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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bloglines?

Bloglines is a FREE online service that helps you subscribe to and manage lots of web information, such as news feeds, weblogs and audio. Bloglines tracks the information you're interested in, retrieves new stuff as it happens, and organizes everything for you on your own personal web news page.

How Much Does Bloglines Cost?

Nothing. Zip. Nada. Bloglines is completely free.

How Does Bloglines Cure Information Overload?

With today's avalanche of information, you really can get anything you want. We think focus is the key to avoiding information overload -- why sit still for an hour of TV news if all you care about is the sports update? Bloglines allows you to be very choosy and only track the things you are interested in -- then we do all the legwork for you. We find the latest news, collect it for you, and keep it on your Bloglines page until you're ready to read it. You log in when you can, from any computer with a web browser.

How Many News Feeds Do Most People Track?

The average Bloglines user tracks more than 20 news feeds. The most we've ever heard of is 1,400 news feeds. Not everybody has the stamina for that amount of information. But whether you are a social Bloglines visitor or a power user, we hear plenty of feedback about how habit-forming Bloglines is.

How Do I Sign Up?

Signing up to Bloglines is free and easy. Only an email address and password are required. Click here to register. Registering with Bloglines allows you to subscribe to and read your favorite news feeds.

Once you register with Bloglines, a validation email is sent to you. Reply to that and your account will be validated.

How Can I Import An Existing List of Subscriptions?

Once you have registered with Bloglines and replied to the confirmation email, click on the Add Content tab at the top of the screen. Then, click on the Import link. The subscription list must be in OPML format.

How Can I Export My Subscriptions?

From the Add Content tab, click the Export on the panel. There will be a link to export your subscriptions in OPML format.

What's OPML Format?

OPML format is an XML format. For more information on the OPML format, click here.

Whats the difference between the new system and the old one?

We’ve update the bloglines users into a new system that will offer a number of new features, including drag and drop capability and new views for reading your content. These new features should make the reading experience a more pleasurable one and allow you to do further customizations on organizing content. There are similar views that match the old bloglines view format for those users that are accustomed to that view. We've partnered with leading partner in the space to power your RSS Reader and will be continually working together to improve the experience in bloglines.

What happened to my existing feeds?

We’ve made every effort to migrate all of your feeds. In some instances your feed may not have been migrated over properly. If this is the case, you’ll need to manually migrate these feeds over within the migration process, using OPML to import/export your feeds or re-adding your subscription manually into the new Bloglines through the "Add Content" mechanism.

Why do I need to do a separate migration for the feeds that didn’t migrate

In some instances your feed may not have migrated over correctly. This may have been due to feeds no longer existing or some incorrect formats that were used originally. If this is the case, you’ll need to manually migrate these feeds over within the migration process, using OPML to import/export your feeds or re-adding your subscription manually into the new Bloglines through the "Add Content" mechanism.

Why were some of my feeds migrated over under an "Untitled" folder?

Due to the structure of the new system, there are cases where we did not have a one to one mapping of your existing folders within bloglines over to our new system. Due to this, some of your feeds may be in an Untitled folder. Once you have completed your migration though, you can freely drag and drop your feeds into one folder or rename these folders accordingly by clicking on the "Edit" link on the folder names.

What is a Private Page?

A Private Page is exclusively for your personal use. No one has access to the Private Page but you. This is the first page you land on when you click on “confirm my email address”.

What is a Public Page?

A Public Page is viewable to the world at large. Once you have click on “confirm my email address”, you will land on your Private Page. At the top left is the “Create my Public Page” link and where you activate your Public Page.
Create your Public netvibes for:

How do I activate my Public Page?

I Forgot my Password

Go to the log in screen, and there will be a link for the lost password page. On that page, you will be required to enter the email address that you used to register with Bloglines. Your password will be emailed to that address.

What happened to my Clippings tab?

Clippings has been replaced by a "Read it Later" link that will collect all the articles that you choose to read later. For those users that migrated over, we apologize, but we were not able to carry over your existing clippings into the new system, we apologize for the inconvenience.

What happened to Playlists?

Unfortunately, during the Bloglines transition from Ask.com to MerchantCircle, we had to make some tough decisions on features that we would be continuing.  Although we would like to keep all the existing features, there will be features that will no longer be supported.

What happened to the Blog Tab?

The Blog section is temporarily unavailable. Unfortunately, during the Bloglines transition from Ask.com to MerchantCircle, we had to make some tough decisions on features that we would be continuing.  Although we would like to keep all the existing features, there will be features that will no longer be supported.

What is Mosaic View?

A specific graphical view of your feeds organized as images from each of the articles you have.

What is the difference between Reader View and Widget View?

These are just two different base views for viewing your feeds. Widget view will organize all of your feeds as moveable widgets on a page that can be customized to your needs.

How come by view mode keeps changing when I click on my different tabs created?

The system will remember whatever was the last view mode that you viewed the page on for any links throughout the site.

How can I add a new feed into my Bloglines Dashboard?

You can add a feed by navigating to the "Add Content" button that is on the upper left of the page. Once you have clicked on the button a new screen will display that will allow you to input the URL of the feed you want added. We'll attempt to locate the feed from the URL and once found, you will be presented with options of which feed to add. Click on "add" button of the feed you would like added and your new feed will now be available in your dashboard. You can freely move this feed around to different tabs/folders you have created.

How can I delete a feed from my Bloglines Dashboard?

You can remove any feed from your dashboard by clicking on the feed and on the top bar of the feed clicking on the "Edit" link next to the name of your feed. Once you click on Edit, you will have the ability to "Delete this Feed" from the button on the page. Click on the button and confirm that the feed will be Deleted, and your feed will be removed.

Can I View Bloglines In Another Language?

The Bloglines website has been translated into several languages besides English, to allow you to view the site in the language you're most comfortable in. You can change your language selection by selecting the language you prefer on the languages page.

Will I still be able to use my email subscriptions?

No, this feature has been removed as it was not widely used across the system. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Will my original notifiers still work on the new platform?

No these will all cease to function when the migration is complete. We are working on creating new notifiers available for users shortly.

What will happen to my bookmarklet?

The bloglines bookmarklet should still work as expected, you will still be able to use this bookmarklet to quickly add feeds into your reader.

How can I Submit Feedback to Bloglines?

Please visit our contact page for more information. We always appreciate feedback.

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