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Failed Movie Sequels Without Their Stars

Some franchises just keep going even when their main actors have long since lost interest. We look at some sequels that should have taken the hint.

We fall in love with movies for many reasons, but one of the biggest is the actors involved. Sometimes, all it takes is a perfectly-realized character to make a classic. When studios attempt to make that lightning strike twice, they've already got their work cut out for them. So it's nearly impossible to deliver something that will please fans of the original when a star refuses to return. Yet they forge ahead, God love them. We take a look at some of those attempts.

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Predator 2
Credit: Fox

Predator 2

When you want to make a sequel to Predator but Arnold Schwarzenegger refuses to return, you have to turn to the obvious next best thing: Danny Glover.

If we were to choose one man from the legendary Riggs-Murtaugh team to fight badass alien manhunters, we probably wouldn't have gone with the guy who was already too old to fight crime in the first film. In an effort to mediate the lack of muscle featured in Predator 2, producers rounded out the cast with Bill Paxton and Gary Busey, two guys who could never in a million years stand up to the likes of Carl Weathers and Jessie Ventura. Bill Paxton's great, but one look from Bill Duke would make him pee his pants.

The Predator series would continue down this wimpy path, hiring wirey nerd Adrian Brody for a third sequel. Logic dictates that the next one will probably star Michael Cera.

Credit: MGM


It's a bit unfair to call Hannibal a failure. The Silence of the Lambs sequel actually made more money than the original. But it was not nearly as embraced critically, and is now looked upon as a fun b-movie while its predecessor was an Oscar-sweeping classic. Clearly, it's a step down as far as classiness goes.

You can blame that on the film's bigger focus on Hannibal Lecter himself and all of the gloriously over the top violence that goes with it. But no one can deny that the loss of Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling took a chunk out of its credibility, even when you replace her with equally classy Julianne Moore. It's a pretty fun movie, but the actor switch robs it of weight and gravitas.

Terminator Salvation
Credit: Warner Bros.

Terminator Salvation

The Terminator franchise survived the loss of Michael Biehn. It survived the loss of Linda Hamilton. It survived the loss of Edward Furlong. But it did not survive the loss of Arnold. It's one of the few things in the universive that died because he wasn't there.

There are actually two actor switches in Terminator Salvation. The film swaps Nick Stahl for Christian Bale and Clare Danes for Bryce Dallas Howard. That's okay because we were already used to changing John Connor, and most of us didn't even realize Danes and Howard were playing the same character.

But a Terminator film needs a beef-bot, and the best this film could muster up was a confused Sam Worthington. It must have been obvious that something was lacking because they threw an ugly CG version of young Arnold into the finale. Too little, too late.

Road House 2
Credit: Sony

Road House 2

It's a long-standing Hollywood axiom that you do not replace Patrick Swayze. And if you do, you better at least replace him with his brother, Don. The producers of Road House 2 failed to heed both warnings.

The original Road House is one of the greatest stupid-but-fun movies of all time. To replace someone like Patrick Swayze with the likes of Jonathan Schaech has to be one of the worst ideas ever, whether Schaech is playing Swayze's son or not. This direct-to-video film was never going to be that great, but without Swayze there's little reason for it to exist at all.

The Matrix Revolutions
Credit: Warner Home Video

The Matrix Sequels

The Matrix trilogy has two big actor swaps. In both The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded, the Oracle was played by Gloria Foster. Unfortunately, she died before she could film her Matrix Revolutions scenes, so suddenly we have a different sweet old lady giving Neo convuluted, borderline worthless advice. There's not much you can do about that one. People die, and filmmakers just have to do their best.

But the big one is the weird replacement of Marcus Chong's operator, Tank, for Harold Perrineau's significantly less interesting operator, Link. Apparently, Marcus Chong had some crazy demands when it got to be sequel time, so the Wachowskis just wrote off his character rather than deal with him. For some of us, this was a largely unaddressed shock that further helped distinguish the good Matrix film from the bad.

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brandon save - Thu. Jan. 12, 2012 at 02:21:23 AM


Dude, Return to Oz is a classic! It has a large loyal cult following and isn't even really thought of as a "sequel" to the original 1939 film but rather a more faithful adaptation of the books in which the original Wizard of Oz film was supposed to be based on. Shame on your for putting it on this list. There are much more deserving bad sequels without the original actors that could have been put on this list. Good list other than that.

Robert Chukwumah - Tue. Jan. 10, 2012 at 06:51:28 PM

Good list, but...

I would argue Terminator DIDN'T survive without Linda Hamilton. The entire thing is Sara Connor's story. Not John's and not the Robot's. If you miss this, you miss the whole point. (as T3 and T4 proved) Also, I'd hardly call Tank and Oracle the 'stars' of The Matrix. Reaching for any excuse eh? Those sequels had much more to worry about who "the operator" is...

Jamie Helton - Tue. Jan. 10, 2012 at 04:06:48 PM


Since when were Gloria Foster and Marcus Chong the stars of "The Matrix"? It's doubtful that many people even remembered them when the sequels were made, let alone noticed that they had been replaced. As for "Terminator Salvation," it was an improvement to not have Arnold in it but a CGI cameo at the end. "T3" proved that we needed a different take on the story rather than a retread of the same story we had already seen twice, so "Salvation" was refreshing in that. Its story did not require an Arnold terminator. Including "Return to Oz" on this list is dumb because, as it was pointed out, it's a sequel done decades later. Though truthfully, it's an adaptation of another book in L. Frank Baum's series, which is really the only connection to the Judy Garland film. "The Neverending Story II" had to have different kids since they had grown too much by the time the sequel was made. Also, the movie was made by different people, which explained the general suckiness of it. And do we really need to validate low-rate direct-to-video sequels like "Road House 2" and "Hellraiser: Revelations"? I'm surprised you didn't mention Jason Patrick replacing Keanu Reeves in "Speed 2"; George Lazenby filling in for Sean Connery in the only James Bond bomb "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"; Roy Schieder failing to appear in "Jaws 3" and "Jaws the Revenge"; Maria Bello taking over for Rachel Weisz in "The Mummy: Tomb of the Emperor"; Max Von Sydow and Ellen Burstyn pre-empted by Richard Burton and Louise Lasser in "Exorcist II: The Heretic"; Craig T. Nelson and JoBeth Williams pushed aside by Tom Skerritt and Nancy Allen in "Poltergeist III"; Joe Don Baker turning into Bo Svenson in the sequels to the original "Walking Tall"; Burt Reynolds morphing into Jerry Reed in "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3"; or the TV movie sequels with other actors taking over for Steve Martin in "The Jerk, Too," Tom Hanks in "Splash, Too," and Robert DiNiro in "Another Midnight Run."
