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出国留学网, 海外院校,

Educations.com是一个帮助欲出国留学的学生找到全世界留学教育方案信息的在线搜索工具。 欲出国留学的学生可通过我们获取院校的以下信息: 可供选择的教育机会,所被录取的最基本要求和花费支出。我们服务的课程涵盖: 文凭资格证书; 本科学位; 硕士学位 ,以及哲学博士和博士学位

通过我们独特的教育搜索工具,可以帮您找到理想的院校。 您既可以体验在一个新的国家学习的兴奋与激动,还可以学习一门新的语言。
通过 educations.com 搜索国际学生项目,可帮您轻松对比不同的留学方案。如果您需要更多信息或想申请的学位课 程之一,请完成在每一页上都可找到信息申请表,之后您的请求会被直接发送到学校。

此外,educations.com给提供学生一个可供分享交流经验的留学论坛(社会媒体论坛)。 来自世界各地的国际学生都可以在论坛里发表言论,阅读院校信息,分享图片和解答问题。

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Here is your chance to blog and share your study abroad experience, no matter where or what you are studying! Latest blogs

Find Bachelor’s Degrees abroad!

Looking for academic programs worldwide? Find the bachelor degree of your dreams right here. Bachelor’s Degree is an undergraduate academic degree that generally lasts for three or four years.

Find out more about Bachelor’s here

Find Language courses abroad

Whether you are interested in a long-term language course, or just a one week course, or want a course which prepares you for a specific examination, such as IELTS, Cambridge FCE CAE or more, check out the section for language courses.

Read more about language courses abroad here

Do your master degree abroad!

A master degree from abroad is a great way to improve your value on the job market or start your research career. It is also a perfect chance to gain experience from other cultures and to specialize in your desired field of study.

Read more about master degrees abroad here

Find your perfect Doctorate/PhD!

A Doctorate or PhD degree abroad will help you start your research career while widening your international horizons. Discover a new culture, education system and meet the best in your field.

Read more about Doctorate/PhD studies abroad here

Find your Diploma education!

An international experience will give you just the right edge to land the job you’ve always dreamt of. Diploma courses are often shorter and more practically oriented than their academic counterparts.

Read more about Diploma educations abroad here