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Customer Service Standards


The U.S. Bureau of the Census believes strongly in the importance of excellent customer service. That is why we have decided to publish a set of standards that communicates to the general public, particularly the data-user community, what kind of treatment they should expect when they make a request of us.

The Census Bureau has grouped its customers into four general categories, which we define as follows:

The standards that follow represent the consensus of representatives of the Bureau's 40 divisions and multiple customer-contact points at its Suitland, MD headquarters and in 12 regional offices (Boston, MA; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Kansas City, MO; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; and Los Angeles, CA).

To demonstrate how seriously we take these standards, the Census Bureau, in accord with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, will publish an annual report on how it is measuring up to its own standards. A White House memorandum dated March 22, 1995 says agencies may add to or modify their standards to reflect their findings about what matters most to their customers. We will determine the need for such changes by surveying our customers annually. In addition, we invite visitors to this page to send their comments to:  comments@ccMail.census.gov
Excellence We will guarantee a quality product or service that meets or exceeds your expectations. 

 We will measure our performance against the "best in the business." 

Timeliness We will provide you with realistic delivery times based on the nature of the request. 

 (General information) We will answer your request for information promptly, usually within 24 hours of receipt by the responding office. 

 (Off-the-shelf) We will ship any available product within three days of receiving your request. (Priority orders will be shipped within 24 hours.) 

 (Special requests) We will ship special requests by the agreed-on delivery date. 

 (Surveys) We will meet all dates and deliverables as documented in the timelines we negotiate with you. 

Responsiveness We will respond promptly to all requests in accord with our resources and capabilities. 

 We will acknowledge receipt of an e-mail, FAX, or telephone call within 24 hours. 

 We will cover the telephones at all customer-contact points during normal business hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST), Mondays through Fridays. 

 We will investigate and act to resolve your complaints within two working days of their receipt. 

Accessibility We will provide you with choices for products, services, and the means of delivery. 

We will periodically survey you to assess your needs. 

 We will use the results of these customer surveys for product development. 

Commitment We will be courteous, respectful, responsible, and professional at all times. 

 We will take responsibility for providing answers to your requests to the best of our knowledge and skills. 

We will make sure if we need to refer your request that the person we are referring you to can provide an answer.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Customer Liaison and Marketing Services Office

Created: December 06 1999

Last revised: October 04 2011