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We’d all be laughing (if it weren’t so serious)

We’d all be laughing (if it weren’t so serious)


By Adam Tebbe This morning I was pointed to a website that has apparently been in existence since 2009, though it seems to have been updated quite a bit since that time. The website, ... Continue Reading »

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day


By Ezra Bayda In the movie Groundhog Day, the main character wakes up every morning in the same exact place, at the same exact time, always having to repeat the same day—in this case, ... Continue Reading »

1996 Leonard Cohen documentary at Mt. Baldy Zen Center

1996 Leonard Cohen documentary at Mt. Baldy Zen Center


The following documentary was filmed in 1996 at Mt. Baldy Zen Center by French artist and filmmaker Armelle Brusq. Thanks to Dangerous Minds for pointing this out. Continue Reading »

SIT-A-LONG with Taigu: Fukanzazengi 4

SIT-A-LONG with Taigu: Fukanzazengi 4


Upon investigation, the truth is all around: how could it rely on practice and experience? The vehicle of the fundamental exists of itself, what is the point of trying? Alors que nous la recherchons, ... Continue Reading »

Standing in One’s Position

Standing in One’s Position


It’s a pleasure to introduce Koun Franz to you as a guest blogger. This is great fun for me because Koun is a fine, young priest and in my crystal ball, I see ... Continue Reading »

SPOT: Residential & Ministerial Training for Independent Sangha Leaders

SPOT: Residential & Ministerial Training for Independent Sangha Leaders


SPOT Intensive: July 08 to 29, 2012 In July, 2012, Shogaku Zen Institute will offer a three week residential Zen intensive practice period. The Intensive is for senior Zen practitioners and priests who are ... Continue Reading »

How to Have Compassion for Anyone (Even Newt Gingrich)

How to Have Compassion for Anyone (Even Newt Gingrich)


I find it very difficult to relate to Newt Gingrich. In fact I just don’t like him very much at all. So the idea of having compassion for him is extremely challenging since it’s ... Continue Reading »

In need of support: The realities of running a free Buddhist website

In need of support: The realities of running a free Buddhist website


Hey folks, You might've noticed the goal markers posted at the top of every page throughout the website lately. The goal represents the amount that I feel I can live on, independently, while maintaining ... Continue Reading »




  This week, Japanese Lineages of Soto Zen celebrate the 811th BIRTHDAY OF MASTER DOGEN! YEA! YIPPEE! But in some ways, MASTER DOGEN IS VERY OLD AND OUT OF DATE! Oh, don't misunderstand! So many of Dogen's Teachings are FOR ALL TIMES ... Continue Reading »

Attachment, Non-attachment, Nonabiding

Attachment, Non-attachment, Nonabiding


“Caught in self-centered dream, only suffering; holding to self-centered thoughts exactly the dream.” These practice principles enable us to live the life we are, to chew-up the life we are. In the midst ... Continue Reading »

What is Zen Mastery?

What is Zen Mastery?


This question has been up again for me lately because of a couple opposing currents that I’ve noticed in the culture and my work world, namely careful process monitoring vs. the results only ... Continue Reading »

The Mission of the Lay Zen Teachers’ Association

The Mission of the Lay Zen Teachers’ Association


"For Zen Buddhism to flourish in modern society, its practice must not only be deeply informed by tradition, but must also develop forms which fully realize,express, and transmit the Dharma in lay practice. To ... Continue Reading »

Happy Dogen’s Birthday! January 19

Happy Dogen’s Birthday! January 19


By Adam Tebbe Dates tend to be pretty flexible when it comes to Zen celebrations here in the West. While today (January 19) marks the birthday of Dogen Zenji, founder of the Japanese Soto ... Continue Reading »

Fifty years of the San Francisco Zen Center

Fifty years of the San Francisco Zen Center


This piece first appeared in Buddhadharma News, a great resource for Buddhist news and information. Thanks to Buddhadharma for allowing Sweeping Zen to republish this piece! By Adam Tebbe [caption id="attachment_41894" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="SFZC entrance ... Continue Reading »

The Trouble with Looking Outside of Ourselves

The Trouble with Looking Outside of Ourselves


Trying to find a Buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space. Space has a name but no form. It’s not something you can pick up or put down. And you certainly ... Continue Reading »

Reflections on King

Reflections on King


As I turn seventy this year, I look back on my life with gratitude for having lived at the same time as some of the great and courageous men and women of history. ... Continue Reading »

More on Koans and Who Gets to Comment

More on Koans and Who Gets to Comment


My last post seemed to rile some folks up, as did the Old Monkey Mind in a related effort to be clear and gentle, it seems to me. James Ford is a much nicer person ... Continue Reading »

Dear Friends on the Zen Path, New Year’s Greetings, 2012

Dear Friends on the Zen Path, New Year’s Greetings, 2012


Dear Friends on the Zen Path, New Year’s Greetings, 2012 As we enter the 2012th year of the western calendar, which is also the Year of the Dragon in the East Asian cycle, we ... Continue Reading »

Still manifesting dharma: Darlene Surei Kenpo Cohen (October 31, 1942 to January 12, 2011)

Still manifesting dharma: Darlene Surei Kenpo Cohen (October 31, 1942 to January 12, 2011)


By Adam Tebbe It's hard to believe that a year has passed since we'd reported on the death of Darlene Surei Kenpo Cohen, the Zen teacher and author who helped many who suffered from ... Continue Reading »

Honor Among Thieves: A Briefest of Meditations on Engaging Koans, and With Whom

Honor Among Thieves: A Briefest of Meditations on Engaging Koans, and With Whom


In his most recent post at his Wild Fox blog, Zen teacher Dosho Port (truth in advertising, an old and dear friend) brings up the subject of teaching koans. And, with that, of ... Continue Reading »