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State-Federal Relations and Standing Committees


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Budget and calculator

NCSL Tells President and Congress: "Go Big" on Deficit Reduction

In a letter to President Obama, Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, NCSL called on the president to “go big” on deficit reduction in his proposed budget, and congressional leaders to pass a budget resolution that does the same. More

Supreme Court Takes on Federalism Cases 

The U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing three major cases that deal with federalism this term, cases that are expected to draw bright lines on where state and federal powers begin and end.  Read brief descriptions of the three cases and listen to an interview with NCSL’s Senior Federal Affairs Counsel Susan Frederick, who explains what the court will be deciding. More

NCSL Standing Committees & Task Forces
OverviewAgriculture and EnergyBudgets and RevenueCommunications, Financial Services and Interstate CommerceEducationEnvironmentHealthHuman Services and Welfare
Labor and Economic DevelopmentLaw and Criminal JusticeLegislative EffectivenessRedistricting and ElectionsTransportationTask Forces
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Labor & Economic Development Standing Committee

Webinar: Policies to Encourage Savings

globeThe recorded webinar, Policies to Encourage Savings, is now available online, along with presentation slides.  Joanna Smith-Ramani from the Doorways to Dreams Fund discussed split refunds and prize-linked savings as policies to incentivize savings. Legislators from Nebraska and Maryland discussed enacting these policies in their states.  More

Leadership in the Arts Award

Senator Roger ReitzSenator Roger Reitz of Kansas received the 2011 Public Leadership in the Arts Award at the NCSL Legislative Summit in San Antonio.  The award was presented by the Americans for the Arts.  More

 NCSL Deficit Reduction Priorities 

budget updateNCSL leaders sent a letter to congressional leaders and the joint committee expressing NCSL's intention to work with Congress in achieving a balanced approach to finding savings and by designating several deficit reduction priorities. More

NCSL Deficit Reduction Letter

state budgetThis NCSL letter respectfully recommends that the deficit reduction committee establish and consult with an advisory group of state and local elected officials, including state legislators. More


State Budget Update:  Fall 2011

 Online Learning:  NCSL University

Mason's Manual

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Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800 | 7700 East First Place | Denver, CO 80230


Washington Office
Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069 | 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001

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