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Final Fantasy XIII-2 SuperGuide


By: 1UP Staff

  • Animal Crossing 3D

    Nintendo | Nintendo

    We don't know anything specific about the next Animal Crossing, but given Nintendo's approach to the series so far -- namely, making minor tweaks to a series that's changed very little since it debuted in Japan on the Nintendo 64 DD add-on almost 15 years ago -- we can make some confident bets. You'll take control of a male or female character tasked with performing menial duties and keeping up appearances in their new home town populated by wacky animal people as a debt slave to the sly Tom Nook. Expect moderate changes to play mechanics and mild improvements to the online multiplayer, as well as weirdly engrossing chore-based role-playing... not to mention lots and lots of collecting.

  • Bravely Default: Flying Fairy

    Square Enix | Matrix Software

    While most people have been hung on up this game's absolutely terrible name since it debuted at Tokyo Game Show last year -- and let's be honest, it's horrible, a perfect example of why people should find native speakers of the language they're naming their games in -- lost amidst the titters seems to be the fact that this game looks absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Based on its development staff, its visual style, and its play mechanics, it seems to be a sequel to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light for all intents and purposes. And while 4 Heroes itself was largely overlooked due to being a weird take on Final Fantasy in the dying days of the DS, maybe Bravely Default will fare better attached to a system on the rise and free of the preconceptions attached to the Final Fantasy brand. Let's just hope they come up with a better title with it if they localize it into the U.S., where people speak English and understand that "Bravely Default" sounds really stupid.

  • Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime 3D

    Square Enix | Square Enix

    We haven't been given a confirmation that this latest Dragon Quest game will come to the U.S., but it seems pretty likely! As the sequel to 2006's wonderful action-adventure game, Rocket Slime 3D has the enviable position of being associated with a game that no human being with a soul could possibly hate. The action is largely unchanged this time around; you still control an adorable blue slime that snaps around the screen and smashed into monsters and objects, sending back home via rail car to serve as crew and ammo for his war machine. This time, though, the big battles play out on the ocean rather than through ground-based tank combat thanks to the advent of boats. The boats are doubly great, because they open up large-scale RPG exploration on the high seas. Why, it's kind of like a "real" Dragon Quest game.

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Comments (27)

  • VeryMadMage
  • Animal Crossing was never for the N64 DD

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  VeryMadMage

    The original game was a plain ol cartridge for the N64.

  • Zacek
  • The best

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Zacek

    The best in my opinion are in the last page.

  • lawrence.88
  • :) Im truely...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  lawrence.88

    ... getting most of these games. mostly looking forward towards the fantasy and devil survivor 2 and these are the early selection E3 will bring more must have titles to the 3DS/DS.

  • Hunterman328
  • Holy Monkey Sh@#

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Hunterman328

    I just played a bit of the Resident Evil demo on 3DS.  The game looks amazing.  I've had the 3DS since last Spring and I often still get blown away by the 3D and what it adds.  The little bit I've seen of RE, the graphics have amazed me, far more than loading up Skyrim, Forza, anything on consoles.  I'm sure it's nothing to those who own 3D TVs and are gaming on them, but for me what the 3DS is doing has impressed me far more than I was going from last gen consoles to this one.  I haven't been this giddy over visuals since loading up NFL2K for the first time the day I got my Dreamcast. 

    For anyone who still thinks 3D is a gimmick, find a buddy who has a 3DS and check this out.  I gotta think something must be wrong with anyone who'd come away unimpressed by this.

  • cschultziv
  • Game Titles

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  cschultziv

    I can just see the commercials now...


    In a world where everyone chooses custom settings, one man is ..... BRAVELY DEFAULT!

  • sepewrath
  • You

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sepewrath

    know the title Bravely Default: Flying Fairy might actually mean something, so there is no guarantee it will be changed. And there are a lot of games that can be added to this list, the 3DS is going to have a big year, probably the best year among all the gaming platforms. 

  • catgirl147
  • Abyss and SMT Devil Survivor 2

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  catgirl147

    those are the only two games I'm looking forward to on the DS/3DS this year. (that are confirmed for NA for 2012, anyways)

  • SOOOOO....

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  OLDSCHOOLGAMING1980

    THIS is the best the 3DS has to offer this year? Looks like I can officially rule out ever buying this useless hunk of crap. Regular DS for eva.

    • Dann_The_Man
    • really?

      Posted: 01/19/2012 by  Dann_The_Man

      Luigi's Mansion sequel, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Paper Mario 3D, MGS 3D, Monster Hunter, RE: Revelations, and who knows how many other unannounced titles for this year, and you're already suggesting that the 3DS is crap? 3DS's lineup is looking pretty good. ruling out buying a 3DS ever this early in its life is pretty dumb. Who knows what games are going to be announced at E3 and later on.

    • InfectdMushroom
    • Seriously?

      Posted: 01/21/2012 by  InfectdMushroom

      The 3DS is amazing. I love the thing. Granted, it has not gotten much use until lately. The line up looks good. Plus the 3DS plays DS games too... Why on earth would you not buy one.... That is unless your DS collection is all on R4/CycloDS then there is no reason to keep the hunk of junk. Sell it and get a 3DS.

    • Masta_C
    • Agree and disagree

      Posted: 01/21/2012 by  Masta_C

      I love my 3DS and it is definately not a hunk of junk but based on this list I can see people drawing that conclusion. The only one I remotely want is Kid Icarus, and that is up in the air. Luigis Mansion, Paper Mario and Harvest Moon have never appealed to me (Paper Mario was cool the first go round, but its just more of the same each time). But why isn't Resident Evil listed? I can still love my 3DS knowing that this is only a small part of the games that will come out in 2012 and surely there will be many that are better than the ones listed.

  • bL4Ck84
  • Regarding Tales of the Abyss...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  bL4Ck84

    I live in europe and bought Tales of the abyss as my first 3DS game, the game is great and fun but i was a bit disappoint.

    Graphic wise looks worst than a PSP game, there's heavy lag in most open sections, like world map, the lower touch screen is used rarely and is filled with random info or used as a quick bar for spells and cook recipes. The 3D effect... well, it sure adds something but i'm switching it on just to make the graphic less ugly, plus the game switches it off automatically in menus, when starting a combat and while watching cinematic videos... video converted badly with low frame rate and quality.

    To sum up is a fun game, there's lots of stuff to do, the story is really good, i'm really liking it thanks also to the full dubbing, but this conversion can't be praised as good since there's a lot of flaws, namco should have putted some effort while porting this game.

  • ngamer-90
  • Out of all the lists

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  ngamer-90

    This one looked like it had the best selection of games and it's my favorite one. I'm pretty much looking forward to everything here, especially Kid Icarus. Not mentioned that I'm looking forward to is RE: Revelations and Rhythym Thief. Overall it looks like the 3DS has some good software, plus that's not counting what E3 will bring.

  • Ravenlore
  • I hope there is more but some I want.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Ravenlore

    Lugie mansion 2 is a must buy for me. Played it with the wife back in the day and later again with out kid. Can't wait.  Just put it in the bag =^)

  • chaosyoshimage
  • Actually...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  chaosyoshimage

    We do know a bit about Animal Crossing 3D. We'll be the mayor in this one and Tom Nook is now a real estate agent. Plus, you can swim and crossdress. Crossdressing!

  • stealth20k
  • Missed games

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  stealth20k

    Inazuma eleven 2

    kingdom hearts ddd

    ff rhythm

    beyond the labrynth

    FIRE EMBLEM 3DS - big one missed

  • octoberfleshed
  • Nice list

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  octoberfleshed

    I can't wait for Luigi's Mansion 2.  This year should be a great software year for 3DS...oh, and Nintendo is DOOOOMMMEED!


    (sorry, I had to throw that in there)

  • Hunterman328
  • Best list so far, but...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Hunterman328

    Of all the systems the 3DS has the most games that I can't wait to get my hands on and this list shows most of them.  My question is, where's Resident Evil?  That is by far the game I'm looking forward to most.  Am I in the minority here or is it odd that what looks like the next big thing to hit the 3DS is missing here?

    Either way, looks like a great year for 3DS.  I definately won't be needing a Vita anytime soon.

    • octoberfleshed
    • It could be

      Posted: 01/18/2012 by  octoberfleshed

      because it's coming out so soon...that's my guess at least.

  • Pacario
  • Still Want a True Successor to the Original Kid Icarus

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Pacario

    "The long (long, long, long) awaited return of classic NES adventure is almost, but not quite, a faithful reprise of the cherished platform classic. We don't mind."

    The game looks good, but I still think it's odd to revitialize this long lost franchise by making it into a hybrid action/shooter.  Imagine if Nintendo had stopped making Zelda or Mario games for many years and, when both series finally returned, they were nothing like their original genres--Zelda was now a fighting game and Mario an RTS.  Fans would be bewildered and probably displeased.  

    And it's the same with Icarus--there was so much potential in the design of the original game.  Why not build directly off the original material and give fans the true, brilliant follow-up they've always wanted? 

    • Kevroequis
    • because they would all bitch...

      Posted: 01/18/2012 by  Kevroequis

      that it wasn't enough of a departure from the original, and nintendo was "playing it too safe with this one".  there's no way out of that.  just like with any game- if they make it, and it's good.... play it.  if you want Kid Icarus, play Kid Icarus.  not trying to be snide, but this is 2012.  1987 won't sell that well anymore, unless you're a codger as old as you or me, which a vast chunk of the 3DS consuming public is not.

    • Hunterman328
    • I agree

      Posted: 01/18/2012 by  Hunterman328

      with Pacario.  And I don't get that almost, but not quite line from the article.  To me the game looks more like it's almost, but not quite nothing like Kis Icarus at all.  As someone who loves New Super Mario Bros and 2D Zeldas, I think there's nothing wrong with the old school gameplay updated with current gen tech.  In fact I don't even like the "3D" third person games both of those titles have focused on in recent years.  I'm worrried that this Kid Icarus will follow suit. 

      I doubt it, but maybe one day they'll make a true Kid Icarus sequel in the vein of New Super Mario Bros.  And hopefully the first true 3DS Zelda game will be in the 2D, birds-eye view of the original and others like Minish Cap (which I just played for the first time on 3DS and thought it was far better than any console Zelda since they messed things all up with Ocarina of Time.)

    • SamuraiTerry
    • They already made one.

      Posted: 01/19/2012 by  SamuraiTerry

      It was on the orginial Gameboy.  I think it was called Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters.  Maybe when the new one comes out they'll but the Gameboy one up on the Virtual Console.  

    • Hunterman328
    • Cool

      Posted: 01/19/2012 by  Hunterman328

      I'll have to check it out.  Though I'd still love to see a current, or next gen game with the same style and mechanics.

  • Epic Greenman
  • No Resident Evil?

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Epic Greenman

    That's the reason I picked up a 3DS. Still, all these other games look good, so maybe it's just a sign of how good this year will be for the system.

    • nicoc3r
    • still no reason

      Posted: 01/18/2012 by  nicoc3r

      i still havent found a reason to buy the 3DS i played with it at target and yeah

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