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Ideas for Academia.edu to Build Forum

Hi! We're happy that you've found this site. If you have any ideas of features that we should look into or build, please look through this forum.

If you have any problems or questions with Academia, email us at feedback@academia.edu.


  1. 235 votes

    add privacy features

    it would be nice to control what is visible and accessible by others, especially since anyone can join this and it isn't limited to members of universities.

    Status: planned
  2. 179 votes

    add new papers at top of the list rather than the bottom, so newer papers are first

    The move-up move-down process for papers is tedious. When users add a new paper it should appear at the top of the list, rather than the bottom. This way newer papers will be seen first by readers. Makes sense to me!

    Status: planned
  3. 166 votes

    "Follow" a paper??

    I really miss the "I've read this"-button and just don't get the point in "following" a paper, since it won't "go" anywhere, i.e. will change anything about it's appearance, will it? I liked the read-papers-feature very much, also the part of the webpage showing "papers I've read", which isn't more

  4. 142 votes

    let us import what we've read from Mendeley, EndNote, ProCite, Goodreads, etc.

    ...because I compute/network to save time, not make work!

    Status: planned
  5. 136 votes

    add society memberships

    It would be nice to be able to add society memberships, i.e. APA, MLA, SCE, etc. The new journal section seems to be a good template for this...

    Status: under review
  6. 134 votes

    add an API

    so third parties and users can build cool tools to interact w/your data

    Status: planned
  7. 121 votes

    distribute calls for papers

    wish you had a place to post calls for papers, to be distributed to members on the basis of their interests

  8. 100 votes

    iPhone/Android/Blackberry...etc. application

    An application for academia would be welcome, or at least a version of the web site optimized for the iPhone (and other mobile devices).

    Status: under review
  9. 86 votes

    chronological order for talks

    Hello, there!

    I was trying to rearrange my talks and I just can't get them into chronological order. It seems to order them alphabetically, which doesn't help much.

    Am I getting something wrong?

    Thanks very much!


    Status: planned
  10. 84 votes
  11. 76 votes

    Allow specifying past affiliations (with years range, position held)

    I would like to be able to indicate that I was a graduate student in a specific university in a specific department for specific years, etc. That would allow searching for overlap to find contacts (or even automatically suggest them).

    Status: under review
  12. 61 votes

    get scandinavian and other special characters working

    ü ö ä å and other characters do not seem to work in the search. At least the results page shows them falsely.

    Status: planned
  13. 60 votes
  14. 59 votes

    Get rid of Flash

    Status: planned
  15. 57 votes

    Add a calendar application

    so that folk can find out about conferences and who's attending what.

    Status: planned
  16. 55 votes


    Can we create interest groups, like in Facebook? Where people can sign up so that you can inform them about things...

    Status: planned
  17. 54 votes

    explain a little more about how it all works

    I'm just in the process of signing up and exploring and all this looks fab BUT I really want one page that tells me, simply, how this all works.

    On the 'About' page, the 'web page' explanation is good but where it says :

    * You can find people with similar research interests to yours
    * more

    Status: under review
  18. 54 votes

    how to block a follower?

    how to block a follower?

    Status: planned
  19. 50 votes

    Make 'close preview' the default option for uploaded papers, to keep the list of titles readable.

    Having the 'preview' of a paper open by default in the list of uploaded papers is a problem. It makes the list hard to use because it's not obvious that there are more titles below the first previewed paper. Less important but still annoying, if you're scrolling down the page and the cursor moves more

    Status: planned
  20. 46 votes

    create badge so we can link to our academia.edu from out blog in a more visual way.

    ...so we can link to our academia.edu from out blog in a more visual way. Is it possible to create a widget we can add to blogs/websites?

    Status: planned
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