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11 Reasons Geeks Hate The Big Bang Theory

If you've ever been pissed off that The Big Bang Theory didn't get something geek culture-related right, you're not alone. Plenty of people hate the hit sitcom's take on the world of nerdery. Let's find out why.

The Big Bang Theory draws raves for its humorous portrayal of egghead scientists, but real geeks are a little less enthusiastic about the show. Like many Hollywood creations, it's a superficial take on a very deep culture, and for every aspect of the nerd world that the show gets right, it gets ten other ones wrong. In this feature, we'll explore some of the biggest reasons that hardcore geeks hate The Big Bang Theory and maybe offer some suggestions on how to help fix things.

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The Big Bang Theory
Credit: CBS

The Laugh Track

This isn't a geek-specific gripe against The Big Bang Theory, but really: it's 2011. We know what's funny and what's not funny. Laying an ocean of canned laughter down on top of something doesn't make it any funnier, and in fact often makes things less funny. The Big Bang Theory has one of the most intrusive and obnoxious laugh tracks on TV right now. Any actual enjoyment that you could get out of the show is suffocated underneath it. And even more bizarre, it's actually generated by a live studio audience, trained like Pavlovian dogs to guffaw on cue. Obnoxious, overwhelming fake laughter is a Chuck Lorre trademark, so I wouldn't expect it to go away anytime soon.

The Big Bang Theory
Credit: CBS

Losing Leslie

Chuck Lorre is notorious for how badly his shows treat women. Two And A Half Men is probably the worst offender, but The Big Bang Theory is horrible as well. Women exist as sex objects for men to lust over and not much else. Amazingly enough, the show actually tried to take a step in the right direction by introducing Leslie Winkle, a female optical physicist who works with Leonard at the lab. Leslie, played by Sara Gilbert, brought a refreshing take on the female geek to the table, but after four episodes as a featured performer, the writers claimed they "didn't know how to write for her," so she was dropped from the cast.

The Big Bang Theory
Credit: CBS

Endless References

This isn't a problem specific to The Big Bang Theory, but the show does illustrate one of the lamest things about modern comedy. Lazy writers have learned that it's easier to skip the jokes and just make your "punchlines" references to things that your target audience dimly remember from their childhood. Obviously, the worst proponent of this style of humor is Family Guy, but The Big Bang Theory rolls around in it like a dog in its own vomit. Nary a scene goes by without a shout-out to some nerd culture tidbit, but none of it actually means anything. It's just cheap.

The Big Bang Theory
Credit: CBS

Messed-Up References

The flipside to the excessive cultural references on the show is that, to be frank, the writers don't seem to really understand what they're writing about. It seems like just about every episode they'll make a joke that falls flat to the geek audience because the writers simply didn't bother to do their homework. Sheldon referring to the principle of reductio ad absurdum as a "logical fallacy"? Claiming you can loot your allies' corpses in World of Warcraft? Unforgivable. If you're going to satirize geek culture, do it right.

Credit: FOX

Other Geek Shows Are Better

While The Big Bang Theory is one of the most successful comedies on television, there are many other shows targeted towards smart people with a sense of humor about themselves that are much, much funnier. Some examples include British sitcom The IT Crowd, which follows a pair of tech support blokes and is available streaming on Netflix, and Community, which treats its cultural references with respect while still making them funny. And, of course, the ultimate nerdy comedy is Futurama, as it deftly incorporates tons of real science into its storylines.

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See More: The Big Bang Theory | TV
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Simon Polidano - Sat. Jan. 14, 2012 at 12:40:26 PM


I'm sorry but as one of my favourite comedies on television - and believe me I know television - I believe I deserve the chance to defend it. Again, I'm sorry but try as I might I could not relate to any of the reasons mentioned in this article. Even title vs. content is off: the title is 11 reasons Geeks Hate TBBT yet you consistently argue with your opinion of 'what is and is not funny' and 'what does or does not constitute comedy', whilst only two or three points touch on geeks and why 'they' would not like it. You talk about being weak and so on, but its your reasons which are just that I'm afraid to say. You start off by attacking the Laugh Track which by the way is not there to insult your intelligence. BTW it's actually 2012 now and was so when you posted this body of work. The Laugh Track is actually a traditional feature of radio and television comedy and psychologically speaking, we are more likely to laugh when we hear someone else laughing (even if the laughter is prerecorded); personally (and i stress; personally!) my favourite comedies all have a laugh track, with the exception of happy endings, new girl, cougar town and modern family, but unlike you i don't speak for every body else. I'm sure the sense of humour that comes with Community, Up All Night and The Middle is not lost on everyone. Reason number TWO was allocate to the theme song, really? Fair enough you don't like the BND but 'bland' and 'boring', what about 'fun' and 'iconic'. Their style is truly one of a kind and once you hear them you automatically know its them. They defined the sound of 'American Pie', my most memorable Charmed episode was when they appeared at the end with a performance of 'Pinch Me' and as for the BBT theme song, I have the full version on my Mp3 and listen to it frequently. Under 'Losing Leslie', you jabbered on about how women are treated as sex objects and attacked Chuck Lorre for this and due to not finding enough story lines for L. Winkle. defining women as sex objects is a tough pill to swallow in this context (that of TBBT), but at the end of the day these guys are nerds, they barely get laid (at best) and so when they see a hot chick (like every other man on the planet) sex is the first thing to come to mind. As with Sara Gilbert, it sucks she had to go coz I love her work on pretty much anything but if the character they introduced hit a brick wall... well that's something that comes with script writing. Need I remind you the following names 'Penny ', 'Bernardette Rosentowski', and 'Amy Farrah Fowler'? each of whom found their place in TBBT universe and have a direction. Leslie Winkle didn't so she had to go... deal with it, don't keep crying over it...! As for 'women are weird', Raj can't talk to women, Sheldon can't interact with them. howard is sex crazed and Leonard is just plain odd. Long story short, everyone is weird on this show; it's what makes this show. Penny might not have a last name, but if you looked deeper you will will know that such an established character doesn't need on. She's just 'Penny', thats who she is, we don't need to meet her relatives or get into her 'back story', penny is so fun that she can't crack us up consistently by just being in the moment. 'Guest Stars are a sign of a show running out of ideas', where did this come from, or better yet; are you frikkin kidding me?! What about 'guest stars are a way to reach a wider audience'. I like guest stars. Not a particular fan of Will Wheaton to be honest, but when Stan Lee made an appearance I smiled - it was like paying respect. When Brad Pitt guest starred on Friends, when JLo and Alec Baldwin each stinted on Will and Grace. Guest Stars are fun, I don't care what you say. Reasons 5 and 4 are where you lost all my respect. first of all catch phrases ARE comedy dude... with each passing Bazinga! uttered by sheldon, I laugh louder and harder. catch phrases define a character and thus define the comdey. Remember Joey Tribiani's, "How you doin'?

K.Thor Jensen - Sat. Jan. 14, 2012 at 04:29:09 PM

Oh my God

I just... oh my God. Oh my God. It's full of stars. "my most memorable Charmed episode was when they appeared at the end with a performance of 'Pinch Me'" YOU HAVE A MOST MEMORABLE CHARMED EPISODE.

Leah Raeder - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 03:00:45 PM

Most of the people defending BBT here are probably not real geeks.

The folks crying about this article and rabidly defending BBT are people who play WoW or read Wil Wheaton's blog and think that makes them "geeks." Clueless. No real geek *or* nerd friends of mine can stand this show. We do enjoy intelligent sitcoms like Parks & Rec, however. Leslie Knope is both an unabashed nerd and feminist icon. There's better TV out there. Stop settling for this co-opted counterculture regurgitation.

Leah Raeder - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 03:01:58 PM

Double posted like a pro.

Delete one, please.

Leah Raeder - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 03:00:22 PM

Most of the BBT defenders here probably aren't real geeks.

The folks crying about this article and rabidly defending BBT are people who play WoW or read Wil Wheaton's blog and think that makes them "geeks." Clueless. No real geek *or* nerd friends of mine can stand this show. We do enjoy intelligent sitcoms like Parks & Rec, however. Leslie Knope is both an unabashed nerd and feminist icon. There's better TV out there. Stop settling for this co-opted counterculture regurgitation.

Philip David Boelsche - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 12:33:51 PM

I think you should change the title of this from 11 Reasons Geeks Hate the Big Bang Theory, to 11 Re

I love how you completely leave out the other female characters who have been on the show. What about Amy Farrah Fowler? In her we've got a pretty decently fleshed out, unsexualized female foil to, admittedly Sheldon, which may not earn brownie points in your favor but her existence takes out at least two of the bullets from your little countdown. And the laugh track? Really? Its a sitcom. People who don't like laugh tracks don't have to be geeks, and it may just be that you don't like sitcoms. I get it that there are some things about this show that I don't like and I agree on a couple with you, but I'm also agreeing with other people on here that I don't think your hour and a half of musings over why you hate this show give you any right to declare that "geeks" hate it. Then again, who cares? Nerd rage is one of those things that all geeks share, and you'll always get a whole bunch of people yelling at each other about how one thing rapes there childhood this, and how another just isn't true to the story arch from season 3 of that. Also, your responses to other people's opinions so far have been kind of childish, you sound like a troll saying "U Mad Bro?"

Philip David Boelsche - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 12:36:55 PM

Dag, yo

For the record here, apparently this site doesn't allow you to separate your paragraphs neatly, so I apologize for yet another wall of text.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 01:02:49 PM

u mad bro?

Plenty of great sitcoms don't have laugh tracks.

Brian Lee Locke - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 09:41:59 AM


jenson you're a dumb ass. Trying to claim geek cred by speaking for all geeks and then looking like an idiot when everyone tells you are wrong.

Bryan Thomas Schmidt - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:49:57 AM

Real geeks hate idiots who claim to speak for them but don't get them at all

I love the show. This is just stupid and insulting. Every Geek I know loves it. Get over yourself.

James Dotson - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 03:22:02 AM


I think big bang is funny, and **** you family guy is awsome...

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 01:37:59 PM

I think you put your Facebook password in the subject line.

Might want to change that.

Kenneth Saxon Pearson - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 01:05:28 AM

someone as uptight about the details as sheldon...

seriously? did you get so damn anal about the south park episode that made fun of world of warcraft? i doubt it, you just wanted to go on a tirade about the producer of the show, because 3 of the 'bad things' you list about the show sounds more like your complaining about chuck lorre. another point as you claim 'the show objectifies women', well unless your a the most steadfast man with both eyes blind, not only just men, but especially nerds view women for the most part as sexual objects in some degree. and you think making all the references and having different famous geek stars are a shortcoming of the show? and yet when other shows make references or having cameos (family guy, futurama, etc) it makes them better? i think your living entirely on your high horse and refuse to look at what you claim to be an 'inferior' product. you are taking a COMEDY and picking at the little parts and claiming to they are the shows great shortcomings. i would seriously like to see these 'legions of hardcore geeks/nerds/whatever' that you claim hate the show, because everyone i know who watches the show (even my father who is in his mid 50's loves the show). it just sounds like your a bitter hipster trying to make everyone believe as you believe that this show sucks just because you A) dont like chuck lorre and B) you are not truly a geek that can laugh at himself and enjoy life. the ONLY viable thing you have listed that deserves hate is the 'laugh track' gripe (honestly if you dont know when to laugh when watching this show, its not for you, simply put). and your gripe about 'losing leslie', not every character has a place in a show, sometimes characters dont work out, and sometimes a character is just hard to place in a show, and instead of trying to force a character down our throat,they did the smart thing and cut their losses.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:54:28 AM

"if you dont know when to laugh when watching this show, its not for you"

Nobody should laugh watching this show.

Kenneth Saxon Pearson - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 10:38:26 PM

then why are you watcing?

if you dont find it funny, then why do you keep watching? if its not entertaining and you dont like THEN DONT WATCH IT, its that simple. if you dont like watching the show, what makes you think your eligible to make a 'geeks hate this show for X reasons' just because you dont like the show.

Steve Muhlberger - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 08:13:28 PM

Bare Naked Ladies

No, the theme song is not the #1 thing to hate about this show.

Tony Hernandez - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:46:45 PM


You r real smart. I ilke ur good points and think yo'r right. Probly everyone smart agrees with your article. No people watch TV for fun. They wach to seeexact and unfunny replicas of the life they kno. You r smart.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:59:16 AM

I know you were trying to make a joke

But if everything else you write is equally stupid it kind of falls flat. Too bad you don't have a laugh track!

Renee P. - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:40:15 PM

Get off your high horse

First of all, what gives you the right or authority to claim that "real geeks" hate this show? Every geek, nerd, etc. that I have met loves the show. Just because it isn't to your taste doesn't mean it isn't good or worth watching for the rest of us. That also doesn't give you the right to get up on your high horse and preach to the rest of us "false geeks" as to why the show sucks and why only a select few elite can understand that fact. For the record, academic jobs like those portrayed in the show are hardly high-paying. People don't usually enter the world of academia because they think they're going to make big bucks, particularly because so many researchers and professors work on grant money, which only lasts for a certain length of time. Also, I know plenty of academics who engage in other geek hobbies and interests, including but not limited to video games, LARPing, anime conventions, and historical recreations and re-enactments. And for the record, the last time I checked, reductio ad absurdum is often considered a logical fallacy and is generally taught as such in schools, so reel in your "smarter-than-thou" attitude for a minute and consider that maybe you're jumping on people for nothing.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:58:27 AM

I have a certificate

That gives me the right and authority. Maybe you should get one. Also reductio ad absurdium as a concept is not considered a fallacy - it's only if the core argument is based on a false dichotomy. Go back to school.

LaDameBlanc - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 10:47:01 AM

Certificate in Asshattery perhaps

Not sure why having a certificate in anything makes you able to throw the first stone here. I am a nerd/geek girl and I find this show spot on. I know those double and triple doctorate people who are socially inept and this show is a funny representation of that group of people. You are *****ing about how geeks don't like the show. Are you sure you know a geek when you see one? Cause baby, every geek I know loves this show. Also you do sound like you have a thing for Chuck Lorre. Maybe you should ask him for dinner and see how it goes. Lastly, they gave a fair representation of fellow geeky women. Smart and I wish I could remember the name but I don't memorize details when it comes to silly entertainment, but the coworker corrected Sheldons work on the whiteboard. Seems like a fair representation of a smart woman to me. Sure there are always the Penny's in the world. Not brilliant physicists but hey, she is nice and that counts. So take a chill pill jackass. You have a right to your opinion, but perhaps your opinion should be based on facts and not speak for the rest of us _real_ geeks and nerds out there.

Analisa Bird - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:31:04 PM

Eich bin ein NERD

whoa oh hold on a second! You are the self proclaimed king of all nerds then? You speak for all of them yes? Fancy yourself to be the great god of "real" nerds do you? I'm not a nerd per se (I do read alot of Orson Scott Card and Terry Pratchett novels which some have said has put me in the "nerd" category but my views to the contrary) I did however marry a hardcore Nerd with an uppercase "N" so therefore whilst not being a full blown nerd eich bein ein nerd! And this article came off as being uber snob and as one poster aptly described it "there's of course the subculture of snobs, frowning at everything everyone else likes, striving to find faults" and to top it all off you got IT Crowd wrong! I was happy at first that it got mentioned but the description "The IT Crowd, which follows a trio of tech support blokes" is not an accurate description, frankly it makes me wonder if you've even watched the show or if one of your nerdier than thou friends merely mentioned it to you. It follows two blokes and a bird, two IT nerds Moss and Roy and their Relations Manager Jen who acts as a buffer between the normal people in the building and the IT dept because she too speaks nerd but isn't really a nerd (she thinks IT stands for "internet things") but perhaps is slowly evolving into one because she hangs around them so much. It's not everyone's cup of tea (as shown throughout other peoples comments) but perhaps its because not everyone enjoys Brit humor and thats okay. But to proclaim that "real" geeks hate the show? really? "REAL" geeks? all of them?? (I know he doesn't outright say all of them, he says "plenty" but the way it comes off his all inclusiveness is somehow implied) so he's got his own hypothesis about it and he's entitled to that but lets keep some proportion in all this, speak for yourself and not the whole community little man. Change the title to "Why I hate The Big Bang Theory" and perhaps do a tad more research about laugh tracks, why certain actors aren't on anymore, and the plot of other tv shows you reference...btw Community is a hilarious show I can agree with you there....i got a pocketful of Hawthornes! ....................................................its just a tv sitcom anyway, and we can't demand that everything on the television be accurate and perfect!

Roxanne Mehalick - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:20:45 PM

Salient points

When the writer only responds to messages with poor grammar or tangental topics, it makes me wonder if he really closed his mind on the topic, and is so pissed other geeks disagree, he focuses on attacking easy targets to avoid thinking too hard about how he can't speak for all geekdom.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:55:19 AM

Salty tears


Bill Krausmann - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 06:54:15 PM


This article should have been titled: 11 Reasons Why K. Thor Jensen Hates The Big Bang Theory.

K.Thor Jensen - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 08:55:52 AM

I wanted to just call it "fart fart farty fart"

But that's actually the comments section, not the article.

Laurie Mann - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 06:39:59 PM

You're Taking it WAY Too Seriously

Most geeks I know like it. It's fun. Yeah, the women aren't well-written, but that's true of sit-coms in general and Chuck Lorre shows in particular. And geeks like to talk about it - discussions about the show have been common at science fiction conventions for a couple of years. The main thing I don't like about the show recently is many of the science references have been removed in favor of pop culture references.

Vivlian Wozz - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 06:25:59 PM

my love

I am a 27 years old doctor,mature and beautiful. and now i am seeking a good man who can give me real love, so i got a sername Andromeda2002 on Agedate.СòM, a nice and free place for younger women and older men,or older women and younger men, to interact with each other.Maybe you wanna check out or tell your friends.

Sam Entwhistle - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 06:23:26 PM

It just hits too close to home for some.

Except the fanciful women. I hear that the Gen Y nerds have some female representatives, but an actress? They are also depicting early Gen Y, nearly Gen X... and they really don't attract many women. It is also humours. Nerds don't enjoy humours content. They take Star Trek seriously and laugh at XKCD. Need I say more?

Jim Tyler - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 05:12:36 PM

Better To Be Jaded and Cool Or To Get Value Out Of Things?

Like some musicians who can't help judge every other piece of music, or many other initiates so into to their art that they are unable to appreciate imperfection or alternative, your editorial comes across as jaded and joyless. I like BBT, I like Chuck, Cafe Racer and just about any show or media that celebrates one the obsessions I have that make me a geek. I will take them for the value they give, to me in finding others who share, at least in part, some of my interests, and to maybe introduce the things I find so cool to other people who can gain some entertainment as well. Do you get a laugh when you find yourself being so manically obsessed about the details as Sheldon? I guess I'm just not on the same page as you and your group. I guess I'm not hardcore enough.

Ilene D. Oldham Swartz - Fri. Jan. 13, 2012 at 12:59:50 PM

I agree with Jim Tyler's comment

I just want to say "relax" to you. It's a SIT COM. I get a little thrill when I can go "oh I know about that" when they mention one of my Nerdish interests, I laugh at the interactions between the characters, and I groan when they get something wrong. You're getting bent out of shape because they confuse Skyrim with Warcraft? Take a deep breath, remind yourself that you are part of that elite little group that noticed the difference, and sit back to enjoy the rest of the show. You won't see a reference to Warcraft on most other TV shows, so be glad it was even mentioned. Also, as a woman, I love the female characters on the show. Every time one of the guys makes some stupid comment that sexualizes women, I see it as a reflection on the character, not as a condemnation of women. Believe it or not, Penny isn't that dumb; she's just not as smart as a theoretical physicist. Bernadette has her doctorate. Amy Farrah Fowler is FANTASTICALLY written. These are characters, not composites of every male or female nerd out there. Real people wouldn't be this interesting, whether we're talking "cool" people or "nerds". This is one of the very very few shows out there that literally makes me laugh out loud. It guess it shouldn't surprise me that there are people in the "nerd community" who will argue about it. We're the same group who argues over whether Superman or Wonder Woman would win in a fight. We argue about everything. I think we all just need to relax.

Stephen Kelly - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 04:38:38 PM

lets get togther

good article that I mostly agreed with I do like the big bang but the referencing this is annoying as hell and as mentioned previously they dont go for the jokes of the material thats there (babylon 5) also people hating on It CROWD FAIR ENOUGH THATS YOUR PEROGITIVE BUT IN MY OPINION IT IS A BRILLIANT SHOW AND EASILY BELONGS WITH THE LIKES OF COMMUNITY AND FUTURAMA

The Unorthodox - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 04:29:06 PM

For the most part, agreed.

I really don't like this show either. Then again, I don't like many sitcoms. But by far my biggest peeve with this is the terrible referencing. They could really try to push the envelope with some of their jokes. I get that they don't want to limit the audience, but the opportunity to make actual funny inside jokes about Babylon 5 or World of Warcraft or whatever else they bring up is totally there and they never do it. I guess because they're scared of losing their not-geek audience? Very disappointing show. So far, The Community's D&D episode was one of the most accurately and intricately geeky things I've seen on T.V and even people I know who don't play thought it was hilarious.

Andrew Jones - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 03:06:19 PM


They have two Billboard awards to your zero.

K.Thor Jensen - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 04:07:19 PM

What the frell is a Billboard Award?

Is that like what billboard painters get?

Martin Campbell - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 05:15:52 PM

Your point

is effectively: "The Big Bang Theory is a better TV show than you" You emerge triumphant from this debate. Your wit cannot be matched. Congratulations

Joseph Alicia - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:21:05 PM

Yes they have billboard awards,whatever those are...

....and probably so do milli vanilli,vanilla ice,justin beiber and the ass that did don't worry be happy.

Emily Foster - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 01:58:12 PM

Check your facts

Love it or hate it - check your facts. The laugh track issue was already pointed out. They have a live audience for every taping. And Leslie wasn't written out because they don't know how to writer her. The writer's specifically said at Comic Con that Sara Gilbert is not available to them right now because she is on "The Talk" everyday. It's absolutely your right to dislike it, that's fine, but check your facts before you spend time publicly bashing it.

mtlapartments - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 01:20:52 PM

Great comments!

I didn't think many people still read this ridiculous blog anymore.

Nicole - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 01:17:48 PM

I'm known as a geek, and I love it.

I'm a geek and I love the show. Also, Big Bang Theory does NOT have a laughtrack. It has a live audience, and anyone in show business will tell you there is a difference. It's no longer about the boys, hello, there are now three main girl characters and four main boy characters, that's about as even as you can get with an odd number, if I'm remembering my math correctly. And genius scientists can and do read comics, maybe not as a general rule, but it's not like none of them do, I personally know a PhD who does. If you don't like it, don't watch it and stop hating on it. Thanks.

Shelby White - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 11:47:08 AM

Say Whaaa

I LOVE THIS SHOW! About the only thing I agreed with was your point about Mr. Wheaton, because yeah, he just needs to go away. Other than that, I find TBBT to be hilarious and witty, and something I can relate to. I also know plenty of people who enjoy it, all of which are geeky, too. The laugh track sucks but I really don't care.

Kray Cherry - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 11:19:11 AM

The commmuity as we know it

How dare you try to to tell us what we like what makes you so special many people watch TBBT and many enjoy it i think your somewhat being told by a over paid boss to write something on your underplayed wages to show hes getting money out of you. And the result is more of a insult yer yer theres bad point but FGS you carnt make a omelette without smashing a few eggs can you all you goto do is weight up the result and minus the densitometry and live with the crunch of the shell-don anyway i love it and if you carry on being forced by your whip wielding boss to show productivity point at this and tell him they are nerdy enough to see though this capitalist bull i cannot take any more of this im gunna blow lets just enjoy the show plllzzzzz

K.Thor Jensen - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 11:39:46 AM

what even is this

it's not English

John Wells - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 10:18:54 AM

Geek couple who loves it...

My wife and I are pretty dang nerdy, and we both love the show. Disagree with pretty much every point. And in your rants on sexism you obviously forgot about the loveable Amy Farafowler, one of the best additions to the show. She's far from a sex symbol, and yes, she has a last name.

Stian Alexander Gaustadnes - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:54:15 AM

and amongst the geek crowd

there's of course the subculture of snobs, frowning at everything everyone else likes, striving to find faults.. -I'm not pointing the finger at anyone in specific ;). And please, don't pretend to be a spokesperson for the geek community.

Wannaz Zaki - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:53:19 AM

Geek and hate it.

Hate laugh tracks, i dispise being told when to laugh. Not a fan of tired old stereotypes either which this bloody thing THRIVES on. Never did notice the whole sexism thing though, probably too busy chewing my own face off at how bad this is. Oh and for "change the channel if you don't like it" well. I did. After determining i didn't like it by watching it.

Christopher William Allen - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:37:36 AM

Double tee eff?!

How do you write these things? Sit around listening to LMFAO while watching pearl harbor? The Big Bang Theory seems to be a great show for all types of people and every "geek" I know including myself can't get enough... Bazinga!

Terryis Gane - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:30:08 PM

as a geek, BBT offends me just like blackface offends the black guy in me.

You and your friends are apparently VERY easily entertained by gratuitous references for no reason, an obnoxious studio audience and "geeks" being portrayed exactly as people would while making fun of them... in the 90's.

Josh Heinrichs - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:27:08 AM

Geeks do not HATE 'The Big Bang Theory'... It's just YOU.

Being born a geek and getting quite geekier as I get older I find 'The Big Bang Theory' to be one of the best shows on TV that doen't make guys feel bad because they're geeky. Reading your eleven points made me HATE you for even doing this article and makes me think that you don't truly watch the show. All eleven points, going from 11 to 1, made me increasingly angrier as I read it. You sir can sit here and write these eleven points of crap and say all the things you want to degrade the show but just know that really these are the eleven reasons that you HATE the show. I am with the rest of the crowd that has already commented on this article. It's not the show, it's YOU.

K.Thor Jensen - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 10:54:13 AM

nice mustache bro


Diego Fuentes - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 09:17:54 AM

Of course we geeks like it

C'mon, the show is awesome. Sure it has some flaws buts its a show for everyone, not only us. Now, IT Crowd?!?!? I tried to watch, i tried to like it, but it sucks. I have more fun calling real IT

Nick Rounsville - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 08:43:45 AM

To the writer

Just change the F****** channel, plenty of people like this show.

Sebastian Lopez - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:40:52 AM

The IT Crowd !? WTF?

"Other Geek Shows Are Better" ?? I mostly agree about Futurama, but I am not sure it qualifies as a geek show on this same level. Now, IT Crowd is plain and utter garbage, and WAY more unrealistic than TBBT. Yes, we know genius scientists don't read comics, we know many references are wrong, but they serve their comedic purpose. It IS comedy, you know. And we lost Leslie but got Amy instead. A much more exaggerated character, sure, but it does work. Pretty much the only item I fully agree with is the Laugh Track; almost unbearable.....

Raysa Fonseca - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 07:29:53 AM

I'm a geek and I like it.

Hard to find a catchy title. I find myself a geek, and I have to say, I don't hate TBBT, I even like it, it's good, I agree with a lot of itens on the list, but, I think that there are a lot more series out there which deserve the geeks hate, like Smallvile. We just need to see it like it doesn't belong to us.
