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  • Fash Mob

    Guest post: Hannah Copeland reviews a facial at Kiehl’s, Wicklow St

    Today I went to have a facial in Kiehl’s store on Wicklow Street. This brand has been around since 1851, so they really know what they’re talking about! I went in and had a talk about my skin with Lydia, who did my facial. She told me a bit about the brand itself and asked [...]

  • On The Record

    Dilla’s thrillas are his lasting legacy

    It’s six years to the day that the producer born James Yancey and known to us as J Dilla died at the age of 32 from a rare blood disease. During his lifetime, he was one of the most prolific maestros in the beats business, but it’s how his blueprints have gone on to inform [...]

  • Pursued by a Bear

    If you only do one thing this weekend . . . eat some tiny birds

    Listen: Music fans – if you’ve little to be at this weekend, you could decamp yourself to Cork and be spoilt for choice. This is largely down to cutting-edge label Popical Island, which is launching a mini Leeside invasion. On Saturday night, it is bringing Tieranniesaur, Squarehead and Land Lovers to the Pavilion for a [...]

  • Mechanical Turk

    New media vs old media… a phoney war

    I spent most of Monday at the ‘Media Diversity; Why does it matter?’ conference in Dublin. In general, the quality of contributions was pretty high: most impressive for me was John Lloyd’s perspective on the challenges facing media in the context of the UK hacking scandal and its changed role in the era of the internet, [...]

  • Motors

    Ignorant of BMW? Hardly surprising…

    How has it happened that a luxurious, overtly sporting, premium-badged German saloon has become the most relevant car in 2012 Ireland? Surely that title should go to a more affordable, less aspirational car. One with less baggage on its badge and fewer reservations about the nature of those that drive them. Of course, the thing about [...]

  • Screenwriter

    Why so little chatter about Dickens?

    The question is, of course, more than a little facetious. Having kicked off sometime in 1978, the Dickens bicentennial has now passed through about five media cycles. You know how these things go. Four hundred articles appear. Then somebody pens a piece wondering “Why oh why is everyone writing about bloody Dickens?” Then one of [...]

  • Irish Roots

    The new National Archives website

    On principle, you should ignore stern warnings about what databases don't contain. Just search the damn things.

  • Dead Rubber

    Ireland’s use of possession became puzzling

    LET’S TEMPORARILY suspend reality and assume that yesterday was a draw and not a fortunate two-point win for Wales. Who would then have more confidence in Paris, Ireland or Wales? With your answer in mind let’s now look at yesterday. From the kick-off it was clear Ireland had learned from last October where subtle changes proved [...]

  • Politics

    Shatter Stirs Things Up On Neutrality

    There has been a good deal of controversy over remarks by Justice, Equality and Defence Minister Alan Shatter on Irish neutrality and Jewish refugees in the second World War and on the treatment of Irish soldiers who deserted to join the British Army at that time. Here is the advance draft text of the speech issued [...]

  • Home Truths

    Will despot decor catch on in Ireland?

    Feeling a little powerless in your life? Well according to the FT, despot decor  is coming your way if you live in a western city.  You may  feel like  a minion in your everyday life and think your innate superiority and general fabulousness  has gone largely unrecognised  but inside your own four walls you can [...]

  • Minibyte


    Feel like being ordered around by Mr Burns? Or how about Marge Simpson? TomTom has released new character voices for its GPS systems that allow you to be bossed about by one of Springfield’s finest. It’s not just a case of swapping the dull included voice for another, still repeating the same old commands. Apparently you [...]

  • The Index

    A centenary to remember: Titanic on screen

    Glossing aside for one moment the ever-so-slight contradiction in celebrating a feat of engineering that rather swiftly became a byword for disaster, April 15th marks 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic, and screen cash-ins abound, from Downton-on-Sea to Edwardian Belfast, via "head judge" Len Goodman. Here are just five of the Titanic-themed offerings looming on the horizon.

  • Current Account

    What has Europe ever done for us?

    Quite a lot if you look at the graphic below. With impeccable timing, the Institute of International and European Affairs, which describes itself as “Ireland’s leading think tank on European and International affairs”, has published an info-graphic giving an overview of the actions that the European authorities have taken to date to tackle the crisis. [...]

  • Innovation

    Launching the Publishing Renaissance

    My interview with the US economist and renowned Marginal Revolution blogger Alex Tabarrok is in today’s Innovation magazine, and can be read here. Tabarrok’s new ebook is called Launching the Innovation Renaissance, and it’s a sharp, brisk read that tackles some of the urgent issues facing the US in terms of encouraging and sustaining an innovation [...]

  • Legal Matters

    New Human Rights and Equality Commission

    There’s an interesting discussion going on about the proposed new body. Check out the websites of the Human Rights Commission, Trust and the ICCL, just to start.

  • Pricewatch

    The best sites for clickmas

    ’TIS THE season to be clever and the cleverest people will be doing at least some, if not all, of their Christmas shopping online. But with hundreds of thousands of websites touting for business and just a handful of big players hoovering up most of that business, it can be hard to find your way [...]