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Hotter Than Warp Plasma: The Sexiest Women of Star Trek

For many of us, and there's no point in denying it, one of the highlights of Star Trek - all five series, eleven films, one cartoon and many bulging crates of comics and novels, is, as Spock shouted on the transporter deck in The Cage: The WOMEN!!!

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Luma the Eymorg from
Luma the Eymorg from

Luma the Eymorg

Whereas Luma's dumb-as-a-stone line "You are not Morg, you are not Eymorg. What are you?" isn't quite the howler that shoots out of the mouth of her leader, Kara (that would be the oft-sampled "Brain and brain! What is brain?!"), we'd rather lose our minds with Luma, if you know what I mean. Spock's Brain, a very bad, but certainly not the worst, episode of Trek features a race of hot women too stupid to advance their society, but smart enough to wear sheer, silver stockings. They can take Spock's brain, so long as they take other parts from us, too.

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See More: World of Tomorrow | Star Trek | 50 Hottest | Star Trek HQ | hotties | Carol Marcus | Dax | Janeway | Kira | sci-fi girls | Seven-of-Nine | Uhura
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Alex Ferreira Alex Ferreira - Fri. Nov. 12, 2010 at 07:06:05 AM


Pela lei da vida, rumo a vitoria contra a gravitação!!!!

Naia Zifu - Mon. Nov. 1, 2010 at 05:49:37 AM

My Trek Crush List

I always had a crush on Tasha Yar, myself, from the first time I saw her. I remember being really upset when she died. I probably shouldn't be surprised she didn't make a list written by a man, though; she's not the type who appeals to most of them. I also remember having a crush on Ro as a kid, even though she wasn't in a lot of eps. If I were going on superficial reasons alone, Uhura is probably the most physically beautiful woman in all Trek, and it doesn't even matter if we're talking original or new, as both are lovely women (I still find Nichelle Nichols attractive even as a senior citizen!). Kira is definitely my number one Trek crush, though. I think she's gorgeous-- love those giant brown eyes! I really admire her strength, and I see a lot of myself in her personality (all of it-- the bad attitude, the stubbornness, the vulnerability. . .). The only thing I ever didn't care for was her storyline with Bareil, but I guess they made up for that later with her adorable relationship with Odo! They were sweet.

John Hall - Sun. Oct. 31, 2010 at 09:55:06 PM

I love the comment about Kira

because it's so true. What great character development she had. Looking at her attitude in the pilot, she wanted the Federation outta there! DS9's writers truly knew what they were doing.

Jim Pook - Thu. Oct. 14, 2010 at 04:26:00 PM


Missing in action is Worf's girlfriend and mother of his son Alexander, K'lar. She was one of the hottest women on Star Trek or off. To have killed her off in her second episode was a true crime for which the writers should be put in a Klingon dungeon for the rest of their natural lives.

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Ted Were - Mon. Sep. 13, 2010 at 11:36:48 AM

Huge Miss... Olivia d'Abo as "Amanda Rogers", TNG

In the TNG episode "True Q", (1992, #6.6), She plays a young honor student in the medical field assigned to the Enterprise in an internship manner, and begins to demonstrate powers of the Q, prompting you-know-who to show up. Gorgeous, sexy blonde woman!! Several others I can't recall at the moment.

Koli Mitra - Thu. Sep. 9, 2010 at 02:36:34 PM

Bald is Beautiful!

Hey -- not trying to stalk you or anything :-) I was watching Enterprise episodes with a guy friend (I hadn't seen most them until recently). Anyway, one thing led to another and we started looking at Trek related threads on the internet. I showed him your list and he immediately noted a glaring omission: Ilia from Star Trek, The Motion Picture. I have to agree with him. She was hotter with no hair than most people are after three hours at the salon! Incidentally, I kind of wonder why they shaved off her hair for real instead of using a prosthetic scalp. TMP apparently had a huge makeup budget, which we have to thank for almost 3 decades of confusion -- and a couple of very stupid ENT plotlines -- about Klingon foreheads!

Alex Molchan - Tue. Jul. 20, 2010 at 10:38:03 PM


we get the fact that you (the Author) does not like the fifth spin off but it is what got many of the newer, and kept the older fans hyped up (I'm the latter). truth be told episode for episode, I liked enterprise better than TOS (verses movies is another story). still enough with the Enterprise bashing.

Christopher Daniels - Mon. Jul. 19, 2010 at 09:56:26 AM

Good List. Here's The Rest

Lenore Karidian - Barbara Anderson's Shakespearean siren charmed men to death. That fur minidress with glitter stockings changed the temperature on the bridge, when she stepped off that elevator (...and Yeoman Rand was not happy). Also, Yeoman Rand may not be your cup of tea, but she's got everthing -- personality, looks, a not-so-secret crush on the Captain, compassion for Charlie X, and a good job. And she's no dummy. If the power's out in the galley, she can zap a mean, hand-phasered coffee. Then there's Nona -- Nancy Kovak's makko root, healing woman with pants so low and tight, they must've beamed her into them. She had the men and that big, white razorback gorilla thingy about to start a Private Little War. And as long as we're dabbling in the alternate universes, i present to you Barbara Luna's showstopper as The Captain's Woman. No qualifier needed. You just missed her, Mister. And as long as we're in the badlands, that's Emperess Sato to you!!!! When Sato was bad, she was even better. It's always the quiet ones. She took over the galaxy and you didn't even notice, but bad Travis did. And then there's Mudd's Women -- women so hot, they named an episode after them. You should've done a top 100.

Todd Taylor - Tue. Dec. 7, 2010 at 11:48:07 PM

Enoyed the list

Great pick w Uhura as No. 1! Was there ever a doubt? But agree w CDaniels--the omission of Nona--the makko-root healer is baffling. Gorgeous w a fiery temperament!

Peter Sharma III - Wed. Jun. 30, 2010 at 07:59:47 AM

Crusher Crush!

If you wanna see just how amazingly hot Gates McFadden really is, get the third season of HBO's Dream On and see her in her unadorned, pneumatic, bouncing glory in a nude sex scene riding Brian Benben like a thoroughbred riding her jockey! WOW

Kyle Selby - Wed. Jun. 30, 2010 at 06:20:23 AM


i like it

Koli Mitra - Mon. Jun. 14, 2010 at 06:54:06 PM

My God, Jim! He's Dead.

What, no love for Kamala? You made a list of FIFTY women, that includes TWO versions each of Troi and T'Pol; it includes a Vorta, and FIVE CARTOON CHICKS, including a FURRY CARTOON CHICK, and no place for the lovely empathic metamorph???? I'm not a guy or a lesbian but even I can see how wrong that is. You're probably in the minority about Kira's looks. Remember, she's the one the DS9 creators put in the catsuit. Men like to compartmentalize and I think Jadzia was cast as the beautiful, brainy, and totally chill one; Kira was the hotblooded sexy action hero in a fiery second skin. My personal opinion: Jadzia, much sexier -- at least the type of sexy I like to identify with:) It's refreshing to see Janeway on the list. Trekkies are so used to imagining themselves withTroi, Uhura, Dax, or Seven, they forget that in real life, they have dated, loved, and pined for women who are probably Janeway league, if they're LUCKY. She's smart, she's badass, she's in great shape, she has perfectly regular features and clear skin... you could do a lot worse. Plus, she will out-Ferengi the Ferengi, nurture Seven's journey of self-discovery, (politely turn down Q (ok, maybe not politely), outmaneuver the Borg, elude Species 8472, kick Vidiian ass (yours too, if you need), and lead you back home from the Delta quadrant, while hand-rolling her luxuriously abundant brown hair into a sensible bun en route. BTW: I'd pick Iman's character from Undiscovered Country over Caithlin Dar. I'd pick the Borg queen over Droxine and Vash over any one of Harry's Harem girls. If this were a list of great female characters, I'd include Guinan, but I know this is a "hotness" thing, so that's kind of beside the point :) ps: Aadip: Ensign Lefler is at #45 pps: I have way too much time to kill... WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO POST A FLIGHT ARRIVAL STATUS? pps: What I really need is a "hot men of star trek" list!

Koli Mitra - Mon. Jun. 14, 2010 at 07:09:08 PM

Speaking of a "hotlist" of Trek men...

Picard -- sexy; despite his leatheriness and baldness. He may be old, but keeps in shape, this guy! He's also wise and smart and interested in my thoughts! Worf -- very sexy, despite his... Klingonness. His warrior nature is tempered by a noble soul and his forehead... Well, I figure I can just close my eyes and pretend he's Michael Dorn! Spock. To NOT do him would be illogical. Grok. Data. Yes, Data... I feel a little depraved saying this about an android, I mean, I did judge you a little for Andrea, but something about him fills you with longing: his heroic struggle to be human, his integrity, his loyalty, his SMARTS. If the brain is the biggest sex organ, Data is the best hung male in the Federation and perhaps the galaxy. Geordi. He's not so much "hot" as lovable. I love nerds. He is earnest. He's excitable. He is disarmingly inept with women. He is SMART... ok, you see the pattern. Also, in an "alternate universe" he was the host of an AWESOME late 20th century kids' show called "Reading Rainbow." There are others... perhaps Sisko (like him generally, but there's something about the way he chews his words when he talks)... Perhaps Odo... but as much as I love him, I don't think I could ever love in "in that way." Definitely NOT Kirk. Never Kirk. I cannot believe he got a girl in every star system... what was everybody smoking?? I guess it was the 2260s... Also, probably not Riker. Like you, I'd love to have a beer with him, but strictly platonic. A peck on the cheek is as far as he's getting at the end of the evening.

Aaron Jones - Tue. Aug. 31, 2010 at 11:50:48 AM


My man Geordi, while no Romeo, DID in fact finally land the woman of his dreams. Leah Brahms, an icily brilliant engineer who he had that whole misunderstanding with the holodeck simulation during "Samaritan Snare" AND who just happened to have DESIGNED the Enterprise D's engines.

Koli Mitra - Mon. Jun. 14, 2010 at 07:13:30 PM



Jordan Hoffman - Tue. Jun. 15, 2010 at 06:47:36 AM

Kamala & Vash

You are not the first to mention Kamala to me. Her exclusion (and Vash's) are almost indefensible. The next time this list is updated - they will both be included.

Aadip Desai - Fri. Jun. 11, 2010 at 11:59:50 PM

Missing Ashley Judd

Don't forget Ensign Robin Lefler aka Ashley Judd on TNG.

Lee Ross - Fri. Jun. 11, 2010 at 03:08:29 PM


With few exceptions, you have the most terrible taste in women of anyone ever.

Jon Storch - Wed. May. 19, 2010 at 11:10:46 PM

Dude, you way missed on a couple..

You missed two if the HOTTEST women of Star Trek. EVER. 1. Worf's first wife er... mate, Kâ€TMEhleyr. 1/2 Klingon, 1/2 human, 100% sexy. Sassy and confident, likes to draw blood during sex. Could only mate with Klingons because human men are way too fragile. 2. Minuet. A hologram so hot Riker fell in love with her and that guy got laid twice an episode. A futurist Stepford wife with custom made magical vag. How could she not be sexy? Couple of other notes. Kekio was NEVER sexy. Ever. Beverly is way sexier then Kes. Seriously, your list says SEXY. Kes always wore that stupid burlap bag. Great topic! :-)

Philip Coultas - Mon. Mar. 15, 2010 at 08:49:21 PM


I'm just so very glad that Jadzia Dax was so high up the list. While I don't have the hate-on for Seven-of-Nine the way I used to (she had more personality than most of the characters on Voyager other than the Doctor maybe) I feel that she and T'Pol (collagen lips, anyone?) were a bit too T&A in a cheap way to get the Jr High crowd in on it. Jadzia was great in all ways possible.

Jordan Hoffman - Sat. Feb. 6, 2010 at 02:03:49 AM


Yeah, she is a little gross. But still somehow appealing.

Lillian Behrendt - Fri. Feb. 5, 2010 at 03:31:38 PM

wow what is wrong with you

droxine is disgusting

MaLinda Hill - Sun. Mar. 7, 2010 at 01:44:18 PM

Hot Star Trek Women

It is very refreshing to see a list of beautiful Trek women in which Jerry Ryan or Jolene Blalok are not the front runners. It is not that these two women do not deserve these accolades, but praising them is often done at the expense of their colleagues. For years both male and female fans have found Nichelle Nicoles's Uhura beautiful, but they were afraid to admit because of her race. Bravo that you admitted this! It is unfortunate that at one time she received just as much fan mail as William Shatner, but it was kept quiet so as not to embarrass her male colleague. Marina Sirtis has been berated because her position as ship's counselor was constantly undervalued. A promotion to commander was seen as undeserved. Yet the characters of T'Pol and Seven of Nine are held in higher esteem, because their positions in science are valued more unlike Uhura and Troi. Never mind, that these two characters are pandering to the least denominator, making their T & A spiel no better than any other female or male. So hats off to you Jordan for formulating a new best of list, which simply doesn't praise the obvious!

Troy Westblade - Mon. May. 10, 2010 at 10:58:03 PM

Agree to disagree

Have to strongly disagree with you, as Deanna Troi, Kira Nerys and Kathryn Janeway are easily on my top 10 most annoying trek characters list (right after "The Boy!"). I'd definitely rank Jadzia as #1 followed by Leeta, but then I've always been a Niner above all else. :)

Troy Adam - Fri. Jun. 18, 2010 at 07:32:34 PM

Pretty good list

I'd move Leeda much higher and I'd have mirror universe Kira in the top 10. Also, I always loved Dr. Selar. The idea of melting a stoic Vulcan chick like her is irresistible. Koli is right about Vash. She was just as hot, MILFey and dangerous as Cassidy Yates but even more so. Great catch with Tasha Yar's sister. I always thought she was a super-hot version of Linda Hamilton. Finally, because I'm in love with her anyway, I'd include Sarah Silverman's astronomer character from Voyager. She knows how to rock a t-shirt without a bra.. to awesome effect!
