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American Health Benefit Exchanges

The Department of Health and Human Services released information outlining proposed policies on giving states flexibility in implementing provisions from the Affordable Care Act related to exchanges and informs the public about the approach that HHS intends to pursue in rulemaking to define essential health benefits. Updated January 12, 2011.  More

State Actions to Implement the American Health Benefit Exchange 

Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. More 

Health Resources and Research
NCSL ProgramsAccessCost & QualityDiseases & ConditionsHealth InsuranceHealth ITLong-Term Care & AgingMedicaid, CHIP, Medicare & SSI
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NCSL Health Programs

The New Healthy: Magazine Article

vegetables photoLawmakers are cooking up ways to encourage better eating and cultivate local economies. More

Women's Health Preconference: Fall Forum 2011

Hear audio and presentations from national and state experts about improving women's health and the Affordable Care Act. Topics will include health care delivery models, the ACA and state budgets, and prevention and wellness initiatives. More

Health Reform-2011 State Legislative Tracking Database

Database includes 2011 legislation, including 870+ enacted, pending and failed bills and resolutions.  More

States Challenging Health Reforms

NCSL's report includes updates on 2011 state bills and lawsuits now pending at the Supreme Court, to be heard March 26-28, 2012. 19 legislatures have passed binding measures opposing state involvement in individual or employer mandates. More


State Budget Update:  Fall 2011

 Online Learning:  NCSL University

Mason's Manual

Denver Office
Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800 | 7700 East First Place | Denver, CO 80230


Washington Office
Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069 | 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001

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