6th Brigade (CS&ISTAR;)

 Members from 16 Air Defence Regiment provide air defence at Tindal. Gunner Scott Clarke (rear left) maintains watch at an RBS-70 Ground Based Air Defence missile battery manned by GNR Murray Keogh (obscured) and Bombardier Nicholas Selzer (right).

The 6th Brigade (6 BDE) is a specialist Australian Army brigade. The brigade was re-raised on 1st March 2010 to oversee the Army's command support and intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (CS & ISTAR) units.

The 6th Brigade currently consists of the following units:

•    16th Air Land Regiment
•    20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment
•    6th Engineer Support Regiment
•    19th Chief Engineer Works
•    7th Signal Regiment
•    51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment
•    North West Mobile Force (NORFORCE)
•    Pilbara Regiment
•    1st Intelligence Battalion
•    2/30th Training Group

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