Tom Ellingsen

Tom Ellingsen

@Vidina Norway
Actor of sorts, Compositor, effects artist, filmmaker, drinker, and all that jazz
Text follow Vidina to 40404 in the United States
Tom Ellingsen
@ Ayy!! not to be weird or ANYTHING, but you can getta an actuell tweitter accuont and stohp spAmming me you nitwit!
Tom Ellingsen
@ He needs to check tech specs then.
Tom Ellingsen
@ Well, yes. But the PS3 IS better than the Wii. At least, technically :P
Tom Ellingsen
@ Isn't that slightly related to the topic anyway?
Tom Ellingsen
@ SKRILLEX?? No thank you, sir, I prefer my ears in one piece.
Tom Ellingsen
@ I can't remember when I last used MSN. Skype forever! :P
Tom Ellingsen
@ I was an avid user back in the 90's and early to mid-00's, but it died out. Quake, EF, DAL, they all just faded away :( *savn*
Tom Ellingsen
Re: @'s not that easy, mate. Not even taking legal righ...
Tom Ellingsen
@ you STILL use IRC? Damn, girl.
Tom Ellingsen
@ Aah, ser den. Prøvd Facebook? Fleire plassa som har kjøp/salg-gruppe da :)
Tom Ellingsen
@ I've already stated things I'd want in my blog. You guys should at least check it out :)
Tom Ellingsen
@ Well, this is certainly interesting. We have a faux-king, too. @. Pretty fun one, too, kinda like fakestevejobs.
Tom Ellingsen
@ @ Hvordan føles det da?
Tom Ellingsen
@ Kjøpte en sånn tel eldste guttungen forrige jul :)
Tom Ellingsen
@ Det...overraska mæ faktisk ikke :P Men Johannes fiksa, så går nok bra. Om du derimot ikke har bruk før, sir æ ikke neitakk :P
Tom Ellingsen
Broke a string on my guitar. No worries, I'll just play it with the broken string. Cool & distinct sound. It'll do until I get a new one :D
Tom Ellingsen
And also, ; the only way to censor the web is to remove browsers. Go ahead, I dare you.
Tom Ellingsen
Hey Congress; You do whatever the hell you want with your own country. But stay the fuck away from the internet; you've no jurisdiction here
Gaby Peña
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