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Mark Clapson looks at how Victorian morality drove the pleasures of betting underground, and relates the various devices that enabled the working-classes to sustain...

A new work on the ancient Central American civilisation

Three new publications on medical history

Eva Haraszti Taylor reviews

Three new publications exploring South African history

by Alister McGrath

Annette Bingham on the discovery of a complex military defence system on Crete

John MacKenzie argues there is life yet in Marxist analysis if not in its practice then for examining the process of imperial rule and its transformation.

Paul Preston reviews a new work on the Holocaust, the Nazis and their wartime Allies

Hugh Purcell examines the impact on either side of the Atlantic of Ken Burns’s tour de force, The Civil War.

Two recent biographies about senior figures in the Labour Party

by J.R. Hale

Geoffrey Clarke on netting the Poll Tax in Hastings.

Elizabethans in the Arctic

Arthur Marwick takes a sweeping look at the society and culture into which History Today was born.

by H. M. Scott

Ann Hills on highland games at Braemar

Penelope Johnston describes China's revered North American hero

Allan Mallinson tells how the cavalry in the British Army recovered from a Boer War shambles to become the best in Europe by the outbreak of the First World War.

Two new books on great scientists

Richard Cavendish looks at all things Stuart in the month when Charles I lost his head.

Essays In Honour Of Asa Briggs; and Industrial England and Class

J.F.C. Harrison reviews

Asa Briggs reviews

During the Pacific War Japanese attempts to crack battlefront communications were frustrated by a dedicated band of native Americans stationed with the Marine Corps...

Books on the early modern period

Ian W. Archer reviews two new publications on the Tudors and Stuarts

Babbage’s Difference Engine and the mechanical pre-history of computing.

A biography of the French leader by Jean Lacouture

The 18th- and 19th-century relationship between the USA and Russia

Two new books on the Middle Ages

This special issue of History Today, marking forty years of publication of the magazine, is an attempt to reflect as many facets of its character and appeal as it is...

Two new books on modern Spain

Tony Aldous examines the tensions over digging and conserving in historic town centres such as Lincoln.

Martin Evans has tracked down and interviewed many of those who helped the Algerian FLN - and outlines here the links between the experience of resistance to the...

Two new books on the ancient world

Hugh Dunthorne on how bowls, billiards, skating and other pastimes shed light on the society and culture of the Dutch Golden Age.

Until the late 18th century, few criminal defendants thought it worthwhile to engage a lawyer on their behalf; but in the 1780s things suddenly changed. John Beattie...

Keith Nurse reveals news of Anglo-Saxon jewellery find in Suffolk.

A recent biography of the American army chief

John Roberts finds nationalism a better bet than the idylls of Marx for the longue duree of historical understanding.

David Birmingham draws on the private papers of an 18th-century Swiss cheese farmer to recreate a world whose business sophistication and economic arrangements cut...

Rehabilitating the European dynasty

New books on two of the major war leaders of modern British history

David Lowenthal looks at how landscape has shaped and reflects the English view of themselves.

by R.W. Johnson

A review of a new biography on the feared Nazi leader

Christopher Abel on the often dangerous work of academics in Colombia

David Chandler enters a plea for a more sensitive treatment for Europe’s great battlefields.

Kate Lowe on Hong Kong's forgotten anniversary.

Felicity Heal reviews

Edward Acton looks to the Tsarist ancien regime of the 19th century to set the scene for a historical understanding of Russia that does not throw out the baby with...

The Lime Centre in Hampshire and its practical training in the use of lime.

Columbus braved superstition and ignorance by sailing across the Atlantic when his contemporaries thought he would fall off the edge. So runs the legend, but...

Keith Nurse describes important Iron Age finds in Norfolk on display at the British Museum

Akbar Ahmed offers the most timely review of how history and stereotype have often combined to make Western Orientalism a hindrance rather than a help in mutual...

Professor Charles Boxer looks at a fascinating East-West encounter where science and mathematics were trailed as tempters for a Chinese gospel.

A new book by Jerzy Lukowski on Poland in the 18th century

Edited by Thomas Healey and Jonathan Sawday

The Hudson's Bay Company was one of the central forces moulding the development of the vast tracts of land that today are Canada - but as Barry Gough explains here...

Two new works exploring 16th-century Spain and French women in the next century

by Heiko Oberman.

Robert Thorne on monumental records on the move.

Anne Hills on shutting up shop at Spitalfields.

Stephen Rigby argues that Marxist analysis has had an underrated role in the social and economic interpretation of the medieval world.

Hugh David discusses, amongst other topics in the media, the assassination of JFK.

Hugh David on class and other histories.

Hugh David questions the influence of television series over books.

Catherine Andreyev reviews books by Andrei Sakharov and Vladimir Pozner

Norman Hammond reviews

Two books on London rail transport

Two new works on French political history

by Sheridan Gilley

by David Kirby

Leah Leneman tells the little-known story of the role played by Scottish men, in the campaign to get women the vote in the years before the First World War.

Peter Marshall considers the past impact and present influence of Marxist models to the history of Europe's encounters with other continents.

The king on the move - Simon Thurley discusses the style and range of palaces and great houses Henry VIII had available to house him and his peripatetic court.

17th century history and literature

19th and 20th century Germany

The current paperbacks exploring Islamic history

War in the 20th century The Commonwealth Armies: Manpower and Organisation in Two World Wars F.W. Perry - MUP, £12.95 The Politics of Manpower, 1914-1918 Keith...

Jackie Latham compares Victorian and current school inspection theories for history and other subjects

Annette Bingham explores Bronze Age grazing in the Peak District

Richard Vinen compares and contrasts the corner shop visions of British Thatcherism and French Poujadism.

Brian Bond reviews

James Driver gains an insight into current food controversies from the Victorians.

Three new publications on 17th-century England

Barbara Donagan discusses the variable treatment of captives by captors between Crown and Parliament and what light it sheds on the manners and mores of the times...

Ann Hughes continues our articles on the Civil War period by investigating the controversies in public debate and the printed word that fuelled religious arguments...

Marjorie Morgan discovers the origins of the image-making of modern marketeers and admen in the upwardly mobile world of 19th-century English society.

Kenneth Andrews reviews both studies

Ragnhild Hatton on her memories - and the perspective of other historians - on Wartime Norway.

by Lorne Campbell

Andrew Boyd tells the story of the ill-fated mission of a papal nuncio whose blundering zeal doomed the hopes of Irish Catholics of profiting from the civil war...

Two new publications on the Roman Empire in Europe

by R.W. Southern

Colin Michie rings the bell at an early English hospital

Tim Blanning reviews

by T.C. Smout and Sydney Wood

Anthony Seldon considers when and why history ends and current affairs begin.

John Crossland compares the investigative approach of historians and journalists.

Must the historians be morally neutral on the subject he or she investigates? Michael Burleigh offers a personal view.

Julia Simpson on a new museum celebrating the clog shoe

by Lindsey Hughes

Akbar Ahmed looks at the legacy of a Moorish past for the present Spain.

A selection of the new armchair and active opportunities for those of our readers keen on combining history and travel.

by Emma Mason

Rosemary Laurent discovers a British outpost in the south Atlantic.

Lions led by donkeys? Britain's most traumatic land offensive of the First World War drew to its conclusion in November 1916. Trevor Wilson and Robin Prior...

Milton Goldin compares American philanthropy past and present.

Never-never land? Marina Warner delves into the world of fairy stories to discover a historical context of family discord and feminine assertiveness in the...

Peter Wiseman reconstructs the splendour and intrigue of Imperial Rome

The Battle of the Somme began on July 1st, 1916. 21,000 men were killed on the first day. In this article, Trevor Wilson and Robin Prior reassess the campaign....

Max Beloff reviews a new work on the leading statesmen of the war

Maurice Hilton discovers a message of European cultural unity in a splendid Baroque doorway in Prague.

Richard Cavendish paddles along with the Coracle Society.

Two new works focussing on urban history

by William Klingaman

Richard Cavendish visits an organisation devoted to architectural treats.

by David Spadafora and by H.M. Scott

Eric Ives reviews a new book on Thomas Wolsey

Nigel Saul reviews four new books on Lancashire and the north of England

Three new works reviewed by Bob Scribner

From Augustine to Alfred - Janet Backhouse discusses the material evidence and new views that are the backcloth to the major exhibition of Anglo-Saxon art and culture...

Michel Prestwich reviews

The ambiguous nature of the Reformation settlement in England has often taxed historians. Diarmaid MacCulloch casts a critical eye over the evidence for a 16th-...

Paul Rogers explores two ne publications on Middle East history in the 20th century

by Maurice Cranston

Two new general works on the history of the Christian religion

edited by Keith Sinclair

Three new books about the advent of the labour movement

Nigel Saul reviews a new book covering the period 1327-77

The links of sentiment and interest between Britain and the United States, though frequently subject to prophesies of continental drift, remain tenacious. Esmond...

Did he fall... or was he pushed? Michael MacDonald investigates the cause celebre of Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, found with his throat cut in the Tower of London and...

Greek and Roman history through archaeology

Two new works exploring the life of Elizabeth I

Michael Foot celebrates the 150th anniversary of the London Library with a tribute to its founder, Thomas Carlyle.

Elizabeth Longford reviews

Hugh Brogan nominates Alexis de Tocqueville rather than Karl Marx as a useful guide to the new world order of history in the 90s.

Trevor Fisher takes a fresh look at 1066 and All That and finds it a text for the times.

Business with pleasure - Steven Gunn shows how the spectacle of the joust oiled the wheels of service and diplomacy as well as building up the court's image, not...

The early Renaissance royal palace on the Thames

History Workshop celebrates its birthday

Kevin Sharpe examines three new books from Conrad Russell on 17th century England and the Civil War

New insights in Celtic history in Europe

Edward Norman reviews

John Childs reviews

Ann Hills on fishing tales from Hawaii

Miranda Vickers looks at the troubled history of Yugoslav-Albanian relations

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