy they've been begging for? More>>

Private or group dog-training classes?

Although the old saying holds that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks," it's actually never too late or too early to train your dog. More>>

Calm your cat

Cats communicate with each other, gain some of their sense of direction, judge food and more via smell and certain other senses. There is some evidence that synthetic feline facial pheromones, found in certain sprays, can benefit cats. More>>

Can a dog help your child read?

Reading assistance dog programs are popping up at libraries, schools and nonprofit organizations. Both organizers and participants say the literacy dogs are making a significant difference in the lives of children. More>>

3 most common dog-related allergies

Allergies are one of the leading causes of visits to the veterinary office: They account for up to 25 percent of visits, according to some estimates. More>>

Training Tips from Pets911.com

Why Should You Train Your Dog?

Training is essential to having a good relationship with your dog. More>>

Basic Training for Cats

Before training your cat, determine how well she will respond well to training. More>>


Socializing your dog should be a life long process. More>>


It is important to be realistic and patient with your cat. More>>

Crate Training

Crates are like the dog's own room or safe place. Since dogs don’t like to soil where they sleep, crates can be a very effective tool for housetraining! More>>

Litter Box Problems

When a cat starts urinating inside its home, the pet is trying to brand its territory. There could be many reasons. More>>

Pet Centers

New Pets

What do you need to know before buying a new pet? More>>

Pet Care

Find out how to best care for your pet. More>>

Pet Loss

Understand how you grieve and find ways to cope with your loss. More>>

Pet Travel

Everything you need to know to make caring for your pet an easy part of your trip. More>>

Allergic to Pets?

Following these guidelines can help you coexist with your pet, even if you have allergies. More>>

Astrology for Pets

Whether it's your cat or dog, fish or horse, all beings are influenced by the Stars. Get the real low-down on their behavior. More>>

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